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This edition of Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on asset-backed pension systems around the world, with data up to end-2023. It builds upon preliminary data released in June 2024 and explores whether the growth in assets earmarked for retirement in 2023 was sufficient to offset the investment losses incurred in 2022, and how this growth in assets fits with the long-term trend.
Over the past decade, countries have increasingly recognised civic space as a cornerstone of functioning democracies. This Practical Guide for Policymakers builds on the 2022 OECD global report "The Protection and Promotion of Civic Space: Strengthening Alignment with International Standards and Guidance". The global report presents a comparative perspective on the protection and promotion of civic space, based on data collected from 52 OECD and partner countries, and offers 10 high-level recommendations. This guide for policymakers provides specific guidance for implementing these recommendations, highlighting relevant actors, policies, and practices. It includes tables, checklists, and figures to help public officials take concrete steps in various areas that affect civic space.
Pricing Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2024: Gearing Up to Bring Emissions Down tracks how explicit carbon pricing instruments as well as specific taxes and subsidies on energy use have evolved between 2021 and 2023 across 79 countries, covering approximately 82% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This report focuses on emissions trading systems, carbon taxes, fuel and electricity excise taxes, as well as subsidies that lower prices on emissions or energy products. The tax rates for this edition reflect rates applicable on 1 April 2023 while emissions trading schemes implemented throughout 2023 are also included.
The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) does more than assess what students know. PISA examines how they use their knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges, offering invaluable insights into both the quality and equity of education worldwide. In this final volume of the PISA 2022 initial report, Volume V: Learning Strategies and Attitudes for Life takes a deep dive into one of the most critical aspects of modern education: students' readiness for lifelong learning. This volume explores how education systems prepare students to navigate and thrive in an unpredictable future, focusing on their learning strategies, motivation and self-beliefs. It also delves into the role of socio-economic background, gender and the support students receive from parents and teachers in shaping their readiness for sustained lifelong learning. As education evolves to meet the challenges of tomorrow, this volume provides crucial insights for educators and policy makers who want to foster resilient, self-directed learners who are ready to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
This report provides a detailed assessment of job retention support (ERTE) in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis. It provides three major insights. First, job retention support in Spain has been transformed from a little used and difficult to access scheme before the COVID-19 crisis to a scheme that can be scaled up quickly in response to a major economic downturn and be phased out easily as economic conditions recover. Second, the use of ERTE was stronger in regions, industries and occupations most affected by the COVID-19 crisis, suggesting support was effectively targeted to firms and workers that needed it most. Third, job retention was highly effective in supporting employment during the COVID-19 crisis. It not only prevented a major surge in unemployment but also avoided that the labour market became congested with too many job seekers competing for too few job vacancies. The labour market reform of December 2021 consolidated many of the important changes that made job retention support so successful during the COVID-19 crisis and in addition introduced a specific mechanism that allows scaling up support in the case of large adverse shocks.
Plastics provide multiple benefits to society, but their lifecycle − from feedstock extraction and polymer production to use and disposal − contributes to pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss. Current policies are inadequate to meaningfully alter trends in plastic flows and related pollution.
This report provides insights into the potential environmental benefits and economic consequences of different levels of international policy ambition towards ending plastic pollution by 2040. Based on the quantification of the main drivers of plastics production and use, waste and pollution, the report provides projections of the plastics lifecycle, waste generation and treatment, as well as related leakage to the environment. The report presents and contrasts a range of policy scenarios with varying levels of ambition in terms of the stringency, lifecycle scope and geographical coverage of policies implemented. Its findings can inform a critical stage of international negotiations to develop a legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution.
Směrnice OECD pro nadnárodní podniky uznávají a podporují pozitivní přínosy, které mohou mít podniky k hospodářskému, environmentálnímu a sociálnímu pokroku, a zároveň uznávají, že podnikatelské aktivity mohou mít negativní dopady na pracovníky, lidská práva, životní prostředí, úplatkářství, spotřebitele a správu a řízení podniků. Tyto pokyny pomáhají podnikům pochopit a zavést náležitou péči pro odpovědné podnikání. Snaží se také podpořit společné chápání odpovědného chování podniků mezi vládami a zúčastněnými stranami.
Nel primo semestre del 2024 l'economia mondiale ha continuato a dar prova di resilienza ed è proseguito il calo dell'inflazione. Si prevede che tali tendenze continuino nel 2025, con una crescita globale che si stabilizzerà a un ritmo moderato e un'inflazione che tornerà all'obiettivo nella maggior parte dei Paesi entro la fine del medesimo anno. Tra i principali rischi a breve termine figurano le persistenti tensioni geopolitiche e commerciali, la possibilità di un rallentamento della crescita per effetto dell'allentamento delle pressioni sul mercato del lavoro e le potenziali perturbazioni dei mercati finanziari qualora la disinflazione non segua un andamento regolare, come previsto.
Secondo il presente Rapporto intermedio, i tassi di riferimento dovrebbero essere abbassati in funzione del calo dell'inflazione, ma le tempistiche e il ritmo di detti tagli dovrebbero essere attentamente ponderati per garantire che l'inflazione ritorni all'obiettivo in maniera sostenibile. Per assicurare la sostenibilità delle finanze pubbliche occorre compiere maggiori sforzi al fine di contenere la spesa pubblica, aumentare le entrate e migliorare i quadri di bilancio. È essenziale imprimere un nuovo slancio alle riforme del mercato dei prodotti volte a rafforzare la concorrenza per dare una svolta alla crescita e contribuire ad allentare le pressioni fiscali.
Il Rapporto intermedio fornisce un aggiornamento delle valutazioni riportate nell'edizione di maggio 2024 delle Prospettive economiche dell'OCSE (Volume 2024, numero 1).
As more providers commit to support locally led development – whereby local actors have agency in framing, design, delivery, learning and accountability – this peer learning synthesis report provides a comprehensive overview of their efforts and strives to develop a common understanding and definition of locally led development co-operation. Building on existing practices, the report analyses to what extent providers’ systems can enhance or hinder the agency of local actors, looking in particular at policies, financing mechanisms, partnerships, and management processes. Rather than prescribing a singular pathway, it emphasises the importance of context-specific, sequenced, and locally defined approaches.
Pathways Towards Effective Locally Led Development Co-operation: Learning by Example is a useful read for policymakers, practitioners and anyone committed to more equitable and effective development co-operation.
This document contains the report of the peer review organised by Japan for the validation of the IL-2 Luc LTT assay on in vitro immunotoxicity, a project on the work plan of the Test Guidelines Programme until 2024.
This document contains the Performance Standards (PS) for the assessment of proposed in vitro assays, similar to the in vitro Epidermal Sensitisation Assay (EpiSensA), or modified. The EpiSensA is an in vitro method for identifying the skin sensitisation potential of chemicals. The EpiSensA method has been included in Test Guideline 442D, upon a proposal from Japan, reviewed, consolidated and finally approved by the Working Party of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme. This was a project on the work plan of the Test Guidelines Programme until 2024.
This document encloses the Peer Review Report (PRR) of the validation study for OptiSafeTM Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for its inclusion in OECD Test Guideline 496 on In Vitro Macromolecular Test Methods. The OptiSafeTM EIT is validated for identifying chemicals that do not require classification for eye damage. The project was on the Test Guidelines Programme work plan until 2024.
This report takes stock of the project carried out by the OECD, Arantzazulab, and public authorities in the town of Tolosa and the province of Gipuzkoa (Spain) to experiment with the use of public deliberation. It explores ways to improving deliberative processes in the Basque region, including looking at the link between those who participate in deliberative processes and the broader public, the role of civil servants in ensuring ownership of deliberative processes, the governance structure, or making evaluation and follow-up more systematic. The report also sets out three pathways to promoting and systemising deliberation across all levels of government in the Basque Country: 1) institutionalising deliberative practices; 2) embedding deliberation in public administration; and 3) mainstreaming deliberation both within and outside government.
Os Princípios de Governação Corporativa do G20/OCDE ajudam os legisladores e reguladores a avaliar e melhorar o quadro jurídico, regulamentar e institucional para a governação corporativa. Identificam os principais alicerces para um quadro sólido de governação corporativa e oferecem orientações práticas para implementação a nível nacional. Os Princípios também fornecem orientações para bolsas de valores, investidores, sociedades empresariais e outros que desempenham um papel no desenvolvimento de uma boa governação corporativa.
This Policy Guidance aims to support the effective and practical delivery of official development assistance (ODA) for inclusive governance, focusing on the central elements of a development project or programme – analytics and diagnostics, programme design and implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning. Issued by the Governance Network of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), this Guidance for governance practitioners recommends a series of policy and practical measures designed to reduce social, political and economic exclusion, and enable more inclusive development impacts. Building on a dedicated multi-year programme of work, expert insights and the contributions of a designated Advisory Group, it underscores the significance of inclusive governance as a central attribute of SDG16 and the basis for equitable and sustainable development.
Este informe analiza las principales acciones emprendidas por el gobierno ecuatoriano para articular los sectores público y privado, la academia, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y los ciudadanos en la promoción de la integridad pública. Con base en este análisis, el informe ofrece recomendaciones para ayudar a Ecuador a fomentar una cultura de integridad en toda la sociedad ecuatoriana.
This report describes the ongoing reforms related to the centralisation and professionalisation of the public procurement function in Lithuania. It provides the government of Lithuania with recommendations through an action plan for improving efficiency in Lithuania's public procurement system.
This report analyses the main actions taken by the Ecuadorian government to bring together the public and private sectors, academia, civil society organisations and citizens in promoting public integrity. Based on this analysis, the report offers recommendations to help Ecuador foster a culture of integrity across all of Ecuadorian society.
This volume presents the financial literacy results of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 and examines 15-year-old students’ understanding of money matters in 20 countries and economies. It explores the links between their financial literacy and their competencies in mathematics and reading, and differences across socio-demographic groups. It also offers an overview of their experiences with money, their financial behaviour and attitudes, and their exposure to financial literacy at home and in school.
The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students around the world know and can do. This volume – Volume III, Creative Minds, Creative Schools – is one of five volumes presenting the results of the eighth round of the PISA assessment. For the first time, in 2022, PISA assessed students’ capacity to engage in creative thinking in 64 countries and economies, defined as students’ capacity to produce original and diverse ideas. This volume describes student performance in creative thinking in different contexts and how creative thinking performance and attitudes vary across and within countries and economies. It examines differences in performance by student characteristics, including gender and socio-economic status, as well as school-characteristics. The volume also offers an insight into school leader and teacher attitudes towards creative thinking, how opportunities for students to engage in creative thinking vary across schools, and how these factors are associated with student outcomes.