Nuclear Production of Hydrogen

Second Information Exchange Meeting -- Argonne, Illinois, USA 2-3 October 2003

image of Nuclear Production of Hydrogen

Hydrogen has the potential to play an important role as a sustainable and environmentally acceptable source of energy in the 21st century. Present methods for producing hydrogen are mainly based on the reforming of fossil fuels with subsequent release of greenhouse gases. To avoid producing greenhouse gases, the possibility to use heat and surplus electricity from nuclear power plants to produce hydrogen by water cracking is being investigated. This report presents the state of the art in the nuclear production of hydrogen and describes the scientific and technical challenges associated with it.


Integrated Heat Balance of STAR-H2 System for Hydrogen Production

Nuclear Energy Agency

The secure transportable autonomous reactor (STAR) hydrogen project is part of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) to develop Generation IV nuclear reactors that will supply high-temperature heat at over 800°C. The goal of NERI is to develop an economical, proliferation-resistant, sustainable, nuclear-based energy supply system based on a modular-sized fast reactor that is passively safe and cooled with heavy liquid metal. STAR-H2 consists of...


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