Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Europe 2016

image of Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Europe 2016

The OECD series Recruiting Immigrant Workers comprises country studies of labour migration policies. Each volume analyses whether migration policy is being used effectively and efficiently to help meet labour needs, without adverse effects on labour markets. It focuses mainly on regulated labour migration movements over which policy has immediate and direct oversight. This particular volume looks at the efficiency of European Union instruments for managing labour migration.


Where does the European Union bring added value in labour migration?

This chapter looks at looks at practices and policy areas where the EU can bring added value to labour migration. The first section considers EU-level measures to make EU Member States more attractive to migrants, especially by improving and supporting labour migration channels. The chapter then goes on to consider EU-level action to improve mobility, particularly among long-term migrant residents. The question of the recognition of foreign qualifications is the subject of the following section. The chapter then goes on to consider EU-level action in matching the right candidates with the right jobs, focusing on the political aspects of labour market tests and their coverage. International co-operation comes next, a policy area where the EU can bring clear strong, added value. Finally, the chapter looks at how EU-level action can prevent competition between Member States for migrant workers from leading to a collapse in standards and how it can foster innovative practices, information sharing, the equal treatment of workers, and simpler administrative procedures.


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