OECD Business and Finance Policy Papers

These papers provide insights from OECD work on a broad range of themes relating to the domestic policies and global rules that help shape markets and business conduct. They contribute to helping government, business and society design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative solutions to diverse challenges and commitments.


Free trade zones and illicit gold flows in Latin America and the Caribbean

Free trade zones (FTZs) are vulnerable to illicit trade; despite many governments and zone operators taking steps to mitigate these vulnerabilities, they remain especially acute in trading operations of specific goods. One of these is gold. High-risk gold originating in Latin America and the Caribbean is often laundered within the region before advancing to destination markets. This report examines the risks and vulnerabilities linked to financial crimes in gold trade through FTZs, focusing in particular on Colombia, Panama and the Dominican Republic.


Mots-clés: illicit gold trades, free trade zones, illicit trade
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