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Title Index

Year Index

  • 09 Nov 2007
  • Brian Keeley
  • Pages: 168

¿Cuál es el impacto de la educación y el aprendizaje en nuestras sociedades y economías? ¿Qué puede hacerse para nivelar las desigualdades en educación? ¿Y cómo podemos asegurar que todas las personas, en cualquier etapa de su vida, puedan seguir obteniendo el aprendizaje que las beneficie más y desarrolle por completo su capital humano?

Este libro aprovecha los excepcionales recursos de la OCDE para responder algunas de estas preguntas cruciales. Se basa en la investigación y el análisis de los 30 países de la OCDE y explica que el capital humano cada vez es más importante para los individuos y las sociedades a fin de hacer frente al cambio social y económico. También examina los aspectos en que los países fracasan y tienen éxito al ofrecer la educación y capacitación que apoye a la gente durante toda su vida.

French, English, Croatian, German

Il Manuale offre un’assistenza pratica ai funzionari amministrativi nell’ambito del rafforzamento delle relazioni tra amministrazione pubblica e cittadini. Esso associa un breve esame dei concetti di base, dei principi a concreti esempi di buone pratiche, di strumenti (in particolare le nuove tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni) e ad una serie di consigli ispirati all’esperienza pratica. Il metodo e le attività illustrati nel Manuale sono volti a sostenere e a completare il ruolo delle istituzioni della democrazia in materia di relazioni tra amministrazione e cittadini e a consolidare il processo democratico.

ALTRE LETTURE DI RIFERIMENTO: Citizens as Partners: Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-making.

Romanian, French, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, All

This handbook offers government officials practical assistance in strengthening relations between government and citizens. It combines a brief review of basic concepts, principles, concrete examples of good practice, tools (including new information and communication technologies) as well as tips from practice. The approach and activities shown in this handbook support and complement formal institutions of democracy, and strengthen the democratic process. FURTHER READING Citizens as Partners: Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-making

Polish, Croatian, French, English, Italian, All

This publication presents a synthesis of the main findings and policy recommendations of China in the World Economy: Domestic Policy Challenges. After more than two decades of progress in market reforms and trade and investment liberalisation, the entry of China into the World Trade Organisation marks a new era for its integration into the world economy. Drawing on the experiences of OECD Members over the past 50 years, and the Organisation’s extensive work with non-Member economies around the world, this publication provides readers with a synthetic view of the interrelated domestic policy issues at stake and with specific recommendations as to actions to be taken. List of themes: Agricultural prospects and policies Rural industries Implications for the rural economy Overview of industry prospects Priorities for industry reorganisation and restructuring Technology challenges for China’s industries Challenges to the banking industry The development of the insurance industry Prospects for the distribution sector Foreign direct investment: prospects and policies An OECD perspective on regulatory reform in China The role of competition law and policy Establishing effective governance for China's enterprises Developing the financial system and financial regulatory policies Priorities for development of China’s capital markets Labour market and social benefit policies Environmental priorities for China’s sustainable development The current tax system and priorities for reform Public sector budget management issues Issues concerning central-local government fiscal relations China's regional development: prospects and policies Macroeconomic policy priorities Annex 1 : Summary of China’s commitments under WTO Annex 2 : Summary of studies of the impact of WTO on China This publication is part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-Member economies around the world.

English, Portuguese, French
  • 28 Mar 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

What are the major developments with respect to trade and labour standards since the OECD’s 1996 study on Trade, Employment and Labour Standards? What is being done to promote these standards? What evidence is there of progress? What are the possible links between core labour standards, trade, foreign direct investment, economic development and employment? International Trade and Core Labour Standards addresses these and related questions. It also provides a current overview of key issues with respect to core labour standards and their relation to trade and employment, aiming to provide a common basis for constructive policy dialogue among the concerned parties in the future.

French, English

Public service is a public trust. Citizens expect public servants to serve the public interest with fairness and to manage public resources properly on a daily basis. Fair and reliable public services inspire public trust and create a favourable environment for businesses, thus contributing to well-functioning markets and economic growth. Public ethics are a prerequisite to public trust and a keystone of good governance. At a time when there is a growing consensus among governments on what should constitute the essential elements of an effective and comprehensive ethics strategy, this book constitutes a unique source of comparative information on ethics management measures in OECD countries. It is designed to facilitate mutual learning and to support the development of modern ethics strategies in both OECD and non-member countries, by providing, for the first time, a comprehensive overview of ethics measures in all 29 OECD countries, including overall trends and promising practices.

English, French
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