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This report has been prepared by the OECD upon request by the Portuguese Independent Commission for Decentralisation. Decentralisation and regionalisation reforms have recently emerged on the Portugal’s policy agenda, with two main objectives: assigning more tasks to municipalities and strengthening regional level governance. The report presents a diagnosis of Portugal multi-level governance in international perspectives and highlights the strengths and challenges of the system. It then presents three potential policy paths of regional reform for Portugal. As the options are not mutually exclusive, they could work as complements to each other. The report analyses the conditions under which the reforms may deliver more economic efficiency and regional equity.

  • 06 Feb 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 85

Functional areas such as integrated local labour markets exist across countries’ entire national territory. However, most OECD countries have focused their work on larger cities and their surrounding area of economic influence by establishing the concept of functional urban areas. Extending this concept to non-urban areas can help policy makers analyse subnational developments and design spatially better-targeted policies.

The report Delineating Functional Areas for all Territories provides a comprehensive review of existing approaches to delineating functional areas across countries’ entire national territory as a tool for territorial statistics and regional policy making. The report explains the rationale for functional territories as a complement to established administrative geographies. It discusses the most important challenges and the methodological aspects of delineating functional areas based on travel-to-work commuting flows or novel sources of data and develops a set of methodological guidelines that are applied in five OECD countries, demonstrating the feasibility of delineating functional areas across diverse types of country geographies in a consistent manner.

Digital Government in Mexico discusses and assesses the efforts of the Mexican Government to build a stronger system of digital government under the Coordination of the National Digital Strategy of the Office of the President. It presents the key policy actions, achievements and co-ordination challenges, and looks at how policy objectives are implemented. The study examines the main initiatives for promoting digital inclusion, reinforcing public sector capacity, and achieving efficient public service design and delivery. This report also assesses the state of data governance, open government data and its strategic use, and the sharing of public sector data both within and beyond the public sector.

Die Ausgabe enthält Fachkapitel mit Politikdebatten zur Qualität der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit, einschließlich neuer Formen der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit wie der abhängigen selbstständigen Erwerbstätigkeit und der Scheinselbstständigkeit. Sie enthält auch Debatten zum Potenzial der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit als Anpassungsmechanismus bei umfassenden Unternehmensumstrukturierungen. Jedes Fachkapitel bietet einen Überblick über aktuelle Politikdebatten und Herausforderungen, und formuliert im Anschluss Empfehlungen an Entscheidungsträger. Anschließend werden in Länderprofilen neue Trends im Unternehmertum der sozialen Zielgruppen sowie wesentliche politische Herausforderungen und jüngste politische Maßnahmen aller 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten vorgestellt.

Die Ausgabe enthält Fachkapitel mit Politikdebatten zur Qualität der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit, einschließlich neuer Formen der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit wie der abhängigen selbstständigen Erwerbstätigkeit und der Scheinselbstständigkeit. Sie enthält auch Debatten zum Potenzial der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit als Anpassungsmechanismus bei umfassenden Unternehmensumstrukturierungen. Jedes Fachkapitel bietet einen Überblick über aktuelle Politikdebatten und Herausforderungen, und formuliert im Anschluss Empfehlungen an Entscheidungsträger. Anschließend werden in Länderprofilen neue Trends im Unternehmertum der sozialen Zielgruppen sowie wesentliche politische Herausforderungen und jüngste politische Maßnahmen aller 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten vorgestellt.

French, English

This 57th edition of the Development Co-operation Report is intended to align development co-operation with today's most urgent global priorities, from the rising threat of climate change to the flagging response to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The report provides OECD members and other development actors with evidence, analysis and examples that will help them to reinvigorate public and political debates at home and build momentum for the global solutions that today's challenges demand. It concludes with a Call to Action for a change in course for development co-operation in the 21st century. The report also includes annual “development co-operation at a glance” data for over 80 providers of development co-operation including members of the OECD, the Development Assistance Committee, other countries and philanthropic foundations. These profiles complement Development Co-operation Profiles 2019 web books.

  • 28 Nov 2019
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 28 Nov 2019
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24

This profile provides a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and the health system in Denmark as part of the broader series of the State of Health in the EU country profiles. It provides a short synthesis of: the health status in the country; the determinants of health, focussing on behavioural risk factors; the organisation of the health system; and the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of the health system.

This profile is the joint work of the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in co-operation with the European Commission.

  • 28 Nov 2019
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 01 Oct 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

In our interactions with the people we know we don’t give any thought to the proof of their identity. When we meet someone for the first time we trust they are who they say they are. Sometimes an introduction is brokered by a mutual, trusted, acquaintance who knows both parties. However, in our transactional dealings with government there is a greater expectation – and need – to be able to prove who we are, where we live and what we can access. The provision of digital identity (DI) is critical to government ambitions for transforming the quality of public services.

This study discusses Chile's experience of DI alongside a comparison of 13 OECD countries, and aims to support the Government of Chile in developing and enhancing their approach to the development of DI as a piece of core digital government infrastructure and an enabler of seamless service delivery. The study uses a framework that covers the foundations for identity in terms of existing national identity infrastructure, policies and governance, the technical solutions that have been explored, the factors which impact adoption, and the ways in which DI can empower citizens through greater control of their data, transparency and measurement of impact.

This study assesses the evolution, achievements and challenges in the design and implementation of digital government strategies in Chile since 2004. It aims to support the Government of Chile in framing and implementing future strategic decisions and developing digital capacity throughout the public sector. In particular, it looks at how Chile can build a whole-of-government approach to embed digital approaches into everyday government operations.

The study argues that for Chile to ensure the sustainability of its achievements to date it should work towards shared ownership of, and responsibility for, the digital government strategy throughout the public administration.

  • 23 Sept 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 234

Recent digital innovations provide opportunities to deliver better policies for the agriculture sector by helping to overcome information gaps and asymmetries, lower policy-related transaction costs, and enable people with different preferences and incentives to work better together. Drawing on ten illustrative case studies and unique new data gathered via an OECD questionnaire on agri-environmental policy organisations' experiences with digital tools, this report explores opportunities to improve current agricultural and agri-environmental policies, and to deliver new, digitally enabled and information-rich policy approaches. It also considers challenges that organisations may face to make greater use of digital tools for policy, as well as new risks which increased use of digital tools may bring. The report provides practical advice on how policy makers can address challenges and mitigate risks to ensure digital opportunities for policy are realised in practice. Finally, the report briefly considers the broader regulatory and policy environment underpinning digitalisation of the agriculture sector, with the view to ensuring that use of digital tools for agricultural and agri-environmental policy remains coherent with the digitalisation of agriculture more generally.

This review explores how Panama can enhance and harness digital government to achieve broader strategic goals at both national and local levels. It looks at institutional governance, legislation, and inter-departmental co-ordination, including institutional capacities and skills for delivering quality public services. It identifies opportunities for making public service delivery more efficient and inclusive, as well as for expanding the strategic use of data. The review provides policy recommendations to help Panama enable and sustain the digital transformation of the public sector.

Sprawozdanie zawiera zmiany wytycznych OECD dotyczących cen transferowych w celu dostosowania wyników w zakresie cen transferowych do procesu tworzenia wartości. Zaktualizowane wytyczne koncentrują się na następujących kluczowych obszarach: kwestie cen transferowych związane z transakcjami dotyczącymi wartości niematerialnych; ustalenia umowne, w tym umowny podział ryzyka i odpowiadających mu zysków, które nie są wspierane przez faktycznie prowadzone działania; poziom zwrotu z finansowania zapewnianego przez bogatego w kapitał członka grupy MNE, w przypadku gdy zwrot ten nie odpowiada poziomowi działalności podejmowanej przez przedsiębiorstwo finansujące; oraz inne obszary wysokiego ryzyka. W sprawozdaniu przedstawiono również działania następcze, które należy podjąć w związku z metodą podziału zysku z transakcji, które doprowadzą do uzyskania szczegółowych wskazówek co do tego, w jaki sposób metoda ta może być odpowiednio zastosowana w celu dalszego dostosowania wyników w zakresie cen transferowych do procesu tworzenia wartości.

Spanish, English, French, German
  • 27 Jun 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 84

This digital government study explores the state of the digitalisation of the public sector in Peru. It addresses recent efforts to build an institutional and legal framework to support the digital transformation of the public sector. It also discusses the design and delivery of, and access to, public services, and the role that digital technologies can play in improving them. Finally, this report assesses the state of data governance and open data in Peru’s public sector.

This Digital Government Review highlights the efforts taking place in Argentina to digitalise and improve data governance in its public sector and build the foundations for a digital government. The review explores Argentina’s institutional, legal and policy frameworks and their strategic role in the digital transformation of the public sector. The report also discusses how to reinforce the capacity of the public sector to “go digital” and better respond to citizens' needs. It explores how ICT procurement, management, and commissioning can help improve public sector accountability and efficiency, as well as support greater policy coherence and compliance with digital government standards. The review ends with a discussion on the state of data governance in the public sector, including data leadership and stewardship, rules and platforms for data production, sharing and interoperability, data protection, data federation, and open government data initiatives.

Korupcija i promocija integriteta Poduzeća koja posjeduju. Oni mogu pomoći državama kako bi osigurale da vlasnici pokazuju integritet u njihovom ponašanju, da su vlasnički aranžmani pogodni integritetu, da se poduzeća koja su obnašala država pridržavaju dobre prakse na razini SP-a i da su mehanizmi odgovornosti integralni do soe sektora. Smjernice nadopunjuju ciljeve smjernica OECD-a za korporativno upravljanje državnim poduzećima.

French, Croatian, Korean, Hebrew, English, All

This digital government review asseses the state of data-driven policies and initiatives in the Swedish public sector. It explores the underlying institutional governance and co-ordination arrangements for digital government in the country, and their impact on policy implementation. It also discusses data-sharing and managing initiatives, data governance and open government data practices. The review looks at how Sweden could better share knowledge, promote innovation and improve collaboration both across the public sector and with external stakeholders. Finally, it highlights how the government can use data to build a closer relationship with citizens in order to address policy challenges, improve public service delivery, and, ultimately, strengthen public trust.

As behavioural insights (BI) become more widely used, countries are looking to expand the application of the methodology to new frontiers of policy making. This report tests behaviourally informed solutions to complex policy problems in the fields of competition, consumer protection, energy consumption and safety through a variety of theoretical and experimental approaches. The results give policy makers new ideas for tackling policy problems related to individual behaviour, as well as for changing the behaviour of organisations.

  • 10 Apr 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

This report discusses how the digital transformation – digital technologies, data and software, AI-based analytics and other advances – is changing innovation processes and outcomes. It highlights the general trends across the economy and factors behind sector-specific dynamics, including increasing use of data as a key input for innovation, the expanding possibilities for experimentation offered by virtual simulation, 3D printing and other digital technologies, and the growing focus on services innovation enabled by digital technologies.

In view of such changes, this report evaluates how innovation policies should adapt to foster innovation and inclusive development in the digital age, and identifies priority areas for policy action. It also explores novel innovation policy approaches implemented by countries to foster digital technology adoption and collaborative innovation.

  • 10 Apr 2019
  • Patricia K. Kuhl, Soo-Siang Lim, Sonia Guerriero, Dirk Van Damme
  • Pages: 260

This book highlights new scientific research about how people learn, including interdisciplinary perspectives from neuroscience, the social, cognitive and behavioural sciences, education, computer and information sciences, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and engineering. These new developments offer fascinating new perspectives, based on technological advances, which enable a re-examination of longstanding problems in learning, raise new questions, and offer new approaches to the study of learning. This report seeks to catalyse discussions on the implications of these research findings for education practice and policy, and in turn, on how knowledge and experience from real-world education practice and policy could challenge and inform research agendas and theory building.

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