Improving Transport Planning for Accessible Cities

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Cities are places of opportunity. They provide not just jobs but a whole range of public, cultural, social and consumption amenities. Transport is what connects people to these opportunities and cities provide access with varying degrees of success – especially when it comes to modes of transport that favour a green transition. This report argues that building sustainable transport networks for accessible cities requires a holistic planning approach, a sound institutional framework, reliable sources of funding, strong governmental capacity, and should build on community engagement. Urban accessibility requires coherent allocation of responsibilities across levels of government to support strategic planning. The report proposes concrete actions that cities can take to adapt their institutional framework, to improve transport planning and ensure they have access to sustainable sources of funding to implement their plans.


Improving access to opportunities in cities

This chapter makes the case for enhancing urban accessibility in cities as a way to build compact, greener and more inclusive cities with higher levels of well-being. It argues that urban accessibility also has the potential to support recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic via transit-oriented policies. The chapter begins with a discussion on the shift from mobility to accessibility. This is followed by an examination of the policy actions cities may consider to improve sustainable access to opportunities for everyone, in particular low-income households and women, such as improvements to the transport network, housing policies, active and micro mobility as well as smart mobility projects. The chapter concludes with a discussion on how cities can improve quality of life through the urban form by exploring urban density, land use policies, connectivity and a better balance between modes of transport.


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