Enhancing Rural Innovation in the United States

image of Enhancing Rural Innovation in the United States

When it comes to high-tech innovations, the United States leads the path amongst OECD economies. However, in the context of the national record-breaking activities in high tech innovation, there lies distinct and growing geographical disparities. This report dives into strategies for better understanding innovation that occurs in rural places, and places outside major metropolitan areas, often going beyond science and technology. It provides analysis and recommendations to support regional development initiatives aimed at closing the gaps in innovation between rural and urban areas. The report includes a special topic chapter on the role of broadband and education in rural areas, exploring trends and providing policy recommendations to enhance rural innovation through these specific and critical framework conditions.


Executive summary

The United States (US) is a major source of global innovation, with a strong history of record-breaking patent activity and technological development. Yet innovation is not equally distributed across the country. It occurs differently in rural and urban places and often with a different emphasis. In rural counties, for example, many innovations are developed to overcome barriers in accessing basic services or in managing resources used in local supply chains.

English Also available in: French

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