The Future of International Migration to OECD Countries

image of The Future of International Migration to OECD Countries

This book explores the social, economic and environmental forces that may combine to attract migrants of various types and backgrounds to OECD countries, as well as those that may persuade migrants to leave their countries or to stay at home. By analysing different pull and push factors and constructing five different scenarios of migration in the future, this volume casts light on major determinants of global migration flows, which OECD countries will look particularly attractive for migrants, where the pressures to migrate be especially strong and what kind of migration-related issues will policy makers likely be facing as 2030 approaches.

English Also available in: French

Immigration “Pull” Factors in OECD Countries over the Long Term

Immigration into the more developed countries of the OECD has been on the upswing for the last decade and more. Their economic opportunities are a strong attractor for migrants while the projected demographic aging of the more developed members has heightened interest in the possible future role of migration. In anticipation, many countries have instituted policies that are more welcoming to immigrants. While there is reason to suspect that policies do not always work exactly as intended, there is every reason to expect that the OECD countries will continue to exert a substantial pull on international migrants. And policymakers are likely to attempt to attune admission policies with the evolving pull factors.

English Also available in: French

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