Job Creation and Local Economic Development

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This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It  also includes  a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).

This publication is the first in a series to take this integrative approach, and it is designed to be user friendly and accessible to all government officials, academics, practitioners and civil society with an interest in local economic development and job creation.

English Also available in: French


shows where conditions are ripe for quality job creation due to high skills supply and high skills demand. In 2011, 15 sub-regions were in “high skills equilibrium” where a high supply of skills (percentage of people with post-secondary education) is matched by a high skills demand (percentage of medium and high skills occupations and GVA per worker). Among these sub-regions, the highest level of skills supply and demand could be observed in the sub-regions of Bucharest, Timis, Cluj and Brasov. Sixteen sub-regions were in “low skills equilibrium” (where a low skills supply is matched by a low demand) and 11 were in skills mismatches.



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