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Year Index

  • 01 Feb 1959
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 77

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1958. 

  • 01 Feb 1960
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 67

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1959. 

  • 01 Feb 1961
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 74

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1960. 

  • 01 Feb 1962
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 86

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1961. 

  • 01 Feb 1963
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 104

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1962. 

  • 01 Feb 1964
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 74

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1963. 

  • 01 Feb 1965
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 81

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1964. 

  • 01 Feb 1966
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 86

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1965. 

  • 01 Feb 1967
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 81

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1966. 

  • 01 Feb 1968
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 93

This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations.  As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1967.


This Round Table elaborates various models for forecasting demand and need in the transport sector.

  • 01 Feb 1972
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 289

This report describes the activities of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and sets out the Resolutions and Reports approved by the Council of Ministers during their 1971 sessions. The organisation chart of the Conference also features in an annex to the report.


This Round Table examines the effects of productivity and technological progress on transport workers in goods transport, inland waterways transport, rail transport and urban public transport.


This Round Table examines the problem of traffic peaks, their causes, effects and possible remedies.


This Round Table examined the Economic Prospects for Railways in 1977, a time when railways in Europe were not doing very well.


This Round Table examines the quantitative and qualitative evolution and substitution possibilities for employment in transport.


Both personal mobility and freight traffic are increasing in our societies. At the same time, the quality of our lives and our environment now becoming matters of vital concern is impaired in many ways by transport related disamenities: noise, pollution, vibration and visual intrusion. Such disamenities can, however, be curbed if due account is taken of them in transport infrastructure planning for example, by proposing alternative routes, noise screens, conservation of the archaeological heritage and nature (flora and fauna).

Round Table 79 examines the environmental studies carried out when infrastructures are being built and shows how the findings can be incorporated in the decision-making process, for example, by final choice of route, measuring degrees of disamenity, threshold values, and the assignment of a monetary value to effects.


As matters now stand, the planned investment in transport infrastructure cannot accomodate the growth in demand that will result from increased flows of traffic. Moreover, such investment has a whole range of effects on regional development, wealth distribution, and public well-being. The need to protect the environment also suggests that the construction of more infrastructure will be curbed and that any increases in capacity will be optimized. These factors have led to an appraisal of the reliability of methods of evaluating the relevant investment choices. This publication describes the techniques used for evaluation in a number of ECMT countries and the effectiveness of such methods, and examines conditions governing their use.

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