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These workshop proceedings deal with the local partnership methodology employed in Belgium in order to develop an integrated proposal to the national government to construct and operate a disposal facility for low-level radioactive waste that is adapted to local conditions. The partnerships were formed among representatives of local organisations in affected communities and representatives of the Belgian national radioactive waste management agency. Insights are provided into a unique - and so far very successful - governance approach to dealing with interests, values and knowledge in managing risk.

Published every two years, this publication reports on steelmaking capacity developments in non-OECD member countries.   It reviews available material on existing capacity and on likely developments through 2004.  To the extent possible, it also reflects on expectations beyond 2005.  On a country-by-country basis, tables show existing capacity, existing equipment, increase in capacity, and additional equipment for each company.

The data show that in recent years, capacity in non-Member countries has been rising at an average annual rate of 1.8%.  Southeast Asia, including China, account for most of the growth with robust growth also seen for the Middle East.  Few changes in steelmaking capacity are expected in the NIS and Latin America.

The authoritative source of information on the foreign aid policies and programmes of donor countries, the annual Development Co-operation Report by the Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) presents detailed statistics and analysis, this year focusing on progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.  Progress is examined both from the point of view of broad strategy, and also by examining progress achieved on each of the eight Goals. 

This edition of the "DAC Report" also examines how to integrate security issues into sustainable development, and includes a special chapter on Aid for Water Supply and Sanitation.  The extensive statistical annex present more than 100 pages of data on total resource flows, aid performance by DAC members, multilateral aid, sectoral allocation of aid, terms and conditions of aid, geographical distribution of aid, aid by non-DAC donors, and key reference indicators.

French, German

Computer and video games is a young industry with rapid growth underpinned by technological development. The global market in 2003 was over USD 21 billion compared with USD 32 billion for the recorded music industry. The main segments are off-line consoles and PCs; online and wireless games are still relatively small but there is a general online trend and the industry is increasingly strategic for media, Internet and consumer electronics firms. “Dis-intermediation” is occurring in the value chain as distributor and retail roles are taken by publishers directly or via ISPs and game Web sites. ISPs are also acting as content aggregators and game Web sites and portals as retailers (“re-intermediation”). Development barriers include the availability of network infrastructure, skills and management challenges, financing issues, and the legal and payments infrastructure. The policy framework affecting the industry includes R&D and technology, market and skills development; IPR and piracy issues; online business conditions including broadband quality, micro-payments, standards and taxation issues; and social dimensions including culture, age ratings and content issues, and games applications in education.

  • 15 Jun 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Digital content and digital delivery of content and information are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, driven by the expanding technological capabilities and performance of delivery platforms, the rapid uptake of broadband technologies and improved performance of hardware and software. Network convergence and widespread diffusion of high-speed broadband has shifted attention towards broadband content and applications that promise new business opportunities, growth and employment.

  • 26 Aug 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 166

This report is an attempt to improve understanding of the dairy sector through an analysis of the trade and economic effects of the main policy measures (subsidies) applied to it. In particular, it examines the effects of both milk price support measures and milk quota systems. The removal of individual policy measures is modelled in order to assess the impact of international dairy trade liberalisation on production, consumption, trade, prices, income, and welfare.

The primary focus of this report is the impact of policies and reform in the OECD area, although the consequences for other economies are also examined. In addition, this report offers economic insights into the workings of complex dairy policy measures and provides a discussion of the potential of the dairy sector -- globally and in individual countries -- as it adjusts to liberal trading conditions.

  • 13 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 106

This study of scientific publishing spans both scientific and scholarly research publishing. The analysis covers: scientific, technical and medical (STM); social sciences, humanities and arts publishing; journals, research monographs, reference books and research databases as forms of content; academic publishing and some aspects of professional publishing. It focuses on the transition from print to digital delivery, to shed light on that transition, and it recognises scientific publishing as a central element in creation and dissemination of knowledge and in innovation systems.

The authoritative source of information on the foreign aid policies and programmes of donor countries, the annual Development Co-operation Report by the Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) presents detailed statistics and analysis, this year providing an insight into some of the urgent and intractable issues that members have been working together to address in 2005. 

Will donor countries reach the annual target of USD 130 billion by 2010?  Where is aid going and how can it be used more effectively?  Does technical co-oepration - paying experts from developed countries to work in developing countries - make sense?  Is enough being done to stimulate growth to benefit the lives of poor people?  As always, this account is complemented by comprehensive statistical information on aid flows, reflecting the DAC's role in accounting transparently for the activities of its members. 

Also, for the first time, this edition includes StatLinks linking tables and graphs in the print and PDF versions to ready-made Excel tables on the web. 

Anyone wanting to know the state of the art in development assistance should read the Development Co-operation Report 2005.

--Dr. Michael Hofmann, Director of the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development, Bonn, Germany

Essential reading for anyone involved in aid, development co-operation and poverty reduction…The statistical section of the report is a mine of authoritative information.

--Judith Randel, Partner, Development Initiatives, Somerset, UK

This authoritative report surveys the field, celebrates progress and, in some areas, signals problems ahead.

--Simon Maxwell, Director of the Overseas Development Institute, London, UK

This report brings clear analysis of aid’s shortcomings.

--Nancy Birdsall, President of the Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C., USA

German, French
  • 24 Mar 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 76

The Development Assistance Committee peer review of Japan's development co-operaton policies and programmes for 1996.

Germany is exploring a new approach towards the final management of its radioactive waste. During this international workshop, invited speakers representing different groups of stakeholders commented on relevant aspects of the new German approach being proposed. This served as a basis for subsequent round-table discussions. These proceedings provide a historical introduction to radioactive waste management in Germany, a detailed summary of the workshop presentations and discussions that took place, and also the NEA Secretariat’s reflections which help place the main lessons of the workshop into a wider perspective.

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2006. 


This Detailed Review Paper (DRP) is intended to provide the current state-of-the-knowledge in the area of aquatic invertebrate endocrinology, with a particular focus on the evaluation of possible developmental reproductive and endocrine disruptive effects in aquatic arthropods through life cycle tests. The content of this review is intended to describe test methods, already existing or in development, that could be used in testing chemicals for their potential to interact with the endocrine system of aquatic arthropods and likely to create population damage. However, the methods described do not focus on endocrine disruption in terms of endpoints measured, but rather on reproductive and developmental performance of individuals exposed. It is planned that test methods under development or enhanced, will be validated to establish their relevance (i.e. whether the test is meaningful and useful for the intended purpose) and their reliability (i.e. reproducibility of test results over time within and among laboratories).

  • 02 Aug 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 434

This document reviews the state of assays for thyroid toxicants across four vertebrate classes (fish, amphibians, birds and mammals) within the context of a thorough review of thyroid endocrinology across these taxa. Considering the similarity of the endocrinology of the thyroid gland across these taxa, a major feature of this document is the integration of assay comparisons across vertebrates in the final chapter. By assessing the state of the assays amongst mammalian (rodent), fish, amphibian, and avian species, the state of thyroid assays, redundancies, and information gaps presented themselves.

Angesichts eines drastischen Rückgangs der Beschäftigung im landwirtschaftlichen Sektor sind die ländlichen Gebiete im OECD-Raum heute von einem breiten Spektrum verschiedener Motoren des Wirtschaftswachstums abhängig. Die zunehmende Globalisierung, verbesserte Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten und gesunkene
Transportkosten sind zusätzliche Faktoren, die den wirtschaftlichen Wandel im ländlichen Raum beschleunigen. Theorie und Praxis der Politik für den ländlichen Raum haben inzwischen erkannt, dass es mit finanzieller Umverteilung und agrarpolitischen Maßnahmen nicht möglich ist, das Potenzial dieser wirtschaftlichen Antriebsfaktoren auszuschöpfen. Dieser thematische Bericht sucht daher, den Paradigmenwandel in der Politik für die ländliche Entwicklung, der diesen wirtschaftlichen
Veränderungen Rechnung tragen soll, wie auch den zur Umsetzung dieser Politik nötigen neuen Governance-Ansatz zu erläutern.
Spanish, English, French

Transport activity continues to cause large adverse impacts on the environment, human health and the economy. But is a negative impact of transport on the environment a necessary consequence of economic growth? This book illustrates that decoupling the environmental impacts of transport from economic growth is achievable, through the efficient use of charges, fees, taxes and other economic instruments. These economic approaches can complement regulatory measures to encourage a shift towards more environmentally-friendly modes of transport, such as from road to certain forms of rail transport. Other factors which could help to decouple transport impacts from economic growth are improvements in freight transport logistics, and dematerialisation.

  • 23 Oct 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 150

Many educational experts are identifying  a critical shift from supply-led systems — operating to procedures decided by educational authorities, schools and teachers — towards systems which are much more sensitive to demand.  But, whose demands should these be? What are they? And how will schools recognize and cope with them?  This book examines different aspects of the demand concept and presents international evidence from Austria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Denmark, England, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Spain, and the United States to reveal attitudes and expectations. 


Published every two years, this publication reports on steelmaking capacity of non-OECD countries on a company-by-company basis, and within company, by plant.  It opens with a summary of major trends by region which also makes projections for 2008.  It then presents detailed tables showing for each plant/project existing capacity and equipment, the starting date of planned projects, works ownership and the information sources used. It also briefly describes the progress of projects, recent changes at existing works, and, where known, the financing of projects.

The OECD Development Assistance Committee's annual report on international aid. This year's edition includes an overview reviewing recent trends in aid volume, allocation, and effectiveness. A special chapter looks at how aid for trade can be made more effective.  Preliminary findings from the 2006 Baseline Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration are also presented.  Individual chapters for each donor country summarize key features of each country's programme including data on total flows, breakdowns by income group, geographical region and sector, and listing of the top ten recipients. Country chapters also include commentary on the donor's commitment to the MDGs, aid effectiveness, and policy coherence. The comprehensive statistical annex provides graphs and tables showing the evolution of aid flows.

French, German
  • 23 Apr 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trend in aid donors and recipients or distribution of aid by sector, completed by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millenium Development Goals.

For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel(tm) format. Development Aid at a Glance is a key reference for anyone interested in aid issues.

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2007. 

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