Italy: Review of Issues and Policies

image of Italy: Review of Issues and Policies

This report sets out the main analysis and recommendations of the tourism policy review of Italy. It  assesses the current state of tourism performance in Italy, its framework conditions and business environment, the existing set of tourism policies and programmes, especially in the area of statistics, promotion and education and training.  The report presents a series of policy recommendations intended to support policy and programme development in Italy in order to develop and strengthen further the tourism sector and to provide inspiration to policy makers in other countries faced with similar challenges.  The report includes international learning models from  the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain and Switzerland.

English Also available in: Italian

Profile and performance of tourism in Italy

Tourism is one of Italy's most significant economic sectors, a major driver of exports for the Italian economy, an important contributor of jobs, and has long-term development potential. However, in the last decade the dynamics and the economic results of tourism in Italy have been less favourable than in the 1990s. Some of the key features identifying Italian tourism include the increase in the number of short trips, the rapid development of tourism in art cities, the strong growth of accommodation facilities other than hotels, and the very high proportion of micro-businesses. While Italy has a highly developed transport infrastructure, placing the country among the most developed, it is lagging behind in terms of recent transport infrastructure and inter-modality. While domestic tourism represents the major share of Italian tourism, the Italian tourism economy is highly internationalised, and inbound tourism to Italy has performed well over the last 20 years, in line with OECD average. However, productivity in tourism is decreasing, and will be an important issue to be addressed in the near future.

English Also available in: Italian

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