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Debt levels have surged since the mid-1990s and have reached historic highs across the OECD. High debt levels can create vulnerabilities, which amplify and transmit macroeconomic and asset price shocks. Furthermore, high debt levels hinder the ability of households and enterprises to smooth consumption and investment and of governments to cushion adverse shocks. The empirical evidence suggests that when private sector debt levels, particularly for households, rise above trend the likelihood of recession increases. Measures of financial leverage give less warning and typically only deteriorate once the economy begins to slow and asset prices are falling. Government debt typically rises after the onset of a recession, suggesting that there is a migration of debt across balance sheets. Some policies, such as robust micro prudential regulation and frameworks to deal with debt overhangs and maintain public debt at prudent levels, can help economies withstand adverse shocks. Other policy options, such as addressing biases in tax codes that favour debt financing and targeted macro-prudential policies, will help bring down debt levels and address future run ups in debt.

Investment in most heavily indebted countries has been weak since 1982. The widely accepted debt overhang proposition interprets the investment drop as a moral hazard problem: a heavy debt burden raises the incentive to consume, because the marginal benefit of investment would go to the creditor. This paper develops several hypotheses on optimal reactions of a credit-constrained debtor country on an increase in debt, on variations in the credit constraint, on changes in interest rates, and contrasts these with the predictions stemming from the debt overhang proposition.

Empirical specifications of conventional investment functions and consumption functions (along the Permanent Income Hypothesis) lead to reject the debt overhang proposition, but find that the switch from positive to negative external transfers to the debtor countries is an important explanation for their investment drop. The major policy conclusion is that the 1989 shift in international debt management (the Brady ...

Discussions at the 11th OECD-WBG-IMF Global Bond Market Forum focused on four key areas: i) the impact of crisis-related measures and the potential implications of exit; ii) the measurement of sovereign risk; iii) the determinants of investor demand; and iv) debt managers’ response to the crisis. Overall, participants felt that the steps taken to stabilise financial conditions had generally been effective and that conditions in financial markets were normalising. However, discussions highlighted a number of ongoing risks including: i) while credible consolidation plans were needed, fiscal and monetary policy would be tightened too soon; ii) managing investor uncertainty would prove critical in managing risk in the near-term; and (iii) regulatory changes might lead to a deterioration in conditions in primary and secondary markets and otherwise aggravate the challenges facing debt managers. JEL Classification: G15, G18, G20, G24, G32, G38, H62, H68 Keywords: Outlook on public deficits and government debt, crisis and debt management policies, government debt market, measurement of sovereign risk, investor demand, exit strategy

The paper begins with a brief description of the relationship between Yugoslavia and its creditors throughout the 1980s, providing a background for the introduction of debt conversions in Yugoslav practice. The main features of the legal environment for debt conversions, especially of the debt conversion programme initiated in March 1989, are then reviewed. The paper then focuses on the main patterns of debt conversions executed in Yugoslavia with respect to their volume, structure of transactions, sources of funds and debt reduction effects. It appears in particular that the Yugoslav debt conversion programme presents many original features when compared with similar programmes implemented in several developing countries. Finally, the paper provides a review of the micro and macroeconomic implications of debt conversions, including the cost and benefits of these transactions, and concludes that this programme has been quite successful for Yugoslavia ...

This article looks at the stages of crisis management and some of the different degrees of transparency on losses and risks in the US and Europe. It also compares alternative approaches to dealing with impaired assets used in the USA and Europe. Exposure to off-balance losses remains a key issue. Europe, surprisingly, has been and remains the major issuer of collateralised synthetic obligations that have been so prominent in the crisis. The capital needs of banks over the next few years is examined, and great uncertainties remain due to the unknown extent to which off-balance sheet vehicles will need to be consolidated. Finally, the requirements of longer-run reform are outlined.

Digital security risk is increasing as malicious actors take advantage of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Coronavirus-related scams and phishing campaigns are on the rise. There are also cases of ransomware and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks targeting hospitals. Individuals and businesses should exercise caution when they receive coronavirus-related communications, and use appropriate digital security “hygiene” measures (e.g. patching, use of strong and different passwords, regular backups, etc.). It is essential that governments raise awareness, monitor the threat landscape and publish easily accessible guidelines for digital security hygiene, in particular to vulnerable groups such as the elderly and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Governments should also co-operate with all relevant stakeholders, including to provide assistance to operators of critical activities such as hospitals, as appropriate.

French, Portuguese

This work delves into the liquidations mechanism inherent in Decentralised Finance (DeFi) lending protocols and the connection between liquidations and price volatility in decentralised exchanges (DEXs). The analysis employs transactional data of three of the largest DeFi lending protocols and provides evidence of a positive relation between liquidations and post-liquidations price volatility across the main DEX pools. Without directly observing the behaviour of liquidators, these findings indirectly indicate that liquidators require market liquidity to carry out large liquidations and affect market conditions while doing so.

This policy paper catalogues tools and techniques used by public actors such as national development banks and green investment banks to mitigate project-level risks and attract private investment in infrastructure. The paper updates the dataset underlying the 2018 "Progress Update on Approaches to Mobilising Institutional Investment for Sustainable Infrastructure", to provide an expanded typology of de-risking instruments and highlight several novel approaches for mobilising institutional investment. The analysis provides development banks and other public financial institutions a nuanced view of options for targeted mobilisation efforts.

Social protection systems play a key stabilising role for individuals and societies, especially in the recent context of heightened uncertainties. This paper proposes a new empirical approach for quantifying the accessibility and value of income transfers following an earnings loss. The approach allows to estimate and monitor gaps in the accessibility and value of social transfers between so-called “standard” and “non-standard” workers. It first presents a methodology for assessing support levels for jobless individuals in specific circumstances that allows for comparisons across countries and over time. It then illustrates the approach using longitudinal survey data in 16 OECD countries.

The aim of this study is to examine the validity of the day-of-the-week effect on both mean and volatility for changes in Consumer Confidence Index in Turkey. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous study on this topic for an emerging market. Employing the E-GARCH method, we are able to validate day-of-the-week effect both in mean and volatility of the daily changes in the Consumer Confidence Index. In our findings, the mean equation exhibits only a Friday effect and the lowest volatility is also observed for Friday. Additionally, we use nonparametric stochastic dominance (SD) approach by employing several SD tests and verify the existence of Friday effects.

A business cycle is recognized as a growth cycle in a continuously growing economy such as Korea. This paper suggests reasonable dating rules for the reference date of a business cycle using various measures of a growth cycle. These measures are a cyclical component of the coincident composite index (CI), a coincident cumulative diffusion index, and a historical diffusion index with coincident component indicators. Dating rules include identifying turning points based on these measures of the growth cycle, and various approaches which confirm and review whether these turning points are appropriate for reference dates. And the dating rules are backed up by an administrative process to determine and disseminate these turning points as the reference dates of growth cycles in Korea. The process provides a strategy that gives authority to the released reference dates and minimises errorsin the dating. However, these dating rules have strict procedures to determine the reference date because the measures of a growth cycle are revised annually and their turning points could be affected by their revisions. Usually, a new reference date requires approximately three years before it is released officially. Due to the delayed dating strategy, the present and future business conditions need to be reviewed by detecting and forecasting models of the coming turning points with leading indexes and coincident indexes.

This paper establishes a reference chronology for the Greek business cycle from early 1970 to late 2012, against the backdrop of the late 2000s global recession and the most recent domestic economic developments, which once again stress the significance of dating business cycle turning points. The derivation of the exact dates of switches between expansions and recessions allows the identification of the point in time at which the Greek economy entered the recent recessionary business cycle regime in the late 2000s and the verification of the assertion that, up to the end of 2012, it had not yet exited the recession. We rely on both non-parametric and parametric procedures in order to check the coherence among the obtained turning points and evaluate the establishment of a reference chronology. We use quarterly GDP data and selected monthly indicators covering important sectors and activities in the Greek economy. On the basis of the obtained exact turning point dates and the indications provided by several business cycle and phases characteristics, we are able to propose a reference chronology for Greece and outline stylised facts of the Greek business cycle for a time period of over 40 years. Our findings clearly suggest that the Greek economy entered a recessionary business cycle regime in 2008 which was continued throughout 2012.

This paper aims at the production of a chronology for the EU15 business cycle by comparing parametric and non-parametric procedures on monthly and quarterly data as well in a combined approach. The main innovation is the joint use of the monthly series for the EU15 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the EU15 Industrial Production Index (IPI) from 1970 to 2003. The monthly IPI and the quarterly GDP at the EU15 level have been reconstructed starting from the available national series. The monthly GDP has then been computed using temporal disaggregation techniques. The obtained chronology is directly comparable to ones produced by several authors for the euro area.

This report examines ways to improve compliance with road freight transport regulations through the use of new data sources and technical solutions. It also reviews possibilities for new approaches to the broader governance of road freight as the availability of Big Data in transport facilitates more data-driven policy making with more targeted and flexible regulatory frameworks as well as more efficient enforcement mechanisms.

The work for this report was carried out in the context of a project initiated and funded by the International Transport Forum's Corporate Partnership Board (CPB). CPB projects are designed to enrich policy discussion with a business perspective. Led by the ITF, work is carried out in a collaborative fashion in working groups consisting of CPB member companies, external experts and ITF staff.

This report examines the potential of data-driven approaches to improving transport infrastructure maintenance. It assesses trends in maintenance strategies, explores how the targeted use of data could make them more effective for different types of transport infrastructure, and looks into implications for policy.

Building on our 2015 study Big Data and Transport: Understanding and Assessing Options, this report presents the findings of an extensive exploration of these two broad themes at a workshop on "21st Century Public Interest Data Sharing" in Paris in November 2015, which involved a wide range of experts and stakeholders brought together under the auspices of the International Transport Forum’s Corporate Partnership Board.

Firms are at the forefront of digital transformation and drive production, innovation and the greater deployment of digital technologies into economies and societies. As digital transformation progresses, how firms use data, and how that use affects markets and influences competitive dynamics, has risen to the top of policy agendas. This report highlights that too few firms use data, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, despite data’s potential to boost productivity, foster innovation and new business models. This report analyses how this uneven use of data affects productivity dispersion, industry concentration and shape competitive dynamics in markets. Finally, the report outlines key policy lessons to increase the ability of the full business population to thrive in the data-driven age and enhance long-term prosperity and welfare.

Open banking allows users to access financial information and services through consent-based data portability. This paper brings together the views of private and public experts from a wide variety of countries to explore opportunities and challenges of open banking for financial regulation, privacy protection, and competition. It discusses the different approaches taken by jurisdictions across the globe, and the importance of regulation and standards. While open banking empowers users in sharing and re-using their data across digital services, online platforms, sectors and borders, uncertainty in the interactions with data protection and privacy regimes remains challenging. This paper informs OECD work to consider how cross-sectoral cooperation between financial, competition and data protection authorities could help further open banking.

This report highlights a complex situation in which some forms of data localisation are seen as useful and largely uncontroversial, while others as a significant barrier to the digital economy. Contributing to the review of the implementation of the OECD Privacy Guidelines, the report emphasises the need to recognise the effect that data localisation can have on transborder data flows, but suggests that the conditions that data privacy laws traditionally impose do not necessarily amount to data localisation measures. Focusing on data localisation in the context of data privacy and the governance of globalised data flows, the report proposes a definition for data localisation, outlines a roadmap to ensure that data localisation does not impede transborder data flows, and makes recommendations to support such work. In particular, it emphasises the relevance of the accountability principle and the proportionality test articulated in the OECD Privacy Guidelines in evaluating data localisation measures.

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