Pensions at a Glance 2021

OECD and G20 Indicators

image of Pensions at a Glance 2021

The 2021 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD countries over the past two years. Moreover, the special chapter focuses on automatic adjustment mechanisms in pensions systems in OECD countries, discusses the usefulness and limitations of these policy instruments, and suggests ways to improve them in order to enhance the capacity of pension systems to fulfil their objectives. This edition also updates information on the key features of pension provision in OECD and G20 countries and provides projections of retirement income for today’s workers. It offers indicators covering the design of pension systems, pension entitlements, the demographic and economic context in which pension systems operate, incomes and poverty of older people, the finances of retirement‑income systems and private pensions.

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Editorial - COVID 19 and ageing: Pension systems at a critical juncture

Almost two years into the pandemic, this new edition of Pensions at a Glance offers new insights on how pensioners and pension systems have fared during the crisis. In most OECD countries, retirees have not felt the economic impact of the crisis as pensions in payment were largely upheld. The same cannot be said for pension systems under pressure from lower contributions.

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