OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008

image of OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008 reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation in OECD countries and a number of major non-member economies including Brazil, Chile, China, Israel, Russia and South Africa. Using the latest available data and indicators, the book examines topics high on the agenda of science and innovation policy makers, including science and innovation performance; trends in national science, technology and innovation policies; and practices to assess the socio-economic impacts of public research. This volume also provides an individual profile of the science and innovation performance of each country in relation to its national context and current policy challenges.

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On many innovation indicators, Iceland ranks among the top OECD countries, and it enjoys high per capita income and robust economic growth. While labour productivity levels still lag those of the United States, growth in labour productivity rose to 3.2% a year over 2001 to 2006. Resource-based industries and services form the basis of the Icelandic economy. As a result, measures of technological and knowledge intensity are often below the OECD average. However, the country has a complex and well-developed innovation system with a variety of actors from government, industry and the science community. Its innovation performance is robust, with a large share of firms introducing new-to-market product innovations. The small internal market (a population of just over 300 000) has stimulated many companies to internationalise, and international linkages are a notable element of the innovation system.

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