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Title Index

Year Index

  • 22 May 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 284

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 22 Mar 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 297

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown.

  • 06 Dec 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 282

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 13 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 13 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

This book summarises the discussions held during the Fourth International Symposium on theory and practice in transport economics, held in La Haye, 5-7 October 1971, and which was focused on the choice between public and private transport. The introductory reports can be found in a separate volume.

El propósito de esta guía es mejorar el conocimiento que los funcionarios que realizan el control fiscal tienen del blanqueo de capitales. Da orientaciones para identificar el blanqueo de capitales en el curso de las inspecciones ordinarias. También describe los recursos y herramientas disponibles para una detección y disuasión efectivas. Aunque no detalla métodos de investigación criminal, describe la naturaleza y el contexto de las actividades de blanqueo de capitales para que los funcionarios encargados del control fiscal puedan entender mejor cómo su colaboración puede ayudar a las investigaciones penales frente al blanqueo de capitales.

Dutch, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, All

Nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới đã đưa ra các hệ thống kê khai tài sản đối với công chức nhằm mục đích phòng ngừa hoặc chống tham nhũng. Nhiều quốc gia tin rằng kê khai tài sản có thể là một công cụ mạnh mẽ để đạt được mục đích này; tuy nhiên, chưa thấy được nhiều tác động của những hệ thống này đối với các cấp độ của tham nhũng trên thực tế. Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là nhằm đưa ra một bức tranh rõ ràng hơn thông qua việc cung cấp một phân tích về thực tiễn hiện nay trong lĩnh vực kê khai tài sản của công chức, cụ thể là ở những nước xã hội chủ nghĩa cũ ở khu vực Đông Âu và Trung Á, và ở một số quốc gia thành viên của OECD ở khu vực Tây Âu và Bắc Mỹ.

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