Beyond Applause? Improving Working Conditions in Long-Term Care

image of Beyond Applause? Improving Working Conditions in Long-Term Care

This report presents an in-depth cross-country analysis of how long-term care workers fare along the different dimensions of job quality. In the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the applause for care workers was a clear expression of the strong recognition of their hard work and exposure to risks in their job. However, as the applause faded after the peak of the crisis, questions have re-emerged about how to improve the working conditions of long-term care workers in a sustainable way. Over the coming decades, the demand for these workers will increase substantially. Several countries are already facing shortages as the large baby-boom generation joins the older population.

To go Beyond Applause, a comprehensive policy strategy is needed to tackle poor working conditions and insufficient social recognition of long-term care work, attract workers in the sector and avoid labour shortages reaching unacceptable levels. Such a strategy should cover several dimensions, with different priorities across countries depending on their specific context, including: direct interventions to raise wages and increase staff requirements; increasing public financing and fostering the leading role by governments; supporting collective bargaining and social dialogue; strengthening training; increasing use of new technologies; and, strengthening health prevention policies.

English Also available in: French


This report is the outcome of a collective effort with contributions from a team of policy analysts from the OECD Social Policy Division and the Jobs and Income Division of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS). Hervé Boulhol led the team and co‑ordinated the project and the publication. The overview Chapter 1 was written by Hervé Boulhol and Wouter De Tavernier drawing on the analyses carried out in other chapters. Principal authors of the chapters were Maciej Lis: Chapters 2 and 5; Wouter De Tavernier and Andrea Garnero: Chapter 3; Wouter De Tavernier and Andrew Reilly: Chapter 4. Other contributors to the report include Sandrine Cazes, Yuta Fujiki and Sebastien Martin. The authors are very grateful to Monika Queisser, Head of the Social Policy Division, for supervising the preparation of this report and providing in-depth comments on all chapters.


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