Education in Saudi Arabia

image of Education in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has embarked upon an unprecedented reform agenda known as Vision 2030, which aims to create a dynamic, diverse and sustainable economy. To meet the demands of a 21st century, knowledge-based labour market, Saudi Arabia must develop a highly-skilled population, which puts education at the centre of Vision 2030.

Saudi Arabia has made tremendous progress in expanding access to education and has achieved universal enrolment rates at primary and lower secondary levels. Nevertheless, most young Saudi Arabians leave school without having mastered the basic competences needed for success in future academic and professional endeavours. There are also widening disparities between students in terms of their access to high quality education and their subsequent learning outcomes.

This review, developed in co-operation with the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, analyses the strengths and challenges of the country's education system and makes recommendations to help improve student learning. It will be of interest to policy makers in Saudi Arabia and international audiences who wish to learn about the country's ambitious reform efforts.


Strengthening the quality of the teaching profession

This chapter looks at how Saudi Arabia is improving the quality of teachers and teaching. Several factors have prevented Saudi Arabia from creating a dynamic and professional teacher workforce. First, it does not have a comprehensive set of teacher standards and established professional pathways for teachers. Second, teaching is seen as a secure, but not highly prestigious, profession, which affects how selective initial teacher preparation programmes can be and the rigour of teacher certification requirements. Finally, once in their posts, teachers are evaluated and supported by supervisors who are not always well positioned to fulfil either function. Many initiatives are underway to address this situation. Saudi Arabia is implementing its first ever teacher standards and professional pathways. Initial teacher preparation is being overhauled and will be offered at a post‑graduate level. The country has created a new agency, the National Institute for Professional Education Development, to lead teacher development efforts. This chapter makes recommendations about how Saudi Arabia can use the new standards to identify the best teachers, distribute them to the neediest areas, and make initial teacher preparation more attractive and higher quality. This chapter further suggests that teacher appraisal, instead of being conducted by supervisors, should instead be led by the teacher’s principal, be continuous and be focused on supporting the teacher to improve.


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