Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur les questions sociales, l'emploi et les migrations

Cette série a pour objectif de diffuser auprès d’un grand nombre de lecteurs un choix d’études traitant du marché du travail, des politiques sociales et des migrations à usage interne. Il s’agit généralement d’un travail collectif, mais les noms des principaux auteurs sont cités. En général, ces documents de travail existent uniquement en version originale – anglais ou français – avec un résumé dans l’autre langue.

English, French

How demanding are eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, quantitative indicators for OECD and EU countries

Eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits, which require recipients to actively look for work, take up suitable job offers or take part in active labour market programmes (ALMPs), or risk benefit sanctions, can play an important role in offsetting the negative impact of generous unemployment benefits on employment incentives. This paper presents information on the strictness of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits for 40 OECD and/or EU member countries. It covers availability requirements during ALMPs and suitable work criteria, job search requirements and monitoring of independent job search effort, and sanctions for voluntary unemployment, refusing a job offer or participation in active labour market measures. These qualitative data are then used to compile a composite indicator of the strictness of eligibility criteria and some comparisons are made with the results of a similar exercise by the OECD in 2011. This indicator complements existing cross-country indicators relating to unemployment benefits, such as net replacement rate data from the OECD Taxes and Benefits Database and data on ALMP expenditure compiled annually by Eurostat and the OECD.


JEL: J08: Labor and Demographic Economics / General / Labor Economics Policies; J68: Labor and Demographic Economics / Mobility, Unemployment, Vacancies, and Immigrant Workers / Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies: Public Policy; J65: Labor and Demographic Economics / Mobility, Unemployment, Vacancies, and Immigrant Workers / Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant Closings
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