OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This series compiles data, analysis and recommendations on a range of topics to address the health, economic and societal crisis, facilitate co-ordination, and contribute to the necessary global action when confronting this enormous collective challenge. Bringing together policy responses spanning a large range of topics, from health to education and taxes, it provides guidance on the short-term measures in affected sectors and a specific focus on the vulnerable sectors of society and the economy. The content also aims to provide analysis on the longer-term consequences and impacts, steering the way towards a strong, resilient, green and inclusive recovery with co-ordinated policy responses across countries.

English Also available in: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese

Enhancing public trust in COVID-19 vaccination: The role of governments

While the rapid development of vaccines against COVID‑19 is an extraordinary achievement, successfully vaccinating the global population presents many challenges, from production to distribution, deployment, and importantly, acceptance. Trust in the vaccines is vital, and is critically dependant on the ability of governments to communicate the benefits of vaccination, and to deliver the vaccines safely and effectively. This brief addresses the role of governments in promoting confidence in the effectiveness and safety through effective communication, as well as trust in their ability to procure and distribute them efficiently and equitably. While only a small minority of the population holds strong anti-vaccination views, hesitancy about COVID‑19 vaccination is evident in many countries. Recognising that vaccination campaigns of the magnitude needed are unprecedented, government actions to garner trust will be essential to their success, and to the emergence of more resilient societies after the crisis.

English Also available in: Spanish

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