OECD Reviews of Public Health: Chile

A Healthier Tomorrow

image of OECD Reviews of Public Health: Chile

This review assesses Chile's public health system, highlights areas of strength and weakness, and makes a number of recommendations for improvement. The review examines Chile's public health system architecture, and how well policies are responding to significant population health challenges including high rates of overweight and obesity, and relatively high smoking rates. In particular, the review assesses Chile's policies designed to tackle obesity and improve healthy diets. The review also examines Chile's cancer screening and prevention system and, finally, looks at how genetic and genomic medicine are being used to strengthen public health and preventive care in Chile.


The Public Health System in Chile

Overall Chile has a well-functioning, well-organised and effectively governed health system and public health architecture. Leadership from different levels of government is ambitious, and all government actors appear to have well-defined roles in delivering public health care. The key building blocks of the public health system are generally in place, and functioning well. However, more could be done to engage non-governmental actors in addressing Chile’s public health concerns. Equally, while ambitious efforts to tackle obesity have been undertaken in Chile, other public health risks – notably smoking and alcohol consumption – merit further policy attention. There is also scope to strengthen public health information system in Chile, notably with more regular administration of the National Health Survey, which is a rich source of epidemiological data.


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