  • 02 Feb 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

OECD Economic Studies is the twice-yearly journal of the Economics Department of the OECD. It features articles in the area of applied macroeconomics and statistical analysis, generally with an international or cross-country dimension. This edition features articles on poverty dynamics in six countries; determinant of health outcomes; what works among active labour market policies; estimating prudent budgetary margins; health improvements vs. population ageing; and revisiting real social spending.

  • 26 Jan 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the  OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 06 Jan 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the  OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 06 Dec 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 282

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 27 Oct 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 06 Oct 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 240

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 13 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 294

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 13 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

The OECD's Quarterly National Accounts spans the last 14 years and contains a selection of the accounts most widely used for economic analysis: GDP by type of expenditure and by kind of activity, gross fixed capital formation by sector and by type of goods, and private final consumption by type of expenditure and by object are all shown at both current and constant prices. Financing of capital formation and GDP by cost structure at current prices are also shown. The data cover 23 OECD countries, and totals are provided for the following groups: OECD, OECD-Europe, the European Union, the Euro zone and the Major 7 (G7).

  • 03 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 240

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 03 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 238

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 03 Sept 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 243

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 11 Aug 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

Ce numéro 217-218 de l’Observateur de l’OCDE est consacré à le XXIème siècle et examine aussi l'économie des États-Unis, le vieillissement, le boom de l'Irlande, l'économie Mexicaine, l'économie bulgare, l'impot sur le revenu, megascience, ville apprenantes, et la crise industrielle en Asie.

  • 05 Aug 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 104

This OECD Observer No. 218-219 features a spotlight on the 21st Century as well as articles on the US, ageing, Ireland, Mexico, world growth, Bulgaria, income tax, big science, innovation, Asia's industrial crisis, Japan and Asia, learning cities, social sciences, and the OECD Ministerial.

  • 07 Jun 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 231

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 04 May 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 245

The monthly Main Economic Indicators (MEI) presents comparative statistics that provide an overview of recent international economic developments for the OECD countries. This indispensable and unique source of key short-term statistics is a valuable vehicle for economic analysis. Using the most up-to-date, user-friendly graphical and tabular presentation, the indicators cover national accounts, business surveys and consumer opinions, leading indicators, retail sales, production, construction, prices, employment, unemployment, wages, finance, foreign trade and balance of payments.

  • 01 Apr 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 64

This OECD Observer No. 216 features a special focus on biotechnology as well as articles on reform in Japan, Slovakia, Greece, taxes people really pay, road safety, labour market segregation, African development, Mediterranean integration, and e-commerce.

  • 01 Apr 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 56

This OECD Observer No. 215 features a special focus on taxation as well as articles on the EMU, Japan, the OECD Economic Outlook, business policies for knowledge-based economies, safe drinking water, energy to 2020, human capital, China, development needs, electronic commerce and gender equality.

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