Digital Transformation of National Statistical Offices

image of Digital Transformation of National Statistical Offices

Digital transformations bring about fundamental changes in how institutions – from governments to businesses – operate. National statistical offices (NSOs) face growing expectations from data users and need to adapt their digital capabilities accordingly. For NSOs in low and middle-income countries, who may have had limited exposure to digitalisation to date, keeping pace with rapid technological change is challenging.

This report uses examples from six NSOs to explore common barriers for NSOs in their digital transformations and identifies specific drivers. The report makes a case for digital transformations through more comprehensive institutional changes such as governance, procurement and human resources. In addition, the report outlines specific recommendations at the individual, technological, organisational and system level to guide NSOs and their partners towards a successful digital transformation.


How digital transformation impacts public institutions

As demand from the public and private sector for digital goods and services As public and private sector demands for digital goods and services increase, various public institutions are moving from analogue to digital. This chapter explores what this trend means for statistical processes across institutions, the ways in which national statistical offices will be implicated, and what the benefits of this process might be.


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