OECD Reviews of Public Health: Korea

A Healthier Tomorrow

image of OECD Reviews of Public Health: Korea

This review assesses Korea's public health system, highlights areas of strength and weakness, and makes a number of recommendations for improvement. The review examines Korea's public health system architecture, and how well policies are responding to population health challenges, including the growing burden of chronic disease, and resulting pressures on the health system. In particular, the review assesses Korea’s policies to prevent harmful alcohol use, and the risks and opportunities around public health genomics in Korea, which is both a growing field in the health sector, and a booming commercial industry. The review also examines Korea's exposure to public health emergencies, and capacity to respond to emergencies as and when they occur.


Public health genomics in Korea

In Korea, genomic medicine is a fast-growing and popular field: genomic research, genetic testing and precision medicine, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing, are significant areas of policy attention, while in terms of genomic research, Korea has one of the biggest biobanks in the world. Genetic testing is widespread and increasing, both for hereditary (mostly infant) diseases, and following cancer diagnoses to personalise treatment. A regulatory framework has been developed for these tests, but quality assurance of private testing laboratories and training for health professionals are less well-developed and, most importantly, health coverage does not appear to be keeping pace with demand from patients and clinicians, and the cost-effectiveness of widespread use of genetic testing to personalise treatment (in particular cancer) does not appear to have been established. The area which generates the most concern when it comes to genomic medicine in Korea is the booming field of direct‑to‑consumer tests genetic tests.


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