Chapter 6. Methodological chapter

This chapter presents relevant methodological information on the productivity indicators available in this publication and/or disseminated in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database). It discusses the different existing concepts of hours worked and describes the sources used to measure hours worked for the purposes of productivity analysis. It provides a brief description of capital stocks and capital input measures available at the OECD, highlighting the distinction between two key measures of capital: the productive capital stock and the gross (or net) wealth capital stock. The chapter also provides a summary of the major changes introduced by the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA), with respect to the 1993 SNA. Further, it describes important measurement issues when tracking price changes in the services sector and the potential significance of price measurement for measured productivity growth in services sectors. It presents the concept of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), describing the two different approaches for using PPPs in international comparisons of productivity levels: current PPPs and constant PPPs. The chapter ends with a detailed description of the trend estimation method used to compute productivity trends in this publication.


6.1 Productivity measures in the OECD Productivity Database

The OECD Productivity Statistics (database) (PDB) contains a consistent set of productivity measures at the total economy and at the industry levels. This section provides detailed information on the measures included in the database. While the PDB and this publication present value added based productivity indicators by relating value added to the labour and capital inputs used, productivity measures can be computed for different representations of the production process. One typical approach is to relate a volume measure of gross output to primary and intermediate inputs, as used in the KLEMS methodology, which measures the contributions of capital (K), labour (L), energy (E), material inputs (M) and services (S) to output growth. This representation is not adopted in the PDB nor in this publication.

Productivity measures for the total economy

Labour input

Within the PDB, the preferred measure of labour input (L) is the total number of hours worked by all persons engaged in production (i.e. employees plus self-employed). Another measure of labour input, albeit less preferred, is the total number of persons employed (i.e. employees plus self-employed). The preferred source for total hours worked and total employment is the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database). However, this database does not provide data on hours worked for all countries, and, so, other sources are necessarily used, e.g. the OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics (database). Estimates of average hours actually worked per year per person employed are also provided within the PDB. Section 6.2 presents detailed information on hours worked.

Capital input

Capital input (K) is measured as the volume of capital services, which is the appropriate measure for capital input within the growth accounting framework (see Schreyer et al., 2003 for more details on the computation of capital services in PDB). In the PDB, capital services measures are based on productive capital stocks derived using the perpetual inventory method (PIM). The PIM calculations are carried out by the OECD, using an assumption of common service lives for given assets for all countries, and by correcting for differences in the national deflators used for information and communication technology (ICT) assets (see Schreyer, 2002 and Colecchia and Schreyer, 2002 for further information about the calculation of ICT “harmonised” deflators). The investment series by asset type used in the PIM calculations are sourced from national accounts statistics produced by national statistics offices.

From 2015, the classification of assets adopted in the PDB is in line with the SNA 2008. Capital services are computed separately for eight non-residential fixed assets k = 1, 2, …., 8, i.e. computer hardware, telecommunications equipment, transport equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapons systems, non-residential construction, computer software and databases, research and development and other intellectual property products. The volume index of total capital services is computed by aggregating the volume change of capital services of all individual assets using a Törnqvist index that applies asset specific user cost shares as weights:




and picture is the user cost per unit of capital services provided by asset k at time t (see Schreyer

et al., 2003). Thereby, picture is the user cost share of asset k, picture is the contribution

of asset k to total capital services in year t and picture is the quantity of capital services provided by asset k in year t.

Aggregate volume indices of capital services are also computed for ICT assets (computer hardware, telecommunications equipment and computer software and databases) and non-ICT assets (transport equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapons systems, non-residential construction, research and development and other intellectual property products), using the appropriate user costs shares as weights. The aggregate volume indices of ICT and non-ICT capital services are given by:


where i represents an ICT asset and



where j represents a non-ICT asset and


Cost shares of inputs

The total cost of inputs is the sum of the labour input cost and the total cost of capital services. The national accounts record the income of the self-employed as mixed income. This measure includes the compensation of both labour and capital to the self-employed but separate estimates of the two components are not generally measurable. As such, in the PDB, total labour input costs for total persons employed (employees and self-employed) are computed as the average remuneration per employee multiplied by the total number of persons employed. The preferred source for data on compensation of employees and for the number of employees as well as the number of self-employed is the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database).

The labour input cost is calculated as follows:


where wtLt reflects the total remuneration for labour input in period t, COMPt is the total compensation of employees in period t, EEt is the number of employees in period t, and Et the total number of employed persons, i.e., employees plus self-employed, in period t.

Total capital input cost is computed as the sum of the user costs of each capital asset type k given by picture where picture is the user cost per unit of capital services provided by asset type k.

The total cost of inputs is then given by


and the corresponding cost shares of labour and capital are

picture for labour input,

picture for total capital input,

picture for capital input derived from ICT assets i=1,2,3,

picture for capital input derived from non-ICT assets j=1,…,5.

Labour productivity

At the total economy level, labour productivity is measured as Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices per hour worked.

Multifactor productivity

In simple terms, growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) can be described as the change in output that cannot be explained by changes in the quantity of capital and labour inputs used to generate output. In the PDB it is measured by deducting the growth of labour and capital inputs from output growth as follows:


where Q is output measured as GDP at market prices and at constant prices. X relates to total inputs used and the rate of change of these inputs is calculated as a weighted average of the rate of change of labour and capital inputs, with the respective cost shares as weights. Aggregation of these inputs is by way of the Törnqvist index:


Contributions to GDP growth

In the growth accounting framework, GDP growth can be decomposed into the contributions of each production factor plus multifactor productivity:



picture is the contribution of labour input to GDP growth,

picture is the contribution of ICT capital input to GDP growth,

picture is the contribution of non-ICT capital input to GDP growth.

Contributions to labour productivity growth

By reformulating the decomposition of output growth presented above, it is possible to decompose labour productivity growth into the contribution of capital deepening and MFP.



picture is labour productivity growth,

picture is capital deepening (i.e. growth in capital services per hour worked),

picture is the contribution of capital deepening to labour productivity


It is also possible to reformulate the decomposition of labour productivity growth to show the contributions of ICT capital and non-ICT capital:



picture is the contribution of ICT capital to labour productivity growth,

picture is the contribution of non-ICT capital to labour productivity


Unit labour costs and their components

Unit labour costs (ULCs) measure the average cost of labour per unit of output produced. They are calculated as the ratio of total labour costs (in national currency, current prices) to real output (in national currency, constant prices). At the total economy level, real output is measured as GDP at market prices and constant prices. Equivalently, ULCs may be expressed as the ratio of total labour costs per hour worked in current prices to real GDP per hour worked in constant prices, i.e. labour productivity.

In principle, the appropriate numerator for ULC calculations is total labour costs of all persons engaged. In practice, however, this information is not readily available for most countries. As such, OECD total labour cost estimates used in calculating ULCs are based on adjusted estimates of compensation of employees (COE), compiled according to the System of National Accounts (SNA).

Compensation of employees as defined in the SNA excludes labour compensation for the self-employed which is covered in the item mixed income. Estimates of the compensation component (per hour worked) of mixed income are set as compensation of employees per hour worked. This assumption may be more or less valid across different countries.

Unit labour costs are therefore compiled as follows:


where COMPt reflects the total compensation of employees in period t, Ht is the total number of hours worked by all persons employed in period t, HEt is the total number of hours worked by employees in period t and Qt is GDP at market prices and constant prices in period t.

Productivity measures at industry level

The conceptual approach used to estimate productivity at industry level follows that for the total economy. However the same quantity (and quality) of data that is available for the whole economy estimates is not always available at the detailed industry level. Hence some approximations are necessary and, so, some differences may prevail between the whole economy estimates and those at industry level.

Productivity measures at industry level are computed for 14 economic activities, each defined in accordance with the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4.

Labour input

Labour input is measured as total hours worked by all persons engaged in production, i.e. employees plus self-employed, broken down by industry. Another measure of labour input presented in the database is total number of persons employed (i.e. number of employees plus numbers of self-employed).

Labour productivity

At the industry level, labour productivity is measured as gross value added at basic prices per hour worked and growth rates are determined using constant price estimates of gross value added. Comparable measures are also derived per person employed.

Contributions to labour productivity growth

The contribution of an economic activity to labour productivity growth of a group of economic activities (e.g. total business sector, total services) is compiled using a Törnqvist index as follows:



i is an economic activity,

tot is an aggregate of economic activities including economic activity i,

Qcur is gross value added at current prices,

Qcon is gross value added at constant prices,

L is the number of hours worked,

qt(x) is the annual growth rate of x between time t-1 and t.

The database also presents contributions to labour productivity growth by economic activity on an employment (persons) basis.

Unit labour costs and their components

Unit labour costs (ULCs) measure the average cost of labour per unit of output produced. They are calculated as the ratio of total labour costs (in national currency, current prices) to real output (in national currency, constant prices). For main economic activities, real output is measured as gross value added at basic prices and constant prices. Equivalently, ULCs may be expressed as the ratio of total labour costs per hour worked in current prices to real gross value added per hour worked, i.e. labour productivity.

Total labour costs used for the calculations of ULCs by economic activity are computed as described above for the total economy. ULCs by economic activity are compiled as follows:


where i reflects the economic activity, COMPt reflects the total compensation of employees in period t, Ht is the total number of hours worked by all persons employed in period t, HEt is the total number of hours worked by employees in period t and Qt is gross value added at basic and constant prices in period t. The database presents ULCs by economic activity on an employment (persons) basis.

Further reading

OECD (2001), Measuring ProductivityOECD Manual: Measurement of Aggregate and Industry-Level Productivity Growth, OECD Publishing, Paris,

OECD (2009), Measuring Capital – OECD Manual, Second edition, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Colecchia, A. and P. Schreyer (2002), “The contribution of information and communication technologies to economic growth in nine OECD countries”, OECD Economic Studies, Vol. 2002/1,

Schreyer, P. (2002), “Computer Price Indices and International Growth and Productivity Comparisons”, Review of Income and Wealth, Series 48, Number 1.

Schreyer, P. (2004), “Capital Stocks, Capital Services and Multi-Factor Productivity Measures”, OECD Economic Studies, Vol. 2003/2,

Schreyer, P., P. Bignon and J. Dupont (2003), “OECD Capital Services Estimates: Methodology and a First Set of Results”, OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. 2003/06, OECD Publishing, Paris,

6.2 Measuring hours worked

Hours worked for productivity analysis – main definitions

Within the OECD Productivity Statistics (database)(PDB), the underlying concept for labour input is total hours actually worked by all persons engaged in production. It is instructive to consider the relationship between this concept and related measures of working time (Table 6.1):

  • Hours actually worked – hours actually spent on productive activities;

  • Hours usually worked – the typical hours worked during a short reference period such as a week over a longer observation period;

  • Hours paid for – the hours worked for which remuneration is paid;

  • Contractual hours of work – the number of hours that individuals are expected to work based on work contracts;

  • Overtime hours of work – the hours actually worked in excess of contractual hours; and

  • Absence from work hours – the hours that persons are expected to work but do not work.

Table 6.1. Relationship between different concepts of hours worked
Total economy, percentage point contributions at annual rate

Note: Establishing the relationship between normal hours and the five other concepts is not possible, as normal hours are established on a case-by-case basis.

Source: ILO (2008), Measurement of working time, 18th ICLS.

Because productivity analysis is interested in measuring the inputs used in producing a given output, the underlying concept for labour input should include all hours used in production, whether paid or not. They should exclude those hours not used in production, even if some compensation is received for those hours. As such the relevant concept for measuring labour input is hours actually worked. The productive or non-productive characteristic of an activity is determined by its inclusion in, or exclusion from, the SNA production boundary. Hours actually worked are defined as (ILO, 2008):

  • the hours spent directly on productive activities or in activities in relation to them (maintenance time, cleaning time, training time, waiting time, time spent on call duty, travelling time between work locations);

  • the time spent in between these hours when the person continues to be available for work (for reasons that are either inherent to the job or due to temporary interruptions); and

  • short resting time.

Conversely, hours actually worked should exclude:

  • annual leave and public holidays;

  • longer breaks from work (e.g. meal breaks);

  • commuting time (when no productive activity is performed); and

  • educational activities other than on-the-job training time.

Measuring hours worked

In general, Labour Force Surveys (LFS) are the main source used to compile hours worked data in a majority of countries. LFS is most often also the principal underlying source for total hours worked estimates in National Accounts – the main source ultimately used in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database). LFS include questions on the number of hours actually and usually worked in the reference period, i.e. questions concerning the differences between the time usually spent working and the time actually worked during the reference week. Additional LFS questions concerning working time components such as work at home, commuting time, short breaks, overtime and absence from work are also often available.

Continuous labour force surveys are especially appropriate for measuring working time as they allow direct collection of data on hours actually worked throughout the year. This method is known as the direct method, as it is based on a direct measure of average actual hours of work during each week of the year, effectively taking into account all types of absences from work and overtime.

However, when LFS are not continuous, the direct method to measure actual hours worked during the year is not applicable. In these cases, estimates are built using the component method. Thereby, data are collected for a specific reference week (e.g. one week during a month) and complemented with other data to build annual estimates of actual hours worked during the year. The component method starts with the usual hours of work collected in the LFS and then adjusts for absences from work such as holidays, bank holidays, illness, maternity leave, overtime, etc. Annual totals are then derived by scaling up the weekly estimate.

In some countries, LFS are not used or are complemented with information from other sources. Among such other sources are the following:

  • Establishment (and enterprise) surveys. These are typically the main source of information for hours worked estimates by industry. One of the main drawbacks of this source is that the data collected generally refer to hours paid rather than actual hours worked, hence include paid absences and exclude unpaid overtime.

  • Population census. These cover the whole population and are often used as a benchmark for most household surveys including LFS. The main disadvantage is the low frequency of data collection (normally carried out every 5 or 10 years).

  • Administrative records, such as social security and tax registers. These are the main sources of information for adjusting data from labour force surveys and establishment surveys to obtain estimates of absences from work due to illness, maternity leave, occupational injuries, strikes and lockouts.

  • Time Use Surveys. These are useful to compare the results from other sources but their irregularity, low frequency and limited international comparability is a drawback. Labour force survey based estimates of working time typically over-report hours worked when compared with estimates from time use surveys.

For the purposes of productivity analysis, consistency of LFS based data on hours worked with National Accounts concepts needs to be ensured (OECD, 2009; Ypma and van Ark, 2006). This implies adjusting the coverage of activities included in the LFS to that used to compute GDP, and adapting the geographical and economic boundaries of employment to GDP. The notion of economic territory used to compute GDP refers to the domestic concept, i.e. resident persons working outside the country are excluded. Some of these adjustments can be considered as negligible for most countries although they are made in all countries. Likewise, measures of hours actually worked should refer to productive activities within the SNA production boundaries (by definition); persons spending time on productive activities excluded from the original sources should therefore be included.

In general, when LFS is the main source of information for employment, adjustments concern persons outside the LFS universe but who need to be included as persons engaged in production, as defined in the SNA. The causes for differences between these two measures are:

  • age threshold: for example, people under 15 engaged in production are generally not included in LFS estimates;

  • non-coverage of particular groups: persons living in collective households, armed forces, and non-resident persons working within the economic territory of the country are generally not surveyed in LFSs;

  • non-coverage of certain activities: the LFS may not include hours worked in certain activities such as subsistence work and volunteer work;

  • non-coverage of some territories: the LFS may not cover the entire economic territory covered in GDP.

  • Table 6.2 describes the main strengths and limitations of the primary sources typically used to compute hours worked and employment estimates in national accounts.

Table 6.2. Primary sources used to compute national accounts estimates of hours worked and employment

Primary data source

Main strenghts

Main limitations

Labour force survey

  • Covers employees, self-employed, unpaid family workers, government and NPISH workers

  • Includes inormation on the characteristics of employment: age, gender, education, industry, occupation

  • Provides information on hours actually worked

  • Harmonised concepts across countries (ILO concepts)

  • Typically counts the number of persons

  • It is a household survey and so may have limited consistency with output and value added measures collected in business surveys, especially by industry

  • National concept of employment

  • There may be reporting biases in reported hours worked

  • Excludes people living in collective households, although this is unlikely to significantly affect numbers of persons employed

Business survey (e.g. establishment surveys)

  • Information consistent with output data

  • Covers production units operating in the territory: domestic concept of employment

  • Typically excludes information on agriculture and government sector - although these are covered in comparable surveys

  • May exlcude small enterprises below a certain employment or turnover threshold and certain categories of firms, such as unincorporated, self-employed and informal.

  • Information on hours paid or contractual hours, excludes absences and unpaid overtime

  • Not necessarily harmonised across countries, although when presented as structural business statistics comparability is generally improved

Population census

  • Can be used as a benchmark

  • Low frequency of data collection (typically every 10 years)

Administrative sources (e.g. social security registers, tax registers)

  • To complement data on employment and labour income/compensation

  • There is often restricted access (micro data)

  • Difficult to capture the informal economy

Time use surveys

  • To complement and compare data on hours worked

  • Low frequency data

  • Limited international comparability

  • In practice, the effective quantity of labour input depends not only on the total number of hours actually worked but also on the characteristics of those performing the work, like education, working experience, business function and sex. The measure of labour input used in this publication, i.e. total number of hours worked, does not account for the composition or heterogeneity of the labour force, thus ignoring changes in the quality of labour (i.e. human capital). This implies treating workers as perfect substitutes: an hour worked by a highly-experienced surgeon and an hour worked by an eighteen-year old student employed in a fast-food are treated as equal amounts of labour. Unadjusted measures of labour input, i.e. total number of hours worked, underestimate the effective use of labour in production affecting cross-country comparability.

Hours worked data in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database) (PDB)

In the PDB, the main requirement is that the most internationally comparable hours worked data are used (OECD, 2007). The preferred source for total hours worked is National Accounts, which are presented in the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), both for the total economy and for aggregate economic activities. However, long time series of hours worked are not available for a number of countries; in which case, the Secretariat estimates hours worked using the OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics (database). Total economy estimates of average hours actually worked per year and per person employed are currently available on an annual basis, for all 35 OECD member countries and some key partner economies as follows:

  • Actual hours worked are primarily sourced from the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database) for Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

  • Actual hours worked are sourced from the OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics (database) for Chile, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, the Russian Federation and Turkey.

  • For some countries, longer time series and/or more recent estimates of total hours worked are derived from the OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database) and national sources.

Further reading

Ahmad, N. et al. (2003), “Comparing Labour Productivity Growth in the OECD Area: The Role of Measurement”, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2003/14,

ILO (2008), Measurement of working time, 18th ICLS.

OECD (2007), Factors explaining differences in hours worked across OECD countries”, Document prepared for the Working Party No. 1 on Macroeconomic and Structural Policy Analysis, September 2007.

OECD (2009), “Comparability of labour input measures for productivity analysis”, Document prepared for the OECD Working Party on National Accounts, November 2009,

Ypma, G. and B. van Ark (2006), “Employment and Hours Worked in National Accounts: A Producer’s View on Methods and a User’s View on Applicability”, EU KLEMS Working Paper No. 10.

6.3 Capital input measures at the OECD


Two key measures of capital stock exist. The first is the productive capital stock, which looks at capital in its function as a provider of capital services in production. The second is gross (or net) capital stock, which captures the role of capital as a store of wealth.1 This section provides supplementary information on these two measures, on the approaches used to estimate them and on capital measures available at the OECD.


Productive capital stock (and capital services)

When the purpose of capital measurement is to gauge its role in production and productivity, via capital services, it is necessary to construct measures of the productive capital stock. The productive capital stock per type of capital asset is constructed by applying an age-efficiency profile and a retirement pattern when past investments of each asset are summed up over time. For example, a 10-year old lorry would be given a lower weight compared with a new lorry when past purchases of lorries are added up to construct a measure of today’s productive stock of lorries. Moreover, lorries are scrapped after a certain number of years and investments that date back by say 30 years would not enter today’s productive stock. Unlike gross or net capital stock measures, aggregate measures of productive capital stock weigh different types of assets by their relative productivity using the user costs of each capital type. The resulting aggregate constitutes a measure for the potential flow of productive services that all fixed assets can deliver in production, i.e. capital services.

Net and gross (wealth) capital stocks

Perhaps the best known measure of capital stock is that used to value assets on a company, industry or nation’s balance sheets, that is, the gross or net capital stock measures described in the System of National Accounts (SNA). These provide measures of wealth but they are not conceptually appropriate for productivity analysis. Unlike the productive capital stock, the purpose of wealth capital stocks measures is not to track the role of capital as a factor of production but to track the role of capital as a set of assets with market value – wealth capital stocks appear on the balance sheets in the SNA. This reflects the fact that the implicit weighting for the different assets used in building up wealth measures of total capital stock is based on the market prices of the different assets. However changes in the relative productivity of the different assets are not necessarily consistent with changes in the relative price of the assets. For productivity analysis it is the former measure (and weighting of different asset types) that is relevant.

Measuring capital input

In general, capital stock series are not directly measured. In common with most measures presented in the national accounts, they are estimated by national statistics institutes using available data on gross fixed capital formation (investment) with local methodology and assumptions – although there is increasing convergence towards international standards. There are heavy data requirements for the estimation of capital stocks which include the following:

  • a benchmark level of capital stock for at least one year (preferably by asset type);

  • a long-time-series of investment volumes and price deflators (preferably by asset type);

  • as much asset type detail as possible;

  • depending on the type of capital stock being estimated, estimates of average services lives by asset and/or depreciation rates for each asset;

  • industry-by-asset-type investment matrices for capital stock by industry.

Capital measures in OECD statistics

Several OECD databases, described below, contain capital stock data. However some differences exist between them:

  • The origin of the data. In some of the databases described below only official data made available to the OECD by national statistics institutes are used. In other databases however, particularly those that are considered more analytical databases, such as the OECD Productivity Statistics (database), other sources are often used to estimate missing data or to create estimates based on comparable estimation techniques.

  • The coverage of the data. As shown in Table 6.3 below, some databases are confined to aggregate statistics, such as the OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database) or OECD Productivity Statistics (database). Others provide a break-down by industry, such as the OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) and the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database).

  • The capital stock variable. The OECD Productivity Statistics (database) measures productive capital stocks (and therefore, capital services) whereas the OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) and OECD National Accounts Statistics (database) contain measures of net and/or gross (wealth) capital stocks.

Table 6.3. Asset and industry breakdown of capital stock data in OECD databases

Asset breakdown



Industry breakdown


OECD National Accounts Statistics (database)

OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database)


OECD Productivity Statistics (database)

OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections (database)

Capital services for the total economy, 8-way asset break down

Estimates of capital services in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database) are based on a common computation method for all countries (Schreyer et al., 2003). This approach estimates productive capital stocks for all countries on the assumption that the same service lives are applicable for any given asset irrespective of the country.2 The approach further uses harmonised deflators for computer hardware, telecommunications equipment and computer software and databases, for all countries, to sort out comparability problems that exist in national practices for deflation for this group of assets (Schreyer, 2002; Colecchia and Schreyer, 2002).

From 2015, the classification of assets adopted in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database) is in line with the SNA 2008 asset boundary. Productive capital stocks and the respective flows of capital services are computed separately for eight non-residential fixed assets: computer hardware, telecommunications equipment, transport equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapons systems, non-residential construction, computer software and databases, research and development and other intellectual property products. By their very nature, capital services flows are presented as rates of change or indices and not as levels of stocks as is the case for measures of net and gross stocks. The aggregate volume of capital services (i.e. capital input) is then computed by aggregating the volume change of capital services of all individual assets applying asset specific user cost shares as weights. No conceptual distinction is made between user costs of capital and rental prices of capital. In principle, the rental price is that price that could be directly observed if markets existed for all capital services. In practice, however, rental prices have to be imputed for most assets, using the implicit rent that capital goods’ owners “pay” to themselves: the user costs of capital. In other words, the user cost of capital reflects the amount that the owner of a capital good would charge if they rented out the capital good under competitive conditions.

Net and gross capital stocks by broad economic activities, with 9-way asset break-down

The OECD National Accounts Statistics (database) database brings together a large number of national accounts series for OECD and non-OECD countries. This includes data on net and gross capital stocks broken down by main economic activity and by nine types of assets: dwellings, other buildings and structures, transport equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapons systems, of which computer hardware and telecommunications equipment; cultivated biological resources; intellectual property products, of which computer software and databases and research and development. The data are transmitted by OECD member countries in reply to an official questionnaire and are provided in current prices and volumes. The level of industry detail and the time period covered varies across countries.

Net and gross capital stocks by detailed industries, no asset break-down

The OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) provides data on volume measures of gross and net capital stock by industry. The OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) covers all ISIC Rev.4 aggregations used for national accounts, some additional 2- and 3‐digit ISIC Rev.4 detail, as well as specific aggregates. The level of industry detail and the time period covered varies across countries. A detailed overview of available data in the OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) can be found at

Alternative capital stocks, for the total economy, no asset break-down

The OECD Economic Outlook is a key twice-yearly publication with economic forecasts and analyses for OECD countries and key partner economies. One of the series available is the volume measure for non-residential capital services for the total economy (productive capital stocks).

How to access OECD capital input measures

  • Aggregate capital services series in the OECD Productivity Statistics (database), along with methodological information and analytical papers and publications can be found on the OECD Productivity Statistics website on or on the OECD Productivity Statistics (database) on OECD.Stat, within the theme Productivity, then selecting Growth in GDP per capita, productivity and ULC, and then Growth in capital input;

  • Data on gross/net capital stocks by industry can be found in the OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database) on:;

  • Gross/net capital stocks in the OECD National Accounts Statistics (database) can be found under the theme of the national accounts via:, then selecting Annual National Accounts; Main Aggregates; Detailed Tables and Simplified Accounts; Fixed Assets by Activity and by Type of Product;

  • Data used for the OECD Economic Outlook, such as the total economy productive capital stock volume series, are published separately and can be found under the item Supply Block through the current Economic Outlook theme on OECD.Stat (


For more information on capital measures and their uses see OECD (2001, 2009) and Schreyer (2004).

In the PDB, the following average service lives are currently assumed for the different assets: 7 years for computer hardware, 15 years for telecommunications equipment, other machinery and equipment and weapons systems and transport equipment, 40 years for non-residential construction, 3 years for computer software and databases, 10 years for research and development and 7 years for other intellectual property products.

Further reading

OECD (2001), Measuring Productivity - OECD Manual: Measurement of Aggregate and Industry-Level Productivity Growth, OECD Publishing, Paris,

OECD (2009), Measuring CapitalOECD Manual, Second edition, OECD Publishing, Paris,

OECD (2010), OECD Handbook on Deriving Capital Measures of Intellectual Property Products, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Colecchia, A. and P. Schreyer (2002), “The contribution of information and communication technologies to economic growth in nine OECD countries”, OECD Economic Studies, Vol. 2002/1,

Schreyer, P. (2002), Computer Prices Indices and International Growth and Productivity Comparisons, Review of Income and Wealth, Number 1, Series 48.

Schreyer, P. (2004), “Capital Stocks, Capital Services and Multi-Factor Productivity Measures”, OECD Economic Studies, Vol. 2003/2,

Schreyer, P., P. Bignon and J. Dupont (2003), “OECD Capital Services Estimates: Methodology and a First Set of Results”, OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. 2003/06, OECD Publishing, Paris,

System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008, New York,

6.4 The System of National Accounts 2008

The 2008 SNA – changes from the 1993 SNA

In 2009, The United Nations Statistical Commission endorsed a revised set of international standards for the compilation of national accounts: the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008, replacing the 1993 version of the SNA. For Chile and Colombia, the indicators presented in this publication are in line with the 1993 SNA. For the Russian Federation, the indicators are in line with the 1993 SNA until 2013 and with the 2008 SNA from 2014 onwards. For all the other countries, the indicators are based on 2008 SNA. The 2008 SNA includes a number of changes from the 1993 SNA and was adopted by most OECD countries at the end of 2014.

Changes affecting whole economy levels of income

For the United States, the adoption of the 2008 SNA in 2013 raised the level of GDP by 3.6 per cent, mainly due to the recognition of new forms of gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), notably Research and Development (R&D). The revision was also an opportunity for countries to implement some additional changes made in the 1993 SNA, which recognised entertainment originals as fixed assets. In addition changes were also made for the 2008 SNA recommendations on ownership transfer costs (see below). Current consumption expenditures of government in recent years were also revised downwards, reflecting 2008 SNA recommendations on defined benefit pensions plans as well as the net (of depreciation) effects of removing R&D expenditures from current consumption (see also below).

Research and experimental development

R&D is recognised for the first time as a produced asset. This also means that payments for the acquisition of patents, treated as acquisition or disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets in the 1993 SNA, are treated as transactions in produced assets. This also has implications for sectoral gross value added as the 2008 SNA also recommends that a separate establishment be distinguished for R&D producers when possible. See also the OECD Handbook on Deriving Capital Measures of Intellectual Property Products. Under the 1993 SNA, expenditure on R&D by government already adds to government output (which is estimated on a sum of costs basis) and subsequently as general government final consumption. So, for government the direct impact of the capitalisation mainly involves a reclassification of expenditure from government final consumption to government GFCF. Indirectly however government output and, so GDP, will increase as part of the costs of government is an imputation for depreciation; which now includes a component for the capital stock of R&D by government.

Weapons systems

Military weapons systems such as vehicles, warships, etc. used continuously in the production of defence (and deterrence) services are recognised as fixed assets in the 2008 SNA (the 1993 SNA recorded these as fixed assets only if they had dual civilian use and as intermediate consumption otherwise). Some single-use items such as certain types of ballistic missiles with a highly destructive capability, but which provide ongoing deterrence services, are also recognised as fixed assets in the 2008 SNA. Because most if not all of these expenditures are carried out by government (whose output is typically valued by summing costs) GDP will only increase by the related new consumption of fixed capital.

Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM)

The method recommended in the 2008 SNA for the calculation of FISIM implies several changes from that in the 1993 SNA. For example it explicitly recommends that FISIM only apply to loans and deposits provided by/deposited with financial institutions, and that for financial intermediaries all loans and deposits are included, not just those of intermediated funds. In addition, the 2008 SNA no longer allows countries to record FISIM as a notional industry.

Financial services

The 2008 SNA defines financial services more explicitly to ensure that services such as financial risk management and liquidity transformation, are captured.

Output of Central Banks

The 2008 SNA has provided further clarification on the calculation of FISIM in calculating the output of Centrals Banks. Where Central Banks lend or borrow at rates above or below the effective market lending/borrowing rate, the 2008 SNA recommends the recording of a tax or subsidy from the counterpart lender/borrower to/from government to reflect the difference between the two rates. Correspondingly a current transfer (the counterpart to the tax/subsidy) is recorded between government and the Central Bank. These flows will have an impact on the distribution of income in national income compared with the 1993 SNA treatment.

Output of non-life insurance services

The methodology used to indirectly estimate this activity in the 1993 SNA (premiums plus premium supplements minus claims) could lead to extremely volatile (and negative) series in cases of catastrophic losses. The 2008 SNA recommends a different indirect approach to measurement that better reflects the pricing structures used by insurance companies and the underlying provision of insurance services per se. The approach can be simply described as an ex ante expectation approach. Output is equal to premiums plus expected premium supplements minus expected claims. The 2008 SNA also recommends that exceptionally large claims, following a catastrophe, be recorded as capital, rather than current, transfers which will have an impact on (particularly sectoral) estimates of disposable income.

Valuation of output for own final use

The 2008 SNA recommends that estimates of output for own final use should include a component for the return to capital as part of the sum of costs approach when comparable market prices are not available. However no return to capital should be included for non‐market producers.

Costs of ownership transfer

The 1993 SNA recommended that these costs (treated as GFCF in the accounts) should be written off over the life of the related asset. The 2008 SNA instead recommends that these costs be written off over the period the asset is expected to be held by the purchaser. This will impact on measures of net income and only marginally on gross measures, reflecting the calculation of output for own final use and government output (which is calculated as the sum of costs including depreciation).

Re-allocating income across categories

Goods sent abroad for processing

The 2008 SNA recommends that imports and exports be recorded on a strict ownership basis. This means that the values of a flow of goods moving from one country (that retains ownership of the goods) to another providing processing services should not be recorded. Only the charge for the processing service should be recorded in the trade statistics. The 1993 SNA imputed an effective change of ownership.


Under the 1993 SNA merchanting – the purchase and subsequent resale of goods abroad without substantial transformation and without the goods entering or exiting the territory of the merchant – was classified as a services transaction. This treatment caused global imbalances in goods and services because while the merchant records an export of a service the country acquiring the good records an import of a good. Therefore, the 2008 SNA recommends classifying merchanting as a component of trade in goods. The acquisition of goods by the merchant are recorded as negative exports of the merchant’s economy and the subsequent resale of goods by the merchant are recorded as a positive exports. The difference between sales and purchases of merchanted goods is recorded under a new category “Net exports of goods under merchanting” of the merchant’s economy.

Defined benefit pension schemes

The 1993 SNA stated that actual social contributions by employers and employees should reflect the amounts actually paid. The 2008 SNA differs, recognising that the amounts actually set aside may not match the liability to the employees. As such, the 2008 SNA recommends that the employer’s contribution should reflect the increase in the net present value of the pension entitlement plus costs charged by the pension fund minus the employee’s own contributions. This change will result in a shift of income between gross operating surplus and compensation of employees and between institutional sectors (corporations/government and households).

In some cases, a defined benefit pension plan may be underfunded implying the pension plan has insufficient financial assets to earn the returns that are necessary to meet promised future benefits. The promised future benefits are assets of the household sector and liabilities of the pension schemes, or the employer if there is no autonomous scheme. According to the 1993 SNA, only the funded component of pension plans should be reflected in liabilities. However, the new 2008 SNA recognises the importance of the liabilities of employers’ pension schemes, regardless of whether they are funded or unfunded. For pensions provided by government to their employees, countries have some flexibility in the recording of the unfunded liabilities in the set of core tables. However, the full range of information is required in a new standard table (SNA Table 17.10) that shows the liabilities and associated flows of all private and public pension schemes, whether funded or unfunded, including social security.

Ancillary activities

The 2008 SNA recommends that if the activity of a unit undertaking purely ancillary activities is statistically observable (separate accounts, separate location) it should be recognised as a separate establishment.

Holding companies

The 2008 SNA recommends that holding companies should always be allocated to the financial corporations sector even if all their subsidiary corporations are non-financial corporations. The 1993 SNA recommended that they be assigned to the institutional sector in which the main group of subsidiaries was concentrated.

Exceptional payments from public corporations

The 2008 SNA recommends that these should be recorded as withdrawals from equity when made from accumulated reserves or sales of assets. The 1993 SNA treated such transactions as dividends.

Exceptional payments from governments to quasi-public corporations

The 2008 SNA recommends that these should be treated as capital transfers to cover accumulated losses and as additions to equity when a valid expectation of a return in the form of property income exists. The 1993 SNA treated all such payments as additions to equity.

Further reading

System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993, New York,

System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008, New York,

Van de Ven, P. (2015), “New standards for compiling national accounts: What’s the impact on GDP and other macro-economic indicators?”, OECD Statistics Brief, No. 20, OECD Publishing, Paris,

6.5 Measuring producer prices and productivity growth in services

The price index-productivity link

Empirical evidence presented in this publication points to relatively low productivity growth rates over long periods for several service industries. This is true even for some business sector services for which rapid technological change and increasing competitive pressures may argue for an opposite trend. However, for some services, this evidence may reflect an under-estimation of service productivity growth, linked to difficulties measuring price indices, and hence volume series of services value added (Wölfl, 2003). While problems estimating an appropriate price index may arise in several manufacturing industries, there are reasons that measurement problems may be stronger in the service sector than in manufacturing.

Because of the difficulty in measuring services producer price indices (SPPIs), different methods are used in OECD countries to compute volume series of value added. Moreover, even if producer price indices can be computed, different methods are typically used depending on the type of the service under consideration as well as data and availability. Over the past 10 years, much progress has been made by OECD countries in measuring SPPIs, in particular in business sector services. This has significantly increased the availability of SPPIs and has improved their comparability across countries. However, even where SPPIs have been computed, they are based on different pricing methods across industries and countries, potentially affecting comparability of productivity growth estimates.

General measurement issues when tracking price changes for services

Measurement of price changes in services is not trivial, in large part complicated by the way businesses provide and charge for services, by problems identifying quality change, through the provision of bundled services, and by the difficulty identifying separate price indices per end-user.

Pricing methods

The way businesses provide and charge for services can make it difficult for statisticians to observe prices for a repeated service transaction. As such, standard price measurement methods designed for repeated products can be difficult to apply for services. In practice, price statisticians are then obliged to use a number of methods to track price changes in services, with the methods typically varying across countries, depending on the pricing mechanisms used, and also on the producing industry or product.

However, over the last 10 years, considerable efforts have been made by price statisticians to provide a better understanding of the variety of methods used by countries to facilitate international comparability and hence improve matters. The three main classes of pricing methods are:

  1. Price of final service output: price observations refer directly to specified service outputs and result in prices of final services output; examples are: direct use of prices of repeated services, contract pricing, unit value, percentage fee, component pricing and model pricing.

  2. Time-based prices: price observations refer to the time used for the provision of the service rather than to the service itself. Several time-based methods can be distinguished: hourly charge out rate, hourly list rate, wage rates and working days.

  3. Margin prices: price observations refer to the price that would have to be paid by the service provider for the good or service they provided and the price paid by the final consumer.

It is important to bear in mind that the way firms in a given sector charge for their products can impact considerably on the reliability of measured price indices for the industry. For example, when price indices are either based on a specified service output or are time-based, results of pricing methods can have a different interpretation. In the first case, the volume of output is, in principle, correctly measured (albeit depending on how well price-determining factors are specified). However, this is not necessarily the case for time-based methods, particularly whenever quality changes have occurred, or productivity changes impact on the input (hours spent). Indeed, for pricing based on working time, the price of the service finally provided is not identified. Rather, service provision is assumed to correspond directly or predominantly to different types of chargeable hours, actually worked for a client. The validity of the method depends on how realistic this assumption is, i.e., to what extent the quantity and quality of one chargeable hour’s work remains the same in consecutive periods.

Quality changes

While in principle, the same quality adjustment methods can be used for goods and services, in practice, for services, fewer options are available and much more difficult to implement (Loranger, 2012). First, over time, the way in which a certain service is provided may change (e.g. a service is delivered in less time or by a better qualified employee). Second, the structure of services that are provided in a certain service industry will vary from one period to the next. Third, many service products are unique. In this case, prices cannot be observed over multiple periods requiring assumptions about quality changes that are mostly based on convention rather than reflecting “reality”; typically, constant quality is assumed.

Treatment of bundled services

Services are frequently (and increasingly) bundled with either another service or a good. This is particularly true in the case of transport and storage and information and communication services. Two main alternatives are commonly used: i) breaking down the bundle into components and price these separately, or ii) pricing bundled services together as a group. Each of these alternatives poses difficulties that are likely to imply biased measure of prices. A particular concern is keeping the bundle constant over time either through quality adjustment or regular updating of the selected bundled services. The ability to reflect the non-monetary benefits of the bundle in the price index may also be a complicated task. Finally, the treatment of bundled services may lead to a heavy calculation and response burden, in particular where bundled components are priced separately.

Decomposition by type of end-users

Breaking down SPPIs by type of user is an important requirement for the national accounts when price discrimination occurs which feeds through into heterogeneous price changes. Currently, decompositions of SPPI by type of end-users focus mainly on Business to Business (BtoB), Business to Consumers (BtoC) and Business to All (BtoAll) transactions.

The potential role of price measurement for measured productivity growth

Table 6.4 provides some indication of the potential effects on volume series of value added that may result from using different deflators for two services “telecommunication services”, on the one hand, and “legal and accounting services”, on the other.1 These services provide two interesting examples of how price index measurement could impact on measured productivity growth.2 They are i) characterised by very different factors of service output and the way they are provided, and ii) by different availability of producer price indices and underlying methods.

Table 6.4. Average annual growth rates in gross value added per person employed using different deflators of value added, in %


Wage rate Employment

CPI – All items

CPI – related service



Telecommunications services












Legal and accounting services











United States

Broadcasting & telecommunication













Legal services













Note: All results based on double deflation. “Base”: value added deflator as given in National Accounts.

Source: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics (database), INSEE, Bureau of Labour Statistics.

The table provides evidence for France and the United States, for which time series data are available for a large range of input and output variables, such that several different price and volume indices can be derived. The different deflators compared are those that are commonly used in countries either directly for a deflator of value added or as a reference for the computation of producer price indices:

  • Services Producer Price Indices (SPPI). From a methodological point of view, using SPPIs, especially in the form of a price of final service output as defined above, would represent the most appropriate way to deflate value added if the aim is the computation of productivity growth. Ideally, SPPIs would exist for both, gross output and intermediate inputs used in producing the good or service under consideration, and SPPIs would adjust for quality changes so that the resulting value added volume series reflect productivity growth changes properly.

  • Consumer Price Indices (CPI), for goods or services that are close to the services analysed, or the CPI All items. Using CPI’s for deflation may result in measurement biases vis-à-vis SPPIs as they cover only household consumption and are not valued in basic prices. This may be particularly relevant for those services where the share of final household consumption in total output is low, and where price changes differ significantly between intermediate (business) and final use (consumption) (Eurostat, 2001).

  • Wage rate indices per employed person or per hour worked (WRIE, WRIH). The latter can be seen as a proxy for a time-based producer price index as defined above. Productivity growth rates based on wage rate indices may underestimate true productivity developments.

The table suggests that the choice of the implicit value added deflator, or the pricing method for computing producer price indices, may matter significantly for measured labour productivity growth. For instance, in telecommunication services, average annual labour productivity growth rates over the 2000-11 period would differ by between 5 percentage points (United States, both periods) and 10 percentage points (France, 2005-11) using different deflators. In the case of legal services, the overall variation is with 1 to 4 percentage points lower, but still significant, especially given the generally lower level of productivity growth in this services activity.

This exercise is of a purely hypothetical nature. Its aim is merely to illustrate the sensitivity of value added volume series and hence productivity growth to price index methods.

In the empirical results presented in Table 6.4, labour productivity growth has been calculated as real value added per employment and not per hour worked. While hours worked is typically the more appropriate measure of labour input, employment has been chosen here for data availability reasons.

Further reading

Loranger, A. (2012), “Quality Change for Services Producer Price Indexes”, paper presented at the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices, Geneva, Switzerland, 30 May 30-1 June 2012.

Eurostat (2001), Handbook on price and volume measures in national accounts, Eurostat, Luxemburg.

Wölfl, A. (2003), “Productivity Growth in Service Industries: An Empirical Assessment of Recent Patterns and the Impact of Measurement”, Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2003-07, OECD Publishing, Paris,

6.6 Purchasing Power Parities for cross-country productivity comparisons


Purchasing power parities (PPPs) are the rates of currency conversion that equalise the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries. In their simplest form, PPPs are price relatives which show the ratio of the prices in national currencies of the same good or service in different countries. In this sense, they are spatial price comparisons.

Levels of GDP in a given year, when converted with PPPs, measure the size of economies in volume terms and so provide a more meaningful measure of the relative size of countries than simple exchange-rate based comparisons. Indeed, exchange rates reflect so many more influences than the direct price comparisons that are required to make volume comparisons. Furthermore, they tend to exhibit large movements over short periods of time, implying rapid changes in living standards which cannot have possibly occurred.

GDP and its components, converted using PPPs, provide a snapshot of relative volumes in a particular year. For many analytical purposes, the interest is in the evolution of GDP volumes between countries and over time. There are at least two ways of setting up such a comparison, each with its specific interpretation and use.

Current PPPs and expenditures (comparison at current international prices)

One approach for combining spatial and temporal observations is to use a sequence of current PPPs, i.e., a new set of price data for every period, compiled, weighted and aggregated to yield rates of currency conversion for total GDP and its expenditure components. With current PPPs, prices and price structures are allowed to vary over time. Volume levels of GDP are then obtained by applying these current PPPs, for every period, to GDP measures at current national prices. For a given year, (spatial) comparisons between countries are straightforward – volumes are measured with the same price structure. Comparisons of the resulting series over time, however, incorporate several effects: relative volume changes, changes in relative prices between countries and, possibly, changes in definitions and methodologies. The approach can also be described as comparisons at current international prices or current PPPs.

Constant PPPs and expenditures (comparison at constant international prices)

A second approach is to generate time series at constant prices and constant PPPs. With constant PPPs, a single year is chosen for the comparison of GDP levels and all other observations are obtained by applying relative rates of GDP growth, consistent with those derived in national currencies. This procedure ensures transitivity over space and time. The approach can also be described as comparisons at constant international prices or at constant PPPs. The key conceptual difference between using current and constant PPPs is that the former capture changes in volume as well as changes in weights, whereas the latter only capture volume changes. Put differently, even if the volumes of goods and services remain identical over time, a GDP comparison based on current PPPs may change over time if prices and price structures shift. Ignoring such shifts over longer periods can generate a biased picture of economic developments. This factor comes into play when some countries are large producers and exporters of products with marked price changes, for example Norway, which is an important oil exporter. Another consequence of fixing price structures to a base year is the sensitivity of results to the choice of the base year.

How are PPPs calculated?

PPPs are calculated in three stages:

  • first for individual products,

  • then for groups of products or basic headings and,

  • finally, for groups of basic headings or aggregates.

The PPPs for basic headings are un-weighted averages of the PPPs for individual products. The PPPs for aggregates are weighted averages of the PPPs for basic headings.

The weights used are the expenditures on the basic headings. PPPs at all stages are price relatives. They show how many units of currency A need to be spent in country A to obtain the same volume of a product or a basic heading or an aggregate that X units of currency B purchases in country B.

In the case of a single product, the “same volume” means “identical volume”. But in the case of the complex assortment of goods and services that make up an aggregate such as GDP, the “same volume” does not mean an “identical basket of goods and services”.

The composition of the basket will vary between countries according to their economic, social and cultural differences, but each basket will provide equivalent satisfaction or utility.

  • Values at constant international prices of period t0 (at PPPs of period t0)

Values at constant international prices of period t0 (at PPPs of period t0) are series at current domestic prices converted to a common currency by way of constant PPPs of a given year.

Constant PPPs capture volume changes only.

A value index of this kind corresponds to a weighted average of the value changes in domestic prices, as PPPs are held fixed.

  • Values at constant international prices of period t-1 (at PPPs of period t-1)

Values at constant international prices of period t-1 (at PPPs of period t-1) are series at current domestic prices converted to a common currency by way of PPPs of year t-1.

A value index of this kind corresponds to a weighted average of the value changes in domestic prices, as PPPs are held fixed at their previous year’s value. However, weights are continuously updated.

  • Values at current international prices (at current PPPs)

Values at current international prices (at current PPPs) are series at current domestic prices converted to a common currency by way of current PPPs. Because PPPs are price relatives of goods and services, this implies substituting the set of domestic prices by a set of international prices.

Current PPPs capture changes in volumes and in relative prices.

PPPs produced at the OECD are intended for whole economy cross-country comparisons of GDP and consumption across countries. They are derived through a collection of prices of final demand components and, as such, while they provide a sound basis for whole economy comparisons, they should not be used for comparisons across industries, especially for sectors whose prices are determined internationally.

Further reading

OECD/Eurostat (2012), Eurostat-OECD Methodological Manual on Purchasing Power Parities (2012 Edition), OECD Publishing, Paris,

OECD (2008), OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms, OECD Publishing, Paris,

OECD, Purchasing Power Parities (PPP),

Bournot S., F. Koechlin and P. Schreyer (2011), “2008 Benchmark PPPs Measurement and Uses”, OECD Statistics Brief, No. 17, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Schreyer, P. and F. Koechlin (2002), “Purchasing power parities – measurement and uses”, OECD Statistics Brief, No. 3, OECD Publishing, Paris,

6.7 Trend estimation method

Understanding to which extent productivity growth is driven by structural factors and affected by short-term economic fluctuations is of utmost importance for policy makers. To shed light on this distinction, one can decompose the series into a trend and a cyclical component, where the trend is meant to capture the long-term growth of the series and the cyclical component is the deviation of the series from that trend. In the OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2017, the method used to extract the trend component is the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter (Hodrick and Prescott, 1997).

The Hodrick-Prescott filter

The HP filter is the best known and most widely used method to separate the trend from the cycle (Hodrick and Prescott, 1997). The method has been first presented in a working paper in 1981 (Hodrick and Prescott, 1981). The filter is defined as the solution to the following optimisation problem:



where yt is the original series, t t is the trend component and ct is the cyclical component. The method consists in minimising the deviation of the original series from the trend (the first term of the equation) as well as the curvature of the estimated trend (the second term). The trade-off between the two goals is governed by the smoothing parameter λ. The higher the value of λ, the smoother is the estimated trend.

For quarterly data it has been typically assumed a value of λ = 1600, as recommended by Hodrick and Prescott (1997). However, there is less agreement on the value to be used when the filter is applied to other frequencies (e.g. annual, monthly). Backus and Kehoe (1992) used λ = 100 for annual data, while Ravn and Uhlig (2002) propose an adjustment of the standard value of 1600 that consists of multiplying that value by the fourth power of the frequency of observations relative to quarterly data. The latter results in a value of λ equal to 6.25 (= 1600*(1/4)4) for annual data.1

The HP-filter can be interpreted in the frequency domain. In this formulation the λ parameter can be associated with the cut-off frequency of the filter – the frequency at which it halves the impact of the original cyclical component. It can be shown that the Ravn-Uhlig rule for selecting the value of λ corresponds to a cut-off frequency of approximately 10 years, assuming annual data (Maravall and Del Río 2001). Nonetheless, Nilsson and Gyomai (2011) point out that the HP-filter has strong leakages (i.e. letting cyclical components from the stop band appear in the filtered series), and this feature may affect the choice of the filter parameter depending on the goal of the study and sensitivity to filter leakage.

In this publication, the target frequency for trend estimation was no different than in the above studies (10 years and beyond). However an additional objective is to minimize the leakage from shorter business-cycle frequencies into the estimated trend. Accordingly, the value of the smoothing parameter selected here is λ = 54.12. This value has been determined by calibrating the Hodrick-Prescott filter in such a way that the frequency response at 9.5 years is equal to 0.10. This means that with λ = 54.12, cycles with a wavelength lower than 9.5 years would be attenuated by 90% or more.

In comparison with other ideal filters, the trend estimated with the HP filter is more sensitive to transitory shocks or short-term fluctuations at the end of the sample period. This results in a sub-optimal performance of the HP filter at the endpoints of the series (Baxter and King, 1999). In view of this property, in order to lessen revisions of the published estimates, trend series are not published for the first two years and the last two years for which data on the original series are available. Even though, the choice of the HP filter is based on its interpretability and widespread use in the literature.

The frequency of observations relative to quarterly data is 1/4 for annual data and of 3 for monthly data.

Further reading

Backus, D. and P. Kehoe (1992), “International evidence on the historical properties of business cycles”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 82, No. 4.

Baxter and King (1999), “Measuring business cycles: approximate band-pass filters for economic time series”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 81, No. 4.

Hodrick, R. and E. Prescott (1981), “Postwar U.S. business cycles: An empirical investigation”, Carnegie Mellon University, Discussion Paper No. 451.

Hodrick, R. and E. Prescott (1997), “Postwar U.S. business cycles: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 29, No. 1.

Maraval, A. and A. Del Río (2001), “Time aggregation and the Hodrick-Prescott filter”, Banco de España, Servicios de Estudios, Documento the trabajo No. 0108.

Nilsson, R. and G. Gyomai (2011), “Cycle Extraction: A Comparison of the Phase-Average Trend Method, the Hodrick-Prescott and Christiano-Fitzgerald Filters”, OECD Statistics Working Papers, No. 2011/04, OECD Publishing, Paris,

Ravn, M. and H. Uhlig (2002), “On adjusting the Hodrick-Prescott filter for the frequency of observations”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 84, No. 2.