Debris Impact on Emergency Coolant Recirculation

Workshop Proceedings, Albuquerque NM, USA, 25-27 February 2004

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This conference proceedings examines the most recent research and developments related to the impact of debris on emergency coolant recirculation.  Held in Albuquerque, New Mexico in February 2004, this proceedings had sessions on safety assessment and regulatory requirements, experimental work, analytical work, and industry solutions.  The proceedings present the papers presented as well as a summary of discussions that took place.




Simple Evaluation Model for Long Term Debris Transport Velocity in the Torus of a Mark I Containment

Nuclear Energy Agency

After the Barsebäck 2 strainer clogging incident from 28 July 1992, a first review of the design features of a Mark I containment and the thermal insulation typically employed revealed a potential for the transportation of larger amounts of insulation into the wetwell (torus) of the containment during a LOCA. Although Switzerland took a quick decision to increase the strainers of all BWRs till the end of 1993 (as it was performed by the Swiss Utilities) for the meantime it was necessary to develop tools for assessing the effectivity of accident management actions proposed by the utilities for the existing (old strainer) design. Among others tools a simple evaluation model for assessing the transport ...


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