Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain

Improving Pathways and Co-ordination of Services

image of Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain

EU Funded Note

Spain has a high share of the working age population at risk of poverty or social exclusion and a high incidence of child poverty. While Spain has introduced a minimum income at the national level, social inclusion policies are the responsibility of the regions. At present, the coverage of the minimum income remains low and there are many differences in the design and implementation of social inclusion policies across regions, especially as a number of regions do not develop social inclusion strategies. There is also a lack of a multidimensional approach to social inclusion. This report develops options for new inclusion models that address current challenges and help formulate a coherent inclusion strategy. It also sets out a blueprint for developing a monitoring and evaluation framework. The recommendations aim to increase the effectiveness of minimum income policies and strengthen the co-ordination between social services, employment, health and housing.


Minimum income schemes and inclusion itineraries in Spain

This chapter presents the characteristics of the national minimum income scheme (Ingreso Mínimo Vital, IMV) introduced by the Spanish central government in 2020 in terms of eligibility, adequacy of support and coverage, as well as the main changes brought with the IMV work incentives package, which entered into force in 2023. Before the introduction of the IMV, Spanish regions operated their own minimum income schemes. Thus, this chapter also provides an overview of these regional minimum income schemes and analyses the co‑ordination mechanisms between national and regional stakeholders in providing minimum income benefits.


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