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The present Key Event based Test Guideline addresses the human health hazard endpoint skin sensitisation, following exposure to a test chemical. Skin sensitisation refers to an allergic response following skin contact with the tested chemical, as defined by the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS). This Test Guideline is proposed to address the Molecular Initiating Event leading to skin sensitisation, namely protein reactivity, by quantifying the reactivity of test chemicals towards model synthetic peptides or amino acid derivatives containing either lysine or cysteine. This Test Guideline provides three in chemico test methods addressing the same Key Event on the Adverse Outcome Pathway for Skin Sensitisation: (i) the Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay – DPRA, (ii) the Amino Acid Derivative Reactivity Assay – ADRA and (iii) the kinetic Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay – kDPRA. The DPRA and ADRA are used for supporting the discrimination between skin sensitisers and non-sensitisers in accordance with the UN GHS. In contrast, the kDPRA allows discrimination of UN GHS subcategory 1A skin sensitisers from those not categorised as subcategory 1A, i.e. subcategory 1B or no category but does not allow to distinguish sensitisers from non-sensitisers.


This Test Guideline describes a Rapid Estrogen ACTivity In Vivo (REACTIV) Assay in an aquatic assay that utilises transgenic Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) eleutheroembryos at day post hatch zero, in a multi-well plate format to identify chemicals active on the estrogen axis. The REACTIV assay was designed as a screening assay to provide a medium throughput and short-term assay to measure the response of eleutheroembryos to chemicals potentially active on the estrogen axis.


Given the important role of strategic foresight in policymaking and resilience, the Government of Flanders has been taking steps to improve its capabilities in this area. This report outlines the main findings and recommendations of the OECD assessment of the strategic foresight system of the Government of Flanders. It includes a blueprint and roadmap for incorporating strategic foresight into the public administration of Flanders over the next five years.

  • 28 May 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 44

This report looks back at 15 years of tax and development work at the OECD charting the evolution of the OECD’s engagement with, and inclusion of, developing countries in its tax work from 2009 to 2024. Beginning with the restructuring of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in 2009, through the BEPS Actions, the establishment of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS and negotiations on the Two Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges of the Digitalising Economy, it shows how OECD initiatives have combined the momentum for multilateral tax co-operation with the increased focus on taxation in international development, to develop a range of tools, instruments and forums with wide participation from developing counties. Accompanying the move to multilateralism in tax matters, the OECD has also sought to increase the availability of data on taxation, for example through the Global Revenue Statistics Database, and support more integrated tax and development policy thinking, for example on the taxation of development assistance. Concurrently there has been a continuous growth in the OECD capacity building activities, now reaching over 30,000 officials in over 100 countries annually. Notable among these initiatives is the groundbreaking joint OECD/UNDP Tax Inspectors Without Borders initiative. The report features several case studies highlighting the impacts across various countries, as well as the wide range of partnerships forged by the OECD to harness taxation’s potential in advancing sustainable development.

Spanish, French
  • 28 May 2024
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 47

The transport sector currently faces a number of disruptions related to geopolitics, climate change and energy security. Transport system resilience refers to the sector’s capacity to deal with, adapt to and recover from such disruptions. This report sets out the main disruptions to transport systems worldwide. It explores ways to reduce uncertainty by assessing vulnerabilities, and the main mitigation and adaptation measures required to ensure transport systems function in times of crisis.

Violence against women (VAW) and girls exists in all countries and across all socio-economic groups, with around one in three women experiencing sexual and physical violence in their lifetime worldwide. This issue was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, intensifying the need for urgent action to eradicate it. Many governments, including in the MENA region, have enacted policies and programmes to tackle VAW. However, limited strategic planning, long-term investment in services, and co-ordinated responses among public institutions and actors involved in the implementation of VAW strategies have made it difficult to break the VAW cycle. Drawing on data collected through the 2022 OECD Survey on Strengthening Governance and Victim/survivor-centric Approaches to end Violence Against Women in MENA Countries, this report provides an overview of MENA countries’ efforts to develop whole-of-government VAW responses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and with a view to help anticipate future crises. It assesses the gaps that hinder progress towards achieving lives free from violence for all women and girls and provides recommendations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the policy and institutional frameworks across MENA countries in addressing VAW.

Lobbying and influence activities are legitimate acts of democratic participation and enable different groups to provide input and expertise to the policymaking process. This report looks at Chile’s existing framework to ensure equity, integrity and transparency in public decision-making processes, and assesses its resilience to the risks of undue influence by special interest groups. The report also explores how to improve transparency and facilitate the disclosure of lobbying and influence activities. Finally, it discusses complementary reforms of the legal framework on integrity and transparency that could help strengthen the lobbying framework.

  • 29 Apr 2024
  • OECD, United Nations Development Programme
  • Pages: 72

This report looks back at TIWB’s achievements from July 2022 to December 2023. Chapter 1 describes TIWB in the evolving international taxation and development context. Chapter 2 discusses TIWB programmes and operations. Chapter 3 provides information on current and future areas of TIWB technical assistance. Chapter 4 highlights results obtained over the past year. Chapter 5 describes TIWB participation at international events and the initiative’s communication efforts. Finally, Chapter 6 sets out the work plan for the year and provides an overview of the previous year’s objectives and performance.

Spanish, French

Since joining the EU in 2013, Croatia’s macroeconomic performance has improved significantly. At the same time, large demographic and socio-economic disparities across Croatian regions persist. These trends provide the backdrop against which Croatia has reformed its legislative and strategic planning framework for regional development. Such reforms culminated in the adoption of the National Development Strategy 2030, which includes balanced regional development among its main long-term objectives. They have also led to the creation of regional development agencies, and the design of development plans at the county and local levels.

This report assesses the extent to which Croatia’s multi-level governance system is supporting its regional development objectives. In particular, it provides an overview of the country’s regional development performance on several demographic, economic and well-being indicators. From there, it considers how the regional development reforms adopted since 2014 affect the ability of national and subnational governments to design, implement, fund, monitor and evaluate place-based regional development plans. Finally, this report provides practical recommendations to help national and subnational policy makers develop and implement strategic frameworks to meet their territorial development objectives and deliver tangible results to communities across the country.

A key part of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project is addressing the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In October 2021, over 135 jurisdictions joined a ground-breaking plan to update key elements of the international tax system which is no longer fit for purpose in a globalised and digitalised economy. The Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules are a key component of this plan and ensure large multinational enterprise pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in each of the jurisdictions where they operate. More specifically, the GloBE Rules provide for a co-ordinated system of taxation that imposes a top-up tax on profits arising in a jurisdiction whenever the effective tax rate, determined on a jurisdictional basis, is below the minimum rate. The Commentary to the GloBE Rules was originally released by the Inclusive Framework in March 2022. The Commentary explains the intended outcomes under the GloBE Rules, clarifies the meaning of certain terms and illustrates the application of the rules to certain fact patterns. This Consolidated Commentary incorporates Agreed Administrative Guidance that has been released by the Inclusive Framework since March 2022 up until December 2023. It provides tax administrations and taxpayers with guidance on the interpretation and application of the GloBE Rules in order to promote a consistent and common interpretation and application of those that will facilitate coordinated outcomes for both tax administrations and MNE Groups.

This annual publication provides details of taxes paid on wages in OECD countries. This year’s edition focuses on fiscal incentives for second earners in the OECD and how tax policy might contribute to gender gaps in labour market outcomes. For the year 2023, the report also examines personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by employees, social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by employers, and cash benefits received by workers. It illustrates how these taxes and benefits are calculated in each member country and examines how they impact household incomes. The results also enable quantitative cross-country comparisons of labour cost levels and the overall tax and benefit position of single persons and families on different levels of earnings. The publication shows average and marginal effective tax rates on labour costs for eight different household types, which vary by income level and household composition (single persons, single parents, one or two earner couples with or without children). The average tax rates measure the part of gross wage earnings or labour costs taken in tax and social security contributions, both before and after cash benefits, and the marginal tax rates the part of a small increase of gross earnings or labour costs that is paid in these levies.


The blue economy is a major driver of urban and regional development, creating millions of local jobs in water-dependent sectors such as fisheries, tourism, and shipping. However, it can also contribute to carbon emissions and ecosystem degradation, while its reliance on freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems exposes it to the impacts of climate change. As the places where the blue economy takes place, creates value and provides jobs, cities and regions play a key role in unlocking the potential of a resilient blue economy that preserves the ecosystems that sustain it. Building on a global survey of 80+ cities, regions and basins, this report highlights the costs and benefits of the blue economy at subnational level, shedding light on the link between the blue economy and water security. This analysis provides an overview of the multi-level governance of the blue economy and related gaps. It calls on cities and regions to develop resilient, inclusive, sustainable and circular (RISC-proof) blue economies by establishing the right governance conditions related to policy making, policy coherence and policy implementation. The report concludes with a RISC Assessment Framework that offers a self-evaluation tool for subnational governments.

EU Funded Note

Ireland has shown a strong commitment to addressing child poverty and improving outcomes for children and young people. Responding to the needs of children and young people, particularly those most vulnerable, requires integrated policies and services. This report is part of a joint project between the OECD and the European Commission to strengthen policy and governance arrangements for tackling child poverty and improving outcomes for children and young people based on a whole-of-government approach.

The report assesses recent policy, institutional and legislative developments in Ireland and compares outcomes for children and young people with those in other EU and OECD countries. It finds that despite progress, Ireland still has room for improvement on child poverty reduction, and more can be done to address the trust gap between young people in Ireland and their government. The report recommends Ireland to adopt measures to enhance inter-departmental and inter-agency co-operation, strengthen evidence-informed approaches, reinforce policy monitoring tools, and improve accountability mechanisms. It also recommends measures to support the effective implementation of Young Ireland, the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People (2023-28), and to ensure policy coherence.

This report provides an assessment of the Swedish corporate bond market and policy recommendations to improve its functioning, drawing from detailed empirical analysis and in-depth interviews with market participants. It includes two empirical chapters which provide insights into the market's evolution over the last two decades based on original data, emphasising changes since the 2008 financial crisis with respect to market size, issuer characteristics, credit quality, industry composition and investor universe. These developments are also considered in an international context, comparing the Swedish market with selected peer countries, both in Europe and elsewhere.

Decentralised finance, including crypto-asset markets and DeFi protocol activity, has been promoted as a tool to support the democratisation of finance. This report presents quantitative evidence from ASEAN economies that participation in decentralised finance markets has been largely driven by speculative forces and a fear of missing out, rather than by practical use-cases that can promote financial inclusion. Since decentralised finance today involves unregulated or uncompliant financial service provision, the complexity and the non-custodial nature of such activity (particularly DeFi protocol activity) make these practically difficult for retail participation. The report provides policy considerations and discusses other digital finance tools that could be considered as alternative catalysts for financial inclusion, particularly when it comes to MSME financing.

  • 11 Mar 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 125

Over 100 million workers in Southeast Asia have jobs that are directly or closely linked to the environment, making them vulnerable to climate change impacts. These same workers likely earn at least 20% lower than the national average and are largely in informal employment. The region’s necessary transition towards greener growth could affect them in several ways: some sectors will create jobs and others will lose jobs or disappear altogether. Understanding the effects of both climate change and green growth policies on jobs and people is thus essential for making the transition in Southeast Asia an inclusive one. The study explores these issues, with emphasis on the potential effects on labour of an energy transition in Indonesia, and of a transition in the region’s agricultural sector, illustrated by a simulated conversion from conventional to organic rice farming.

  • 28 Feb 2024
  • OECD, International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 91

Well-funded public transport services that provide easy access for all citizens to the opportunities they seek are essential to decarbonising transport, making our cities more liveable, and connecting people living in rural areas. This report aims to help governments meet the challenge of funding public transport sustainably and equitably. It recommends revisiting investment allocations, moving away from a road focus, and ensuring the efficiency of public transport services. Governments must also optimise the contributions of users, indirect beneficiaries of public transport (including landowners and businesses) and the public sector.

This report builds on the recommendations of the 2022 OECD Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy in Tunisia. It presents an overview of how to develop competition law guidelines across four areas (merger control, pecuniary penalties, leniency programmes and compliance programmes) and includes a comparative analysis of selected jurisdictions, with the view of assisting Tunisian authorities to develop their own guidelines. While competition guidelines can play an important role in fostering competition policy in Tunisia, it should go hand in hand with addressing specific shortcomings in the enforcement and advocacy framework as identified in the Peer Review.

  • 15 Dec 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 151

Efforts to respond to global challenges have greatly benefited from space technologies that are more advanced, perform more efficiently and are operating at greater scale than ever before. But as the challenges facing society grow and intensify, questions arise as to whether the space sector can continue to deliver on its promise. Reaping the full benefits of what space activities have to offer will require substantial and targeted government action. Key priorities include maintaining the continuity and quality of government civilian missions, levelling the playing field for private actors entering the market, and securing the orbital environment for future generations. This edition of the Space Economy in Figures delves into these topics, drawing from both established and novel economic and policy data sources.

  • 13 Dec 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

Central Asia's trade performance has displayed remarkable resilience to recent economic shocks. Nevertheless, the region’s dependence on a limited number of export commodities and a narrow range of trading partners exposes it to significant risks. Central Asian governments are therefore prioritising improved connectivity to integrate better into global value chains, reduce geographical disadvantages, and increase imports and exports. Trade facilitation plays a pivotal role in achieving these goals by reducing trade costs and fostering integration. However, Central Asia still faces substantial challenges, and, despite significant improvements in recent years, it falls behind most of the regions covered by the OECD's Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFI). This report takes stock of TFI progress in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, presents preliminary results for Turkmenistan for the first time, and showcases areas of TFI improvement. It also evaluates remaining trade barriers and provides recommendations to for trade facilitation reforms, including the need to prioritise trade community feedback to streamline procedures, digitalise and harmonise standards, and implement systemic border agency co-operation mechanisms. A co-ordinated approach to improving trade facilitation across the region could reduce trade costs substantially, lifting both trade turnover and growth.

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