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This report provides an overview of funding and financing instruments available to support infrastructure investment in cities and regions. Subnational governments have a critical role to deliver, operate and maintain infrastructure, and to invest to help drive the recovery from COVID-19. In recent years, many subnational governments have introduced innovations in the types of instruments used to access funding and financing. Highlighting examples from G20, OECD and non-OECD countries, this report presents a framework to differentiate funding and financing instruments, including by type of instrument, and their use, and outlines essential framework conditions that are needed to support subnational governments, The report was submitted to the G20 Infrastructure Working Group under the Italian Presidency and key findings were presented at the G20 High-level Conference on Local Infrastructure in Genoa, Italy on 27 September 2021.

This publication includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument. Data are based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) for all countries.

A key part of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project is addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In October 2021, over 135 jurisdictions joined a ground-breaking plan to update key elements of the international tax system which is no longer fit for purpose in a globalised and digitalised economy. The Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules (GloBE) are a key component of this plan and ensure large multinational enterprise pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in each of the jurisdictions where they operate. More specifically, the GloBE Rules provide for a co-ordinated system of taxation that imposes a top-up tax on profits arising in a jurisdiction whenever the effective tax rate, determined on a jurisdictional basis, is below the minimum rate. This report delineates the scope and sets out the operative provisions and definitions of the GloBE Rules. These rules are intended to be implemented as part of a common approach and to be brought into domestic legislation as from 2022.

German, French
  • 20 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 32

Global Insurance Market Trends provides comparable, cross-country data on insurance markets. It is a comprehensive source of statistical information for government authorities (regulators, finance ministries, and central banks), the insurance sector, the research community, and consumers. The report is based on the inputs from national insurance authorities and supports monitoring and analysis of the insurance sector. 

  • 20 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

Fiscal Federalism 2022 surveys recent trends and policies in intergovernmental fiscal relations and subnational government. Accessible and easy-to-read chapters provide insight into: good practices in fiscal federalism; the design of fiscal equalisation systems; measuring subnational tax and spending autonomy; promoting public sector performance across levels of government; digitalisation challenges and opportunities; the role of subnational accounting and insolvency frameworks; funding and financing of local government public investment; and early lessons from the COVID-19 crisis for intergovernmental fiscal relations.

  • 20 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 134

Austria is set to overcome the COVID-19 shock and its economic scars with the help of genuine sanitary, health and economic support policies. The country faces the opportunities and the challenges of two major structural transformations: transition to a net zero emission economy, and the generalisation of more advanced forms of digitalisation. New entries and exits in the business sector, more capital and labour re-allocations, and greater geographic mobility of labour invite new policy measures to boost social cohesion by improving the adaptation of skills to jobs, improving the social protection of free-lance workers, and accelerating the social, economic and educational integration of groups of migrant origin. A better activation of Austria’s talent pool, in particular female, elderly and migrant workers is needed to address the ageing of the society. As the public sector is already large, the level of public debt is elevated and population ageing weighs on public finances, high-quality public sector spending reviews and a strengthened medium-term public expenditure framework would help with the prioritisation and effective allocation of public resources.

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 386

This publication includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation. Country tables are expressed in national currency. Data are based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) for all countries.

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 112

Limited transport options in rural and remote areas hinder access to basic services, jobs and social activities. This report presents international best practices and recommendations for transport provision in communities where conventional public transport is difficult to sustain. It examines how sustainable accessibility for people without access to a car could be provided in cost-effective ways in rural areas.

Este estudio tiene dos objetivos. El primero es proporcionar datos abiertos y análisis, confiables y comparables sobre el alcance, la escala y la diversidad del financiamiento filantrópico doméstico en Colombia. Se estima que Colombia recibe cerca de USD 34,5 millones anuales de fundaciones internacionales, aunque cifras comparables con la financiación al interior del país no estaban disponibles. El segundo objetivo es estimar cómo la filantropía en Colombia contribuye a la igualdad de género, dado que sólo una pequeña proporción (menos del 1%) del financiamiento filantrópico mundial hacia los países en desarrollo se dirige a las necesidades de las mujeres, como la prevención de la violencia de género o el apoyo a las organizaciones de derechos de las mujeres (OCDE, 2018[3]). Colombia ha realizado importantes avances hacia la igualdad de género en los últimos años, aunque todavía persisten desafíos para las mujeres como la carga de proporcionar cuidados no remunerados, la violencia de género y el acceso a la justicia, desafíos que además son mayores para las mujeres que habitan en zonas rurales.

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

This report examines FinTech applications and use cases in the Asian region and provides an overview of the most recent and prominent digital innovations in finance. It reviews policy tools used by jurisdictions in the region, and suggests policy responses intended to support financial innovation while ensuring that the use of such mechanisms is consistent with promoting financial stability, market integrity and competition, while protecting financial consumers.

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Israeli system of local government finance, with a focus on the role of the Israeli property tax, known as the Arnona. Local governments are financed through a combination of revenue, primarily from central government grants and from the Arnona, which is levied on residential and non-residential land and buildings but is based on their physical size rather than their value. The first chapter provides a description of the Israeli system of local government finance and compares it to local government finance in OECD countries. Using standard criteria for the evaluation of taxes, the second chapter assess the strengths and shortcoming of the Arnona and the intergovernmental grant system. Attention is paid to fiscal disparities among municipalities and to the ability of the current system to provide all Israelis with adequate and equitable access to economic and social services and infrastructure. The final chapter presents a set of 13 policy recommendations divided between proposals for improving the existing Arnona system and a longer-run blueprint for a more substantial reform of the system of local government finance in Israel based on the establishment of a value-based system of local property taxation.

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 190

Le calamità legate a rischi naturali (NHID), come inondazioni, siccità, violente tempeste, parassiti e malattie animali, hanno un impatto significativo, diffuso e di lunga durata sui settori agricoli di tutto il mondo. Poiché il cambiamento climatico è destinato ad amplificare molti di questi impatti, un approccio "business-as-usual" alla gestione del rischio di calamitá naturali in agricoltura non può continuare se si vogliono affrontare le sfide della produttività agricola, della crescita sostenibile, e dello sviluppo sostenibile. Attingendo da sette studi di caso - Cile, Italia, Giappone, Namibia, Nuova Zelanda, Turchia e Stati Uniti - questo rapporto congiunto OCSE-FAO propone un nuovo approccio per rafforzare la resilienza alle calamità legate a rischi naturali in agricoltura. Esplora le misure politiche, gli accordi di governance, le strategie aziendali e altre iniziative che i paesi stanno usando per rafforzare la resilienza agricola alle calamità legate a rischi naturali, evidenziando le buone pratiche emergenti. Offre raccomandazioni concrete su ciò che è necessario fare per passare da un approccio mirato ad assorbire gli impatti dei disastri, ad un approccio ex ante che si concentri sulla prevenzione e sulla mitigazione degli impatti dei disastri, aiutando il settore a essere meglio preparato a rispondere ad essi e ad adattarsi e trasformarsi per affrontare le calamità future.


Workers’ skills are an essential asset for firms to recover from the COVID-19 shock and succeed in the twin digital and green transitions. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) face special barriers to investing in human capital because of their size and more limited access to information and capital markets. This report identifies policies that are successful in promoting SMEs’ investment in the skills of employees, managers or entrepreneurs. A review of cost-reducing and financial support instruments is followed by an analysis of initiatives that promote innovative HR practices, a learning culture in the firm, and better co-operation among firms and with the education sector. The report describes the design and rationale of these measures as well as their advantages and limitations. It identifies a common set of features that make skill investment policies especially suitable for SMEs.

The Climate Action Monitor, part of the International Programme for Action of Climate (IPAC), provides a diagnostic policy framework for assessing country progress towards climate objectives. Its goal is to provide a digest of progress towards, and alignment with, Paris Agreement goals to support countries in making better-informed decisions and allow stakeholders to measure improvements more accurately. Alongside the IPAC Dashboard, it complements and supports the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement monitoring frameworks by: 1) reviewing key trends and developments and highlighting areas for further analysis and policy action; 2) promoting greater harmonisation of key indicators; 3) showcasing examples of good climate mitigation and adaptation practices and results; and 4) strengthening transparency over climate policies.


Ensuring a level playing field between public and private market participants bring more choice, higher quality and lower prices for consumers leading to economic growth and development on the long run. This review analyses issues of competitive neutrality in the small-package delivery services sector in Singapore, offering policy recommendations where changes could be made to foster competition in the sector and contribute to e-commerce growth by levelling the playing field between public and private companies.

Ensuring a level playing field between public and private market participants bring more choice, higher quality and lower prices for consumers leading to economic growth and development on the long run. This review analyses issues of competitive neutrality in the small-package delivery services sector in Malaysia, offering policy recommendations where changes could be made to foster competition in the sector and contribute to e-commerce growth by levelling the playing field between public and private companies.

Wirtschaftsdelikte wie Steuerhinterziehung, Bestechung und Korruption werden oft durch komplexe rechtliche Strukturen und Finanztransaktionen verschleiert, die von Anwälten, Wirtschaftsprüfern, Finanzinstituten und anderen "professionellen Ermöglichern" solcher Straftaten erleichtert werden. Diese Straftaten haben erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Staatseinnahmen, das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit und das Wirtschaftswachstum, auch auf die Erholung von COVID-19. In diesem Bericht wird eine Reihe von Strategien und Maßnahmen vorgestellt, die die Länder ergreifen können, um gegen professionelle Vermittler vorzugehen, die im Auftrag ihrer kriminellen Kunden Steuerhinterziehung und andere Finanzverbrechen ermöglichen. Der Bericht unterstreicht die schädliche Rolle, die diese Vermittler spielen, und die Bedeutung konzertierter nationaler und internationaler Maßnahmen, um gegen die Ermöglicher von Straftaten vorzugehen, und enthält empfohlene Gegenstrategien zur Abschreckung, Unterbrechung, Untersuchung und Verfolgung der Fachleute, die Steuer- und Wirtschaftskriminalität ermöglichen.

Spanish, English, French, Italian
  • 16 Dec 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

The Danish economy has recovered quickly from the COVID-19 crisis. Rapid action to support firms and households contained the economic contraction to one of the mildest in Europe, while fast vaccine rollout enabled the removal of shutdown restrictions and an early reopening. Policy support should continue to be removed where activity has recovered, though the uncertain worldwide health and economic situation warrants ongoing flexibility. Monetary policy is set to remain strongly expansionary, increasing the importance of being ready to tighten macroprudential regulation if risks from rapid house price appreciation continue to build. The crisis was worse for the young, the foreign-born and those with low educational attainment and policy should support these groups. Further progress in reducing gender gaps is also a priority. Denmark has been a frontrunner in cutting its greenhouse gas emissions through a rapid shift to renewable energy and has set an ambitious legal commitment to reduce emissions by 70% by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Achieving these targets would contribute to global efforts to control climate change, but the transition will have large macroeconomic consequences and entail significant financial risk. This makes it crucial to adopt a cost-effective, inclusive and comprehensive strategy to cut emissions.



The OECD SOE Compendium serves as a one-stop-shop of country-by-country, easily accessible and up-to-date information on individual countries’ institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks for state ownership of enterprises. Its target audience includes government officials involved in the oversight of SOEs, as well as SOE boards and management, and the broader policy and business communities that interact with the SOE sector on a regular basis. By providing such a reference resource, the Compendium facilitates greater awareness and more effective implementation of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises.

To make the most of its longstanding tradition of manufacturing and innovation, Piedmont, Italy, is undertaking a process of industrial transition, the success of which may be linked to an updated approach to its regional innovation policy. This should include promoting technology and non-technology driven innovation, building the innovation competences of micro- and small enterprises in addition to medium and large ones, better connecting regional innovation actors, and ensuring that innovation contributes to the region’s broader development goals such as sustainable regional development. It also requires diversifying the role of Piedmont’s innovation clusters and reinforcing the multi-level governance system for innovation policy. This report features a comparative perspective of the trends, challenges and opportunities for innovation-led growth in Piedmont, and highlights how Piedmont could build a dynamic innovation ecosystem based on its smart specialisation strategy, a fresh perspective on innovation, and future-oriented innovation cluster organisations. The report provides actionable recommendations and offers insights into making the most of innovation policy as a lever for place-based regional development.

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