International Transport Forum Policy Papers

The ITF Transport Policy Papers provide evidence-based policy insights and recommendations. The series assembles reports from case-specific policy analyses carried out by the ITF on request of member countries, thematic reviews carried out in agreement with local institutions, studies completed in the context of the ITF Corporate Partnership Board, and other work focused on supporting policy decisions. The papers in this series will be of interest to policy makers, industry, researchers and transport experts.


Motorway Safety in Korea

Learning From International Best Practice for an Action Plan to 2030

Motorway crashes kill over 200 people in Korea each year. This report reviews international best practices in motorway safety across ten countries to inform ways to make Korea’s motorways safer. Matching the average safety performance observed across Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom would halve the number of motorway deaths. The report offers recommendations for an action plan to 2030, also taking into account the expected uptake of connected and automated vehicles.


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