OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Sweden

image of OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Sweden

OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Sweden analyses recent developments of the digital economy in the country, reviews policies related to digitalisation and makes recommendations to increase policy coherence in this area. The report examines recent developments in infrastructures for the digital economy, telecom markets and related regulations and policies in Sweden. It reviews trends in the use of digital technologies by individuals, businesses and the government, and examines policies to foster diffusion. Digital security policies are discussed with a view to assess its strengths and limitations. The report also examines opportunities and challenges raised by digitalisation in key areas and analyses policy responses to these changes. The areas covered range from global value chains and innovation to jobs, skills and work in the digital economy.

The report reconsiders these policies in relation to their coherence among different domains and in order to foster synergies across government ministries, levels and institutions, based on the policy framework of the OECD-wide "Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being" project.


Fostering the digital transformations among individuals, firms and in the government

The use of digital technologies by individuals, firms and the government is a core driver of digital transformation. This chapter presents trends in the uptake of digital technologies in Sweden by individuals by geographic location, age, income and education. It analyses the diffusion of digital technologies among firms as well as the skills that workers need to use such tools effectively. It also examines the use of digital technologies by the public sector and the progress in digital public service and open government data. Finally, the chapter discusses policies to enhance the uptake and use of digital technologies in Sweden and provides policy recommendations.


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