Aggregated data

The Aggregated dataset is a subset of the OECD Social Expenditure Database (SOCX) database, has been developed in order to serve a growing need for indicators of social protection and social policy. It includes reliable and internationally comparable aggregate statistics on public and mandatory and voluntary private social expenditure. It provides a unique tool for monitoring trends in aggregate social expenditure and analysing changes in its composition. The main social policy areas are as follows: old age, survivors, incapacity-related benefits, health, family, active labour market programmes, unemployment, housing, and other social policy areas. Those social policies area can be further divided by type of expenditure (cash benefits, benefits in kind), type of programme (active labour market programme, incapacity related, etc.) and source (voluntary private, public, etc.). Data are expressed in various units of measure and are presented from 1980 onwards.

English Also available in: French

Keywords: family, public social expenditure, pensions, private social expenditure, housing, health, benefits in kind, cash benefits, statistics, social policy, incapacity related