OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This series compiles data, analysis and recommendations on a range of topics to address the health, economic and societal crisis, facilitate co-ordination, and contribute to the necessary global action when confronting this enormous collective challenge. Bringing together policy responses spanning a large range of topics, from health to education and taxes, it provides guidance on the short-term measures in affected sectors and a specific focus on the vulnerable sectors of society and the economy. The content also aims to provide analysis on the longer-term consequences and impacts, steering the way towards a strong, resilient, green and inclusive recovery with co-ordinated policy responses across countries.

English Also available in: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese

Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is harming health, social and economic well-being worldwide, with women at the centre. First and foremost, women are leading the health response: women make up almost 70% of the health care workforce, exposing them to a greater risk of infection. At the same time, women are also shouldering much of the burden at home, given school and child care facility closures and longstanding gender inequalities in unpaid work. Women also face high risks of job and income loss, and face increased risks of violence, exploitation, abuse or harassment during times of crisis and quarantine.

Policy responses must be immediate, and they must account for women’s concerns. Governments should consider adopting emergency measures to help parents manage work and caring responsibilities, reinforcing and extending income support measures, expanding support for small businesses and the self-employed, and improving measure to help women victims of violence. Fundamentally, all policy responses to the crisis must embed a gender lens and account for women’s unique needs, responsibilities and perspectives.

English Also available in: Japanese

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