Major Transport Infrastructure Projects and Economic Development

image of Major Transport Infrastructure Projects and Economic Development

This report discusses the state of the art in understanding the economic effects of major transport infrastructure projects. It examines the limits of socio-economic cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and reviews the development of complementary and alternative approaches to assessing the benefits of investment in large, transformative projects. In particular, his report focuses on practical appraisal tools developed for assessment of the Grand Paris super-metro and London’s Crossrail project.



English Also available in: French

Maintained Hypotheses and Questions in Search of Answers

International Transport Forum

We propose a series of kick-off points related to the economic appraisal of large urban infrastructure projects, taking some account of the specifics raised by the Grand Paris Express (GPE) regional automatic metro. The points, in the form of Maintained Hypotheses or Question in Need of Answers, are crystallised around three orientations: demand model properties; overall effects of urbanisation; extensions of traditional appraisal.

English Also available in: French

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