Global Compendium of Land Value Capture Policies

image of Global Compendium of Land Value Capture Policies

The Global Compendium of Land Value Capture, a joint project by the OECD and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is an ambitious undertaking to understand the full landscape of land value capture (LVC) instruments, how they are configured and deployed across the globe in OECD countries and non-OECD economies, and what it would take to unleash their full potential as a sustainable revenue source. Moreover, little systematic information is available about the LVC instruments that countries use and enabling frameworks at national and regional levels to guide local governments toward greater use. The report features an overview of the political contexts, legal frameworks, and LVC approaches used in 60 countries. Special attention is given to the differences and similarities between countries that have a mature LVC practice, versus countries that have nascent policies and allowances. This will help countries developing the capacity and competences for LVC to understand the opportunities, trade-offs, and pitfalls to avoid when configuring legal, governance, and planning frameworks and institutions to support the implementation of LVC policies.



Two land value capture instruments are used in Estonia (). Developer obligations are used to compensate for the impact of developments on public infrastructure, while strategic land management is used to provide infrastructure and public services. However, the structure and application of these instruments differs greatly across local governments. While the national government permits certain forms of land value capture, specific terms and procedures are not defined, leading to differing applications of instruments across municipalities. The main obstacles that limit the broader use of land value capture include a lack of a consistent framework across municipalities, resistance or inability to paying fees by property owners, and a lack of financing for strategic land management.


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