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On-going multi-stakeholder discussions have raised important questions on the perceived imbalance of how due diligence costs and benefits are distributed along the supply chain. This position paper was drafted in response to stakeholder calls that the OECD examine this topic with the objective of raising awareness, better informing discussions, identifying key research questions, and guiding stakeholders towards viable solutions.

This report provides a baseline understanding of RBC due diligence practices in Ukraine’s energy companies. It focuses on what is happening in practice among key energy companies engaged in hydrocarbons, electricity and utilities, among other sub-sectors, and further outlines key elements related to environmental protection and energy efficiency measures, industrial and community relations, and compliance. It also provides considerations that companies can take into account when improving due diligence practices in aligning with OECD RBC instruments and standards.


The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector helps enterprises implement the due diligence recommendations contained in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises along the garment and footwear supply chain in order to avoid and address the potential negative impacts of their activities and supply chains. It supports the aims of the OECD Guidelines to ensure that the operations of enterprises in the garment and footwear sector are in harmony with government policies to strengthen the basis of mutual confidence between enterprises and the societies in which they operate. This Guidance will also support enterprises to implement the due diligence recommendations contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Guidance is aligned with the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. Together with its modules on due diligence for specific risk areas, this Guidance provides enterprises with a complete package to operate and source responsibly in the garment and footwear sector.

English, Khmer, German, Spanish, Polish, All

This survey report is the eighth edition since the data collection exercise was first established in 2011. The scope of this report covers 100 public and private pension funds from 40 countries. Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Peru, the Russian Federation, and South Africa are amongst the non-OECD countries included in the survey report. This survey is based on a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire sent directly to large pension funds (LPFs) and public pension reserve funds (PPRFs). It helps to provide detailed investment information and insights which complement the aggregated data on portfolio investments gathered by the OECD at a national level through the Global Pension Statistics and Global Insurance Statistics projects.

At its 24th meeting in March 2019, the ACN Steering Group adopted the outline of the ACN Work Programme 2020-2024, that defines the ACN Performance Indicators as basis for the 5th Round of Monitoring under the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan. At its 25th meeting in May 2020, the Steering Group decided to test the ACN Performance Indicators in the Pilot to finalise them for the launch of the 5th Round of Monitoring in 2021. This document outlines the methodology and the procedures of the Pilot in line with the IAP peer review methodology. The methodology for the 5th round of monitoring will be developed separately, based on the lessons learnt and the results of the Pilot.

At its 24th meeting in March 2019 the ACN Steering Group endorsed the outline of the Work Programme for 2020-2024, which provides for the new approach for the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan monitoring based on performance indicators. The ACN Secretariat has prepared the AntiCorruption Performance Indicators in consultation with the Expert Group, ACN countries and partners. The document was endorsed for pilot monitoring at the 25th Steering Group meeting held virtually on 28th May, 2020. Further, the Steering Group approved the amendments to the document, including Performance Area 7 Public Procurement and changes in several indicators by written procedure on 30 November, 2020.

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