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Nigeria is one of the largest recipients of international philanthropic funding, but little is known about its domestic philanthropy, receiving approximately USD 192 million per year from large international foundations between 2013-18. However, these estimates do not consider funding from domestic foundations, as information on local philanthropy is limited. The report offers a first insight into a selection of domestic foundations in Nigeria. It contrasts these findings with other sources of development finance, including international philanthropy and official development assistance (ODA) targeting the country. However, only 12 of 56 foundations invited to participate responded to the survey. The low response rate and resulting small sample do not allow for generalisations about the domestic philanthropic sector in the country. Funding from 12 domestic philanthropic organisations in Nigeria amounted to USD 89 million over 2013-18. Three foundations provided the bulk of these funds (70%): MTN Nigeria Foundation, Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) and TY Danjuma Foundation. Most domestic giving was allocated to health and reproductive health (USD 28 million), government and civil society (USD 25 million) and education (USD 22 million). Within the health sector, the most supported areas were basic health care, reproductive care, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases. Funding towards government and civil society prioritised conflict resolution, human rights and support to women’s rights organisations.

  • 14 Sept 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

This Digital Trade Review of Brazil provides an overview of Brazil’s participation in digital trade and the related regulatory environment. It provides insights into how Brazil might ensure that the new challenges raised by the digital transformation for trade can be managed and the benefits shared more inclusively. While Brazil has embraced the digital transformation and has strong potential to benefit from digital trade, it will need to continue the ongoing process of regulatory reform. This includes reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade on ICT goods; reducing regulatory barriers to ICT services; increasing engagement in international discussions on digital trade; and continuing efforts to bridge digital divides.

This Detailed Review Paper (DRP) aims to present and discuss the application and interpretation of in vitro immunotoxicity assays, mainly covering immunosuppression, and to define an in vitro tiered approach to testing and assessment. A well-functioning immune system is essential for maintaining the integrity of an organism. Immune cells are an integral part of other systems including the respiratory, dermal, gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, reproductive, hepatobiliary, musculoskeletal system, and endocrine systems. As such, exposure to immunotoxic compounds can have serious adverse health consequences affecting responses to both communicable and non-communicable diseases. It is therefore important to understand the immunotoxic potential of xenobiotics and the risk(s) they pose to humans.

The bacterial reverse gene mutation test described in OECD Test Guideline 471 is the most widely used in vitro test for the detection of mutagenicity. The standard format utilises plate incorporation and/or preincubation method; a test mixture containing bacteria, test chemical, S9-mix, when required, and agar, is plated on 90- to 100-mm plates. Several miniaturised versions of the assay have been developed and are already in use, particularly for early screening of new products, as during research and development, large numbers of chemicals have to be tested that are often only available in low amounts. The primary advantage of these miniaturised versions is a significant reduction of the amount of test material needed to conduct the experiments; some may also allow simultaneous analyses of large number of samples, increasing throughput and reducing resources and cost. The aim of this Detailed Review Paper (DRP) was to evaluate the performance of several types of miniaturised assays, relative to the standard bacterial reverse gene mutation test specified in OECD TG 471. Performance evaluations were based on a retrospective analysis of data provided by well-established genotoxicity testing laboratories.

  • 28 Sept 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 50

Digital Services: Supporting SMEs to get Tax Right, by the OECD Forum on Tax Administration (FTA), is the third report in the FTA’s Supporting SMEs to Get Tax Right Series. This report looks at how digital services can help SMEs comply with their tax obligations, leading to reduced burdens and increased compliance rates. In addition to a number of examples from tax administrations, the report also highlights two detailed case studies. The report was developed by the Canada Revenue Agency with the support of the Forum on Tax Administration’s Community of Interest on SMEs.

Digital government has become a priority for Luxembourg as a means to enable its public sector to deliver more responsive and trusted services. The Digital Government Review of Luxembourg evaluates the efforts made by the government to transition towards a digital government approach. It provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations to improve institutional governance, digital investments, digital talent and skills, government service delivery and the strategic use of data. Its findings can help Luxembourg achieve a more digitally mature and data-driven administration to better serve citizens and businesses.

  • 07 Oct 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 161

Eastern Caribbean countries enjoy rich natural endowments and have achieved significant economic development. Throughout the last decades, they have also been confronted with a number of rising economic, social and environmental challenges. To help them tackle these, and accelerate their development, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the OECD have jointly designed a regional strategy scorecard, which is at the heart of the Development Strategy Assessment of the Eastern Caribbean.

The scorecard will help policy makers set priorities for the implementation of the OECS Development Strategy. Stronger resilience and capacity are the major guideposts towards both economic growth and social progress. The region can make much more of its green potential, with power generation topping the list. Improving regulation and reducing red tape can foster new, homegrown economic dynamism. Tourism, digital services and the sustainable ocean economy also offer untapped potential. Closing the skills gap, enhancing the quality of education and improving social protection are essential. Finally, as a red thread throughout, deeper regional integration would make it easier for OECS countries to pool resources in a range of areas, radically increasing the region’s potential for efficient governance, and accelerating the development of its human resources.

One in seven working-age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries, a share that is also substantial and growing among young people (8% in 2019). Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. This report documents the current labour market situation of people with disability, who continue to face large employment, unemployment and poverty gaps compared with people without disability. The report concludes that the goal set up some twenty years ago of making disability policies pro-active and employment-oriented has not been achieved. In particular, key areas of disability policy have received too little attention so far, such as policies to support young people with disability, improve the skills of people with disability, and intervene early in the course of a health problem or disability. The report calls for rigorous disability mainstreaming in all relevant policies and practices as the missing link to better labour market inclusion.

EU Funded Note

Like many other OECD countries, Greece has embarked on an ambitious digital transformation of its public sector to make it more effective, sustainable, proactive and people-centred. However, digital transformation projects present challenges in terms of governance, procurement, implementation and institutional capacities. This review explores how Greece could overcome these challenges to ensure that digital government investments address critical bottlenecks such as the procurement process and result in policy coherence, achieve value for money, and deliver intended outcomes. It also highlights the crucial role of whole-of-government co-ordination.

In spite of progress made to date and the significant long-term ambition announced by many countries, climate policy actions remain insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement objectives. While several international initiatives aim to track and monitor climate policies, there is not yet a “go to” place for a comprehensive inventory of policy actions and best practices worldwide. Such a platform would also ideally serve to compare policies’ effectiveness reflecting the diversity of country circumstances. Progress in this direction would help to promote an ambitious but globally more coherent and better-coordinated approach to emission reductions through a broad range of policies. This report lays out a roadmap for data and analytical work to support this aim, with a view to enhancing global dialogue and building trust on issues spanning climate change mitigation policies and their macro-economic repercussions. Key elements to strengthen the assessment and comparison of countries’ climate change mitigation policies across countries include: broadening and deepening the stocktaking of mitigation policies; extending and agreeing on an operational methodology for estimating the impact of these policies on emissions and on potential metrics to compare them; and assessing the broader economic effects of different climate policies.

  • 07 Feb 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 102

Energy efficiency indicators are key to tracking energy efficiency progress for a variety of purposes (e.g. policy making, monitoring targets, making energy projections, developing scenarios and planning, and benchmarking). This guide is for professionals and decision makers, describing options and good practices for the collection of energy end-use data and the development of energy efficiency indicators at the national level. In parallel, it can also be used as an assessment tool, helping countries/economies to locate their starting point, and to identify appropriate targets according to their respective national interests and priorities.The roadmap presented here encompasses the results of a consultation exercise across countries and presents good practices and practical tips. It acknowledges that there is no single solution, but a number of possible pathways instead, depending on national contexts and priorities. The roadmap is a strategic document looking at the whole value chain in the development of efficiency indicators, from the initial point where the need for data and indicators arises up to the later dissemination and data use stages, and is meant to be a useful resource for practitioners across the globe in the development of energy efficiency indicators.

  • 07 Feb 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 76

Tackling methane in the coal sector is a major opportunity for climate action that can also strengthen energy security. Experience shows that there are several steps countries can take today – using existing technologies and tools – that can lead to significant reductions in methane emissions from coal mining. This report highlights the lessons learned in different coal-producing jurisdictions to support the development of smart and effective methane regulation. It then provides detailed guidance on the process of designing, drafting and implementing new regulations. Finally, it discusses the different regulatory approaches currently in use for methane, with the aim of providing a comprehensive toolkit for policy makers.

  • 13 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 257

In the last three years, multiple global crises and the growing urgency of containing climate change have put current models of development co-operation to, perhaps, their most radical test in decades. The goal of a better world for all seems harder to reach, with new budgetary pressures, demands to provide regional and global public goods, elevated humanitarian needs, and increasingly complex political settings. Critique of the roots, rationale and operations of the international aid system is resulting in calls for fundamental change, manifesting, for example, in the movements to address colonial legacies and racism in the sector. This 60th anniversary edition of the Development Co-operation Report takes stock of these challenges, and proposes ways forward along four lines of action: unlock progress to deliver existing commitments; support locally led transformation in partner countries; modernise business models and financial management practices; and rebalance power relations in international decision making and partnerships. The report draws on insights from heads of state, leaders of international organisations, practitioners, academia and civil society, with particular emphasis on voices representing the diverse experiences and perspectives of low- and middle-income countries and their populations.

  • 28 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 175

In New Zealand, the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis is considered effective as it protected people’s lives with limited disruption to society and the economy. A key factor in achieving these results was a focus on collective goals, grounded in the high-trust relationship that exists between New Zealanders and their public institutions. Still, high levels of trust should not be taken for granted. As new challenges emerge and old ones reappear, people in New Zealand expect the government to build on the lessons from the pandemic to improve service delivery and the resilience of public institutions. This report provides recommendations for further strengthening trust, including making public services more responsive, integrating long-term thinking into policy making, countering the spread of mis- and disinformation and reinforcing New Zealand’s integrity system.

This study evaluates the scope and dimension of large-scale philanthropy in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”) over 2016-19. More specifically, it compares the financing provided by large cross-border philanthropic organisations with contributions from large philanthropic organisations operating domestically. The domestic philanthropic sector has experienced a significant expansion in recent years: rapid economic growth in China and the increasing concentration of private wealth allowed the Chinese private sector and high net-worth individuals to expand their support to social organisations.

  • 24 Apr 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 46

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Institute of Energy Economic, Japan (IEEJ) have developed and published long-term decarbonisation pathways for Southeast Asia and Indonesia. This report provides a comparison of modelling approaches, quantitative drivers, and results from the IEA and IEEJ pathways, highlighting areas of agreement, as well as identifying and explaining differences, and thereby to derive implications.

EU Funded Note

This report provides an overview of green infrastructure planning and the use of nature-based solutions in Italy. It identifies key challenges and trade-offs and provides recommendations to promote their uptake across the different levels of government. The report also analyses four case studies that have been identified in agreement with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport: the Green Node in Bari, the metro line M4 in Milan, the Ridracoli Dam in Emilia-Romagna, and the railway line Bicocca-Catenanuova.


Many people with health problems or disabilities leave the labour market permanently even if they still can and want to work. This can lead to low income and reduced social engagement. Governments and employers can help create an environment that supports job retention and a return to work in such situations. This report looks at one critical policy lever: the role of paid sick leave and sickness benefits in protecting workers’ health, jobs and incomes. Korea is among the very few OECD countries without statutory social protection for sick workers and is currently considering closing this gap in its welfare system. This report provides an overview of key features of sickness insurance systems in OECD countries and draws policy lessons for Korea to introduce equitable and adequate social protection for sick workers with a robust return-to-work component and financially sustainable payments that encourage employer involvement.

This Digital Government Review of Türkiye explores how the Government of Türkiye can use digital technology and data to help the public sector become more responsive, resilient and proactive. It evaluates the efforts made so far by Türkiye in achieving digital government maturity by looking at governance, institutional capacities, digital skills, public service design and delivery, enabling building blocks and the strategic management and use of data. The review provides policy recommendations intended to help the Government of Türkiye fully benefit from digital technologies and data to realise the potential of the digital age in transforming the public sector and the services provided to the public.

Since 2019, digital transformation has been a clear policy priority in Uzbekistan. While the country has made significant progress in terms of Internet access, quality and affordability, digital uptake among firms remains low. This lack of digital skills seems to be a limiting factor affecting the digital transformation of business.

Based on recent OECD work on digitalisation, this report examines what is holding back the digital upskilling of businesses in Uzbekistan. It suggests three sets of policy actions: (1) developing a supportive institutional framework for the digital uptake of firms; (2) raising firms’ awareness of the importance of acquiring digital and complementary skills; and (3) expanding existing support to digitalise while addressing the gender digital divide.

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