  • 12 Sept 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 47

This report presents a synthesis of publicly available information on perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs), with the aim of elucidating the identities of PFPEs on the global market and analysing their life cycle. This includes their production and use, presence of other PFASs as impurities in commercial formulations, degradation mechanisms, and environmental releases of PFPEs and other PFASs present in commercial formulations.

In the context of a series of surveys conducted as part of the OECD’s “Surveys on Willingness-to-Pay to Avoid Negative Chemicals-Related Health Impacts” (SWACHE) project that supports the socio-economic analysis of chemicals, a series of questions were included about the respondents’ attitudes towards their exposure to harmful chemicals and the need for action by governments and industry to reduce exposure to harmful substances. Responses to the attitudinal questions show that the public is generally aware of the hazards of chemicals and how they can be exposed and are taking action in their everyday lives to reduce exposure. Respondents expressed a moderate amount of uncertainty whether harmful substances were sufficiently regulated in their country and there was considerable variation among countries in confidence of their country’s regulation. There was, however, overwhelming support for stronger government and business and industry action to reduce the presence of harmful chemicals in products of daily use as well as their emission to the environment.

Building on the OECD Guidance on Key Considerations for the Identification and Selection of Safer Chemical Alternatives, this report describes the results of a landscape study of sustainability attributes used by companies to guide chemical and material selection decisions. Results outline the range of sustainability attributes being considered, factors guiding the choice of standards and metrics used, as well as lessons learned in terms of challenges, needs and opportunities in the use and interpretation of a range of sustainability impacts to support chemical/material selection decisions. Companies are at various stages, given their value chain position and individual circumstances, in considering sustainability attributes in their chemical and material selection decisions, whether for the design of new chemistries, industrial processes or industrial/consumer products. Companies noted that sustainability attributes were not often considered in chemical substitution efforts given that regulatory and market-based chemical restrictions are primary risk-driven. Future guidance development to establish a minimum and recommended set of sustainable attributes should be flexible to the company/sector/product context as well as specific standards or metrics that could be used to evaluate them. Guidance should also be supportive of chemical-level innovation and selection decisions and aligned with forthcoming mandatory sustainability reporting requirements.

  • 03 Jul 2024
  • Sarah Barahona, Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Carrie Exton, Nicolas Ruiz, Julie Johnsen, Katherine Scrivens
  • Pages: 92

Les politiques efficaces en matière de protection sociale sont celles qui tiennent compte des liens d’interdépendance entre les retombées économiques, sociales et environnementales. Ce document, destiné à éclairer les discussions de la filière Finance au cours de la Présidence japonaise du G7 en 2023, décrit une série d’initiatives menées à l’échelle nationale et internationale pour améliorer la mesure du bien-être multidimensionnel « au-delà du PIB ». En particulier, le Système de comptabilité nationale (SCN) de 2025 rendra plus visibles l’économie numérique et les services numériques gratuits, ainsi que les activités non rémunérées des ménages et l’épuisement du capital naturel. Par ailleurs, plus de deux tiers des pays de l’OCDE ont mis au point, à l’échelle nationale, des cadres, des plans de développement ou des enquêtes axés sur le bien-être multidimensionnel, couvrant un large éventail de résultats et d’inégalités au niveau économique, social et environnemental qui ont une incidence sur le bien-être des populations et sa pérennité. Certaines économies du G7 et de l’OCDE ont commencé à utiliser ces éléments pour éclairer l’élaboration du budget, renforcer les outils d’évaluation de l’action publique (y compris l’analyse coûts-avantages) et étayer les cadres de gestion des performances de l’administration et les stratégies de croissance inclusive.


This report presents developments of the work of the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA) to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, and reflect on the IFCMA’s achievements one year on from its launch in February 2023.

  • 01 Dec 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 13

Despite commitments to scale up and speed up climate action, the fiscal cost of government support for fossil fuels almost doubled in 2022 to reach more than USD 1.4 trillion as governments across the OECD and partner countries introduced substantial initiatives to mitigate high energy costs on households and firms, caused in part by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. This rising trend is a real threat to our collective net zero goals and highlights the challenges of staying on track with net zero commitments in the face of geopolitical and economic disruption. Going forward, it will be critical that support measures are reformed to better target those most in need. Support for fossil fuels should also be phased out as soon as possible. This will help free up much needed resources for the transition towards net zero emissions and accelerate innovation to improve energy efficiency.


Malgré les engagements visant à intensifier et à accélérer l’action climatique, le coût budgétaire du soutien public aux combustibles fossiles a presque doublé en 2022 pour atteindre plus de 1 400 milliards de dollars, alors que les gouvernements des pays de l’OCDE et des pays partenaires ont lancé des initiatives substantielles pour atténuer les coûts énergétiques élevés pour les ménages et les entreprises, causés en partie par la guerre d'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine. Cette tendance croissante constitue une menace réelle pour nos objectifs collectifs de zéro émission nette et met en évidence les défis que représentent le respect des engagements de zéro émission nette face aux perturbations géopolitiques et économiques. À l’avenir, il sera essentiel de réformer les mesures de soutien afin de mieux cibler ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Le soutien aux combustibles fossiles devrait aussi être progressivement supprimé dès que possible. Cela contribuera à libérer des ressources indispensables à la transition vers zéro émission nette et à accélérer l’innovation pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique.


The Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA) is the OECD’s flagship initiative to help optimise the global impact of emissions reduction efforts around the world. This report presents developments since the first meeting of the initiative in February 2023, including the latest updates in terms of country membership and technical work, and outlines next steps.

Ces orientations stratégiques résultent du programme de travail pluriannuel du Comité d’aide au développement sur les flux financiers illicites (FFI) dans le négoce de produits pétroliers. Elles visent à proposer, au titre de l’aide publique au développement (APD), un ensemble de mesures utiles, réalistes et applicables pour lutter contre les FFI dans le négoce de produits pétroliers. L’objectif est d’accroître la mobilisation des ressources intérieures au profit des populations qui vivent dans les pays en développement producteurs de pétrole, et de favoriser l’intégrité dans le cadre de la transition énergétique, en particulier pour le commerce de carbone.


This Policy Guidance is a product of the Development Assistance Committee’s multi-year programme of work on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) in oil commodity trading. It proposes a set of relevant, feasible actions for providers of official development assistance (ODA) to respond to IFFs in oil commodity trading. The aim is to enhance the mobilisation of domestic resources for the benefit of populations living in oil-producing developing countries, and enable integrity in their energy transition, particularly in carbon trade.

  • 25 May 2023
  • Sarah Barahona, Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Carrie Exton, Nicolas Ruiz, Julie Johnsen, Katherine Scrivens
  • Pages: 82

Effective welfare policies need to consider interactions among economic, social and environmental outcomes. This paper, prepared to support Finance track discussions during Japan’s 2023 Presidency of the G7, describes a variety of national and international initiatives to improve the measurement of multidimensional welfare and well-being "beyond GDP". For example, the 2025 System of National Accounts (SNA) will provide greater visibility to the digital economy and free digital services, unpaid household activities, and the depletion of natural capital. More than two-thirds of OECD countries have also developed national frameworks, development plans or surveys with a multidimensional well-being focus, spanning a broad range of economic, social and environmental outcomes and inequalities that matter to people’s well-being and its sustainability. Some G7 and OECD economies have started using this evidence to inform budgeting, enhance policy appraisal and evaluation tools (including cost-benefit analysis), and to guide government performance management frameworks and inclusive growth strategies.

  • 05 Apr 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 59

The iron and steel sector accounts for almost 8% of global emissions, making it one of the highest emitting industry sectors with around 30% of industrial carbon emissions. Decarbonising the steel sector is therefore key to achieving climate goals. This report, prepared for the 2023 Japanese G7 Presidency, demonstrates that considering the heterogeneity of steel industries is vital for reaching climate goals and for a just and inclusive transition to a low-carbon future. The report maps the heterogeneity of global steel industries, highlighting the differences between them in key areas relevant to decarbonisation. Additionally, it examines how these differences should be considered when developing definitions for near-zero and low-emissions steel production, as well as emissions measurement methodologies and data collection frameworks.

In spite of progress made to date and the significant long-term ambition announced by many countries, climate policy actions remain insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement objectives. While several international initiatives aim to track and monitor climate policies, there is not yet a “go to” place for a comprehensive inventory of policy actions and best practices worldwide. Such a platform would also ideally serve to compare policies’ effectiveness reflecting the diversity of country circumstances. Progress in this direction would help to promote an ambitious but globally more coherent and better-coordinated approach to emission reductions through a broad range of policies. This report lays out a roadmap for data and analytical work to support this aim, with a view to enhancing global dialogue and building trust on issues spanning climate change mitigation policies and their macro-economic repercussions. Key elements to strengthen the assessment and comparison of countries’ climate change mitigation policies across countries include: broadening and deepening the stocktaking of mitigation policies; extending and agreeing on an operational methodology for estimating the impact of these policies on emissions and on potential metrics to compare them; and assessing the broader economic effects of different climate policies.

L’un des principaux obstacles à une action climatique plus ambitieuse est que les initiatives visent essentiellement à apporter des modifications mineures à des systèmes qui sont fondamentalement non durables. Le rapport précité applique l’approche de l’OCDE axée sur le bien-être au secteur des transports. Il s’appuie sur le rapport « Accélérer l’action pour le climat » et encourage les pays à centrer leur action en faveur du climat sur la mise en place de systèmes qui – par nature – améliorent le bien-être tout en nécessitant moins d’énergie et de matières, et donc produisent moins d’émissions. Le rapport met en évidence trois phénomènes à l’origine de la dépendance à la voiture et du niveau élevé des émissions : le trafic induit, l’étalement urbain ainsi que l’érosion des solutions de mobilité active et partagée. Il formule en outre des recommandations à l’intention des pouvoirs publics pour mettre fin à cette dynamique et réduire les émissions tout en améliorant le bien-être : la réorganisation radicale des rues, l’aménagement de l’espace axé sur la création de proximité, ou des mesures visant à généraliser la mobilité partagée. L’analyse montre également pourquoi l’efficacité et l’acceptabilité par la société de la tarification du carbone ainsi que les politiques incitant à l’électrification des voitures peuvent sensiblement se développer une fois que les pouvoirs publics accordent la priorité à la refonte des systèmes.

La tarification du carbone constitue pour les pays un moyen très efficace de remplir leurs objectifs climatiques et de soutenir une relance verte. Le présent rapport dresse un bilan de l’évolution de la tarification du carbone dans les économies du G201 entre 2018 et 2021. Les prix du carbone sont estimés sur la base des taxes carbone, des systèmes d’échange de quotas d’émission et des droits d’accise sur les carburants et combustibles. Les pays du G20 représentent quelque 80 % des émissions mondiales de GES.

This report provides a broad and evidence-based analytical perspective of the debate around the possible role of a Border Carbon Adjustment (BCA) to deal with climate change. The new context of divergent climate ambition has led to a resurgence of interest in BCAs. The paper provides an overview of different policy instruments that can limit carbon leakage, with a particular focus on the BCA option, and offers a technical review of the literature and of the legal specificities around BCA as well as of alternative instruments. The report also analyses the issue of fragmented climate policies in the broader perspective of the trade-climate nexus and discusses how other policy measures – especially those related to trade – can help support climate objectives (for example, reducing the existing barriers to trade in environmental goods, and removing environmentally harmful and trade distortive subsidies).

  • 11 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 141

GDP growth in Korea has recovered, supported by strong exports. Employment remains stable at a high level, while unemployment is low. Interest rates have likely peaked and housing prices have stabilised, all of which should support consumption going forward. Household debt remains high, and construction-related project finance has become a financial stability concern. Reforms to ensure fair competition in the domestic market would increase productivity in the SME sector. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 2030 target requires tightening the emissions trading scheme and reforming energy markets to incentivise clean electricity supply and energy savings. The Korean fertility rate has fallen to the lowest in the world, which will put labour supply and public finances under pressure. A large career cost for women who become mothers holds back female employment and fertility, and underpins the widest gender pay gap in the OECD. Improving the work-life balance for both genders, closing remaining gaps in family policies, addressing high housing and education costs, and tackling labour market dualism are key to reverse the trend. Such reforms, combined with increasing the legal retirement age, reducing the high significance of seniority in determining wages, and a more welcoming regime for work immigration, would also boost labour supply and tax revenue.


  • 08 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

The 2024 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses the latest tourism performance and policy trends across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It takes stock of the tourism economy’s recovery post-pandemic and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policies, as challenges remain to build momentum for a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future for the sector. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound, and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed, and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on strengthening the tourism workforce and building the evidence base for sustainable tourism policies.

  • 03 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 123

The Slovenian economy proved resilient following the energy crisis and devastating floods. Growth is projected to pick up gradually. The labour market remains tight, with widespread labour shortages leading to strong wage growth. Inflation has slowed but remains elevated in services. Fiscal consolidation is needed to rebuild fiscal buffers and address emerging pressures from ageing-related cost, notably on pensions. Productivity growth would benefit from lifting remaining barriers in retail trade and restrictions on professional services. Female labour market participation is high, but the gender wage gap could be reduced further through adjustments in the tax and benefit system. Greater harmonisation of carbon prices, notably the removal of reduced tax rates for fossil fuels, is needed to reach emissions targets. High homeownership rates and a limited rental market, combined with insufficient residential construction, constrain housing options for many, especially the young and vulnerable. Enhancing housing supply can be achieved by streamlining spatial planning and permitting systems, reforming housing taxation, improving rental regulations, expanding access to mortgage finance, and promoting the development of social and affordable housing.


تعد مصر اقتصادًا ناشئًا سريع النمو وتمثل عبئًا ديموغرافيًا ثقيلًا على القارة الأفريقية. فيشكّلُ كلٌ من النمو السكاني المتزايد، وتغير استخدام الأراضي، والتلوث، وتغير المناخ، ضغوطا متزايدة على البيئة الطبيعية، بما في ذلك تنوعها البيولوجي الغني. ورغم أن مصر قد حقّقت فصلًا نسبيًا لانبعاثات غازات الدفيئة عن النمو الاقتصادي، الا أنها لا تزال تحتاج إلى دمج العمل المناخي على نحوٍ أكبر، في مختلف القطاعات، ورفع سقف طموحاها تدريجيًّا. وباعتبارها واحدة من أكثر بلدان العالم معاناة من نقص المياه، فمن المفترض أن تساهم زيادة استخدام الأدوات الاقتصادية في معالجة ندرة المياه وتحسين نوعيتها. وقد التزمت الحكومة، كهدف من أهداف رؤية مصر 2030 بتحويل التحديات البيئية إلى فرص. فقد اتخذت خطوات للتحرك نحو إدارة أكثر استدامة للنفايات ومعالجة تلوث الهواء، الذي لا يزال مصدر قلق صحي. ولدى مصر إمكانات كبيرة لتسريع تحولها إلى الطاقة النظيفة. وفي حين تحسنت المعلومات والبيانات البيئية عموما، ينبغي تعزيز مشاركة الجمهور في صنع القرارات البيئية بشكلٍ أكبر.

إنّها المراجعة الأولى لسياسة النمو الأخضر في مصر. حيث يبحث التقرير في التقدم المحرز نحو تحقيق التنمية المستدامة والنمو الأخضر على مدى العقد الماضي. وتهدف التوصيات الـ 40 إلى مساعدة مصر في تحسين أدائها البيئي، مع التركيز على بناء مدن مراعية للمناخ ومرنة وشاملة.

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