Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal

image of Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal

The Review of Inclusive Education in Portugal provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion in education in Portugal, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. The report serves three purposes: i) to provide insights and advice to Portuguese education authorities; ii) to help other countries understand the Portuguese approach to inclusive education; and iii) to provide input for comparative analyses of the OECD Strength through Diversity project. The scope for the analysis in this report covers primary (including 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education) and secondary education (including 3rd cycle of basic education and upper secondary). The analysis in the report focuses on the following areas: i) governance and financing of inclusive education; ii) capacity building; iii) school-level interventions and iv) monitoring and evaluation. This report will be of interest in Portugal and other countries looking to improve the equity and inclusion in their education systems.


Promoting school-level responses to student diversity

This chapter examines ways in which Portugal’s commitment to respond to student diversity by promoting equity and inclusion in education is reflected in practices and organisational arrangements at the school level. It argues that, while there is widespread commitment to these principles across the education system, practices in schools vary considerably. There are, however, examples of effective practices that can be built upon. Attempts to address these challenges point to the importance of providing powerful forms of professional learning that will support the promotion of inclusive practices. In addition, there is need for professional learning opportunities for those in leadership roles within schools. There is a lack of local area coordination of efforts to mobilise the potential that exists in order to create a more effective middle tier. There is also a need to strengthen strategies for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of policies.



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