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In its latest publication, Development of Competitive Gas Trading in Continental Europe, the IEA examines the history of major gas markets’ development in OECD Europe, and explores the possible expansion of trading through the mechanism of different hubs across the region. Lessons learned from North American markets on the benefits of regulatory convergence and investor-friendly legal framework are an important part of the analysis. Competitive trading based on transparent, non-discriminatory rules in a flexible and integrated European gas market will lead to more efficiency, timely investment, and greater market resilience, therefore ensuring more security for both customers and suppliers in the long term.
How much countries are spending on children and when is also closely considered, the first time such a comparative exercise has been undertaken across the OECD. Additional chapters offer detailed examinations of countries’ policies for children under age three, the impact of single parenthood on children and the effect of inequalities across generations. The publication concludes with broad policy recommendations for improving child well-being.
Drawing from a wide array of case studies, this book analyses best-practice local strategies for increasing workforce skills. And it also takes a close look at the opportunities and challenges presented by international migration. The in-depth case studies in this report range from Shanghai’s “Highland of Talent Strategy” to new “career ladders” which help immigrants escape low-skilled, low-paid employment in New York. National and local-level recommendations on local skills development are provided, for both OECD and non-OECD countries.
Willkommen zu Die OECD in Zahlen, Ausgabe 2009, der originellen, einfach zu nutzenden Datenquelle in Taschenbuchformat. Wie immer enthält auch die diesjährige Ausgabe Schlüsseldaten zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt in den OECD-Ländern. Die Publikation bietet Vergleichstabellen zum gesamten Arbeitsspektrum der Organisation, von Volkseinkommen und Industrie über Beschäftigung und Forschung bis hin zu Bankwesen und öffentliche Finanzen. Der Abschnitt „OECD in Abbildungen“ beleuchtet entscheidende Herausforderungen wie Staatsverschuldung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Klimawandel.
Die OECD in Zahlen ist eine grundlegende statistische Quelle. Wie alle Daten der OECD wurden auch diese von unseren Experten zusammengestellt und geprüft, so dass die Entscheidungsträger in Politik, Forschung und Wirtschaft wissen, dass sie sich darauf verlassen können.
Endorsed in December 2008, these Guiding Principles suggest concrete ways policy advisors and programme managers, in both donor and partner countries, can achieve better development results by improving gender equality and supporting women’s empowerment.
How can donors ensure they do no harm? How can they be sure they intervene constructively in fragile situations? Do No Harm provides practical guidance based on the results of research undertaken on behalf of the OECD DAC International Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF). The book is based on comparative case studies of six countries (Afghanistan, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Rwanda and Sierra Leone) and a comprehensive literature review. It addresses how the interventions of OECD countries may risk undermining positive statebuilding processes, and makes recommendations as to how this may be avoided in the future. Do No Harm is an important source to guide external engagement in situations of fragility and conflict, both at the policy and the field level.
Aus umfassenden internationalen Beratungen wurden die DAC Qualitätsstandards für die Entwicklungsevaluierung formuliert, die als Leitlinien zur guten Praxis im Bereich der Evaluierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit dienen sollen. Um die Qualität von Evaluierungsprozessen und -produkten zu verbessern und die Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern, umreißen diese Standards entscheidende Aspekte jeder Phase eines typischen Evaluierungsprozesses: von der Festlegung des Zwecks über die Planung, Gestaltung, Durchführung und Berichterstattung bis hin zur Phase des Lernens aus den Evaluierungsergebnissen und zu deren Nutzung.
This book provides an overview of dedicated PPP units in OECD countries, including case studies covering: the State of Victoria (Australia), Germany, Korea, South Africa (an OECD enhanced engagement country), and the United Kingdom. It examines the functions and locations of dedicated PPP units, the role they play in the procurement process and the lessons learned for other countries that have already established or are considering establishing a dedicated PPP unit.
Further reading
Public-Private Partnerships: In Pursuit of Risk Sharing and Value for Money (OECD, 2008)
The Development Co-operation Report, issued by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), is the key annual reference for statistics and analysis on the latest trends in international aid.
With only five years left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), much remains to be done. The task has become even more challenging given the economic, food and climate change crises of recent years. This report describes how the DAC has responded swiftly, putting the development dimension of these crises firmly on the political agenda and keeping the development community focused on providing more aid, and delivering it more effectively.
In times of economic uncertainty, it is particularly important for aid to provide value for money, and to ensure that it is not misused. The development community has responded by sharpening its focus on corruption; targeting and communicating clear development impacts; working increasingly through developing countries’ own systems to build capacity; and intensifying efforts in the poorest 30% of developing countries – a critical step toward achieving the MDGs. The report also describes how the DAC member countries intend to make their aid truly effective in the decades to come, by ensuring that climate change is addressed in each of their policy choices and by developing a broader, more inclusive approach.
This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups. It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually. It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2010.
The current Detailed Review Paper (DRP) has been developed under the Validation Management Groups for Ecotoxicity Testing (VMGeco) and Non-Animal testing (VMG NA). The DRP focuses on estrogen and androgen in vitro receptor and transcriptional activation (TA) assays available for fish species and does not attempt to include additional wildlife taxa such as mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or the invertebrates
Las evaluaciones inter pares del derecho y política de competencia son una herramienta valiosa para reformar y fortalecer el marco de competencia de un país. Este examen inter-pares de Panamá presenta la evolución de su régimen de competencia y evalúa su legislación y política de competencia.
Driving while impaired by drugs – whether licit or illicit – has emerged as an important road safety issue. This report provides a state-of-the-art review of the role and impact of drugs in road accident risk. It reviews the legislation, deterrence and roadside detection practices in member countries as well as preventative measures to combat drug use while driving. It provides recommendations on strategies to adopt in addressing this issue, with a view to contributing to a safe system approach and saving further lives on the roads.
Die OECD in Zahlen und Fakten 2010 ist die sechste Ausgabe des umfassenden, dynamischen statistischen Jahrbuchs der OECD mit über 100 Indikatoren zu einem breiten Spektrum von Themen: Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Produktion, Handel und Investitionen, Energie, Erwerbsbevölkerung, Information und Kommunikation, öffentliche Finanzen, Innovation, Umwelt, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Landwirtschaft, Besteuerung, Bildung, Gesundheit und Lebensqualität. Das Sonderkapitel der Ausgabe 2010 ist dem Thema Die Krise und die Zeit danach gewidmet.
Aufgezeigt werden Daten für alle OECD-Mitgliedsländer, ergänzt durch regionale Gesamtwerte, sowie Daten für ausgewählte Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften. Für jeden
Basado en un extenso proceso internacional de consulta, los Estándares de Calidad para la Evaluación del Desarrollo constituyen una guía de referencia en cuanto a buenas prácticas de evaluación de desarrollo. Con el objeto de mejorar la calidad de los procesos y productos de evaluación, y facilitando la colaboración, esta guía de referencia establece normas en cada una de las fases que conforman un típico proceso de evaluación : desde la definición del propósito hasta la planificación, diseño, implementación, notificación y aprendizaje de los resultados de la evaluación.
This review is the first to analyse e-government at the country level using a revised framework designed to capture the new challenges faced by countries today. It highlights the richness of initiatives and actions taken by Denmark in relation to a number of areas, including the impact of e-government on public sector modernisation and efficiency efforts, the impact of e-government organisational structure and arrangements on e-government development and administration, the need to address issues related to user take-up and the assessment of benefits realisation of e-government projects. As these are not unique to Denmark, but are commonly shared by a number of OECD countries, the study provides useful tools to support e-government policy making in all OECD countries.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is an important policy for the European Union and accounts for about 40% of the EU budget. Ever since its inception in 1958, the CAP has been regularly reviewed and adjusted to improve its performance and adapt to changing circumstances. At a time when the post-2013 future of the CAP is being discussed and major challenges such as food security and climate change lay ahead, it is important to review the impact of past reforms and to draw lessons for the design of future policies.
While the studies in these proceedings often take account of national and international market effects of agricultural policies, they tend to focus on the impact of policies on farms and at the regional and local levels. Today, the European Union is composed of very diverse regions that are affected very differently by any given farm policy, depending on the structural characteristics of the farms’ and regions’ economies.
This report collects papers presented at the OECD Workshop on Disaggregated Impacts of CAP Reforms, held in Paris in March 2010, which focused on recent reforms. In particular, it examined the implementation of the single payment scheme since 2005 and the transfer of funds between different measures. Special attention was also paid to reforms of the sugar and dairy sectors with respect to the quota system and the restructuring of both these industries. The papers also look at the impact of the new direct payment system on land use, production and income.
This publication is a two-yearly report on trends in the steelmaking capacity in economies that are not members of the OECD. This report examines the current steelmaking capacity of these economies and likely changes therein up to the year 2012.
Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies includes an appendix containing detailed information on an economy-by-economy, plant or project basis, as well as on existing capacity and equipment, the starting date of planned projects, works ownership and the information sources used. It also briefly describes the progress of projects, recent changes at existing works, and, where known, the financing of projects.
All OECD governments want to give parents more choice in their work and family decisions. This book looks at the different ways in which governments support families. It seeks to provide answers to questions like: Is spending on family benefits going up, and how does it vary by the age of the child? Has the crisis affected public support for families? What is the best way of helping adults to have the number of children they desire? What are the effects of parental leave programmes on female labour supply and on child well-being? Are childcare costs a barrier to parental employment and can flexible workplace options help? What is the best time for mothers to go back to work after childbirth? And what are the best policies to reduce poverty among sole parents?
Demand-side innovation policies have been receiving increasing interest from a number of OECD countries in recent years in the context of slow growth and lagging productivity performance. Pressures on fiscal budgets in the aftermath of the financial crisis have also motivated governments to seek ways to boost innovation without necessarily engaging in new programme spending, primarily to meet social demands in areas such as health, energy or the environment.
This book examines dynamics between demand and innovation and provides insights into the rationale and scope for public policies to foster demand for innovation. It shows the potential - but also the limits - of using public procurement, regulations or standards to stimulate public and private demand for innovation, including among SMEs. Drawing on country experience and case studies, this report illustrates good practices for designing, implementing and evaluating demand-side innovation policies.