Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur l'économie numérique

Les technologies de l'information et de la communication sont largement diffusées et utilisées, ce qui renforce leur incidence économique et sociale. L'OCDE conduit des activités pour aider à mieux comprendre la façon dont les TIC contribuent à une croissance économique et un bien-être social durables, ainsi que leur rôle dans l'évolution vers des sociétés fondées sur la connaissance.

English, French

Broadband networks of the future

The future is digital and enabled by globally interconnected and high-quality broadband networks. However, high-quality networks across the OECD are far from universal and applications across all sectors of the economy, from smart factories and hospitals to automated vehicles, are increasing the overall demand on networks and requiring them to evolve. Furthermore, to ensure everyone can participate in in this digital future, their expansion at affordable prices to un- and under-served areas needs to continue at pace. This report explores how surging demand is shaping future networks and identifies the four main technological trends that are driving this evolution. It then takes a closer look at measuring the quality of communication services delivered through those networks to inform policy making. Finally, it provides an overview of how policies and regulations are adapting to support the upgrade and expansion of high-quality broadband networks across the OECD.


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