Adapting Transport to Climate Change and Extreme Weather

Implications for Infrastructure Owners and Network Managers

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This report addresses the fundamental challenges that climate change poses to infrastructure owners, who face two major challenges. First, they must ensure continued asset performance under sometimes significantly modified climate conditions that may decrease the present value of their networks or increase maintenance and refurbishment costs. Second, they must build new assets in the context of changing and uncertain climate variables. This creates a risk of over- or under-specification of infrastructure design standards, potentially resulting in non-productive investments or network service degradation. This report investigates strategies that can help transport authorities contain network performance risks inherent in changing patterns of extreme weather.


Transport infrastructure: Climate and extreme weather impacts and costs

International Transport Forum

Individual assets and groups of infrastructure elements are vulnerable to a number of climate and weather-related phenomena. This chapter will review the composition and life cycle of different transport infrastructure asset classes and will describe their exposure and vulnerability to disruption, damage and failure in light of climate-related factors. It will also provide an indicative overview of some of the potential costs faced by the transport sector as climate regimes evolve.


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