Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda

Workshop Proceedings

image of Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda

Aquaculture now provides more than 50% of the global supply of fisheries products for direct human consumption. This conference proceedings addresses key policy challenges of the aquaculture sector. Policy makers, academics, industry representatives, NGOs and international organisations gathered to discuss the critical economic, environmental and social aspects of aquaculture.  This publication presents a selection of key issues covered by the workshop and includes a large number of country case studies, which provide specific examples of national approaches to aquaculture management.



Opening remarks

Dear Delegates, Dear Chair,

It is an honour for me to come here and open the Workshop on Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda: Policies to Ensure a Sustainable Aquaculture Sector. The OECD’s Fisheries Committee has for a long time recognised that the aquaculture sector is uniquely placed to complement production from the stagnating capture fisheries sector. Aquaculture has certain advantages in particular in terms of controllable production characteristics. Put simply, it is easier for man to produce fish in controlled conditions than in a hunter/gathering activity such as is the case in wild capture fisheries.


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