
What is driving recent growth in OECD countries? Why is it that their levels of GDP per capita are no longer converging? Why is it that some countries, operating at the technological frontier, where advances are difficult, appear to be widening the gap? Whether or not it is appropriate to speak of a "new economy", innovation and technology play crucial roles.

This study shows that success requires not some silver bullet, but a range of complementary factors that support the innovation-intensive growth exemplified by new information and communication technologies such as the Internet and Internet applications like electronic commerce. Supportive policies include those favourable to innovative start-ups and to financial systems able to support them, those that facilitate the reorganisation required to reap the full benefits of ICT, regulatory and institutional frameworks that facilitate links between science and industry, and efforts to train and obtain the necessary human capital, as well as public support for basic scientific research. While this study is far from exhaustive, it represents an important step in understanding the conditions under which economies flourish.


Three billion people live in rural areas in developing countries. Conditions for them are worse than for their urban counterparts when measured by almost any development indicator, from extreme poverty, to child mortality and access to electricity and sanitation. And the gulf is widening, contributing to large-scale migration to urban areas. This situation exists despite half a century of rural development theories and approaches, and despite the global momentum built around the Millennium Development Goals between 2000 and 2015. Without greater progress on rural development, it is unlikely that the new Sustainable Development Goals will be met. This book calls for a new paradigm for rural development that is equipped to meet the challenges and harness the opportunities of the 21st century – including climate change, demographic shifts, international competition and fast-moving technological change.

  • 08 déc. 2004
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 234

In light of the elimination of quantitative import restrictions under the WTO at the end of 2004, A New World Map in Textiles and Clothing identifies the most recent market developments throughout the entire supply chain, from natural fibres to retail distribution. It outlines the policy and regulatory challenges in the fields of trade, labour adjustment, technology and innovation, and suggests a policy framework to help deal effectively with such changes as well as to capitalise on the trade opportunities that are being created through improved market access.

“A highly useful contribution to the debate on policy challenges in textiles and clothing, the book stands out from the others in recognising the influence that trade policy measures continue to exert on investment and production decisions, and in providing a synthesis of key market developments and policy issues.”

Munir Ahmad, Executive Director, International Textiles and Clothing Bureau

“Policy makers in all textile and clothing trading countries would be wise to heed the sound advice proffered in this comprehensive and thorough, fact-based assessment."

Laura Baughman, President, Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC.

“A must read for anybody interested in the future of textiles and clothing around the world. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the expected adjustment process in usefully underscoring the role of technology and innovation and the growing importance of the business facilitation agenda.”

Carlos A. Primo Braga, Senior Adviser, International Trade Department, The World Bank

  • 21 mars 2019
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 108

Policy makers and privatisation experts agree that it is critical to “get privatisation right.” A well-planned and executed transaction, backed by sound rationales, institutional and regulatory arrangements, good governance, and integrity can have consequences on future divestment activity by enhancing investor confidence while gaining the support of stakeholders and the public. Drawing on the internationally agreed OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises and decades’ worth of national experience across both OECD and Partner economies, this Policy Maker’s Guide to Privatisation provides practical advice to newcomers on key stages of the process from inception to post-privatisation. With global privatisation activity trending upwards and expected to rise, this Guide can support policy makers in their decision making process in the years to come.

  • 11 déc. 2023
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 44

The Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) initiative, launched in 2022 by India, aims to promote environmentally responsible consumption choices and behaviour in India and worldwide. High level principles on implementing LiFE were adopted by the G20, under India’s presidency.

Following the first IEA report on LiFE, which examined the impact on energy consumption, costs and emissions of measures like those proposed by the LiFE initiative, this report provides a concrete policy toolkit for advancing LiFE implementation at the level of countries, subnational jurisdictions and individuals, and through international fora such as the G20.

Enabling people to adopt sustainable consumption choices and habits requires dedicated and sustained policy interventions. This report examines the mechanisms of policies in driving change. Of the almost 1.7 billion tonnes (Gt) of CO2 savings that would be achieved in G20 countries by an implementation of LiFE-aligned measures, around 60% could be directly influenced or mandated by policies.

It showcases that the LiFE movement is gaining traction, tracking around 120 LiFE-aligned policies already implemented across G20 countries and building policy toolkit based on experiences and best practices.

Finally, it examines the multiple co-benefits of LiFE measures on equity, air pollution, employment and economic development, health, water, food and land-use.

This publication presents and discusses some of the key information available in the newly created Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries (DIOC). The many graphs and tables include data on: immigrants’ demography including age, gender and duration of stay; and their labour market outcomes including labour market status, occupation and sector of activity.

The book consists of nine thematic chapters, each including a brief description of sources, and a discussion of cross-country differences. The chapters also include a short analysis of specific issues relevant to the data, such as the gender dimension of “brain drain”, the international migration of health professionals, and the role of low-skilled foreign-born workers in domestic services.

An introductory chapter provides an overview of the data to present a picture of international migration to the OECD from four regions: Africa, Asia, and Latin America and from within the OECD area. A methodogical note completes the report by summarizing the different sources and methods applied and explaining the structure of the new DIOC.

"Immigration is fascinating, and a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21srt Century,  has some juicy nuggets."

-The Times (London)

Tomsk is one of the oldest established centres of industry and learning in the Russian Federation. The city of Tomsk and its surrounding region now face challenging economic and resource utilisation problems. These must be overcome if the pace of development is to be quickened and deepened. At the invitation of the regional authorities, the OECD’s Centre for Co-operation with the Economies in Transition, organised a conference in Tomsk on a regional approach to industrial restructuring in June 1997. It received special support from the Institute for Advanced Studies of Vienna. This report presents the economic assessment, conference conclusions and recommendations. It will be of particular use to potential investors, businesses and other specialists interested in the opportunities arising from reforms underway in the economy of one of Russia’s oldest regions. The publication notably provides an overview of the Tomsk regional economy and its main sectors, with an examination of key regional and federal policy issues, and investment provisions.

  • 26 mars 2024
  • OCDE, Nations Unies
  • Pages : 102

Where anti-corruption efforts were previously the domain of governments, the private sector has increasingly become an essential actor, representing a significant paradigm shift from the early days of anti-corruption policy development. This Resource Guide provides States with a framework for identifying and implementing an appropriate mix of sanctions and incentives for encouraging business integrity. It reflects the latest developments in the global anti-corruption landscape and contains case studies that serve to share information and practices and provide inspiration to States and the private sector.

Français, Espagnol
  • 21 juin 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 70

In recent years, Georgia has undergone important economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Georgian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Georgian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Georgia. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of Georgian emigrants in OECD countries. By profiling Georgian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Georgia towards its emigrants.

  • 21 juin 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 67

In recent years, Ghana has undergone major economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Ghanaian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Ghanaian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Ghana. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of the Ghanaian diaspora in OECD countries. By profiling Ghanaian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Ghana towards its emigrants.

  • 21 juin 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 70

In recent years, Indonesia has undergone major economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Indonesian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Indonesian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Indonesia. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of the Indonesian diaspora in OECD countries. By profiling Indonesian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Indonesia towards its emigrants.

  • 11 déc. 2015
  • John Cresswell, Ursula Schwantner, Charlotte Waters
  • Pages : 240

The OECD has initiated PISA for Development (PISA-D) in response to the rising need of developing countries to collect data about their education systems and the capacity of their student bodies. This report aims to compare and contrast approaches regarding the instruments that are used to collect data on (a) component skills and cognitive instruments, (b) contextual frameworks, and (c) the implementation of the different international assessments, as well as approaches to include children who are not at school, and the ways in which data are used. It then seeks to identify assessment practices in these three areas that will be useful for developing countries. This report reviews the major international and regional large-scale educational assessments: large-scale international surveys, school-based surveys and household-based surveys. For each of the issues discussed, there is a description of the prevailing international situation, followed by a consideration of the issue for developing countries and then a description of the relevance of the issue to PISA for Development.

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Israeli system of local government finance, with a focus on the role of the Israeli property tax, known as the Arnona. Local governments are financed through a combination of revenue, primarily from central government grants and from the Arnona, which is levied on residential and non-residential land and buildings but is based on their physical size rather than their value. The first chapter provides a description of the Israeli system of local government finance and compares it to local government finance in OECD countries. Using standard criteria for the evaluation of taxes, the second chapter assess the strengths and shortcoming of the Arnona and the intergovernmental grant system. Attention is paid to fiscal disparities among municipalities and to the ability of the current system to provide all Israelis with adequate and equitable access to economic and social services and infrastructure. The final chapter presents a set of 13 policy recommendations divided between proposals for improving the existing Arnona system and a longer-run blueprint for a more substantial reform of the system of local government finance in Israel based on the establishment of a value-based system of local property taxation.

  • 18 mai 2015
  • PARIS21
  • Pages : 52

The Road Map for a Country-led Data Revolution was produced by the Informing a Data Revolution (IDR) project, which was launched by PARIS21 in 2014 and financed by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to help ensure the data revolution serves the post-2015 development agenda. Its focus is on National Statistical Systems (NSS) in developing countries. These are crucial to generating the data needed to promote development and reduce poverty and to monitor international development goals.
As well as this report, the IDR project has a number of other components, including the following:
- Country studies: A study of statistical systems in 27 countries and in-depth studies of 7 countries.
- Innovations Inventory: Inventories of innovative solutions that can help fill data gaps, reduce costs and improve efficiency.
- IDR Metabase: A database on the organisation, management and performance of national statistical systems to provide a baseline and a means for monitoring progress over time
For more on the methodology used to create this report, see Annex - Methodology.

Russe, Français, Espagnol, Portugais
  • 15 mars 2024
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

This roadmap aims to assist the Albanian government in establishing robust policy foundations for a successful circular economy transition.

As an EU candidate country, Albania has committed to align with European climate objectives by endorsing the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, with the circular economy transition being its key component. Recognising the prominent role of this transition in both national and regional development and proactively addressing the challenges posed by increasing climate change vulnerabilities, reliance on imported raw materials and increased waste, Albania is now poised for a strategic framework followed by concrete actions to embark on this transformative journey.

Informed by a comprehensive diagnostic of Albania’s circular economy landscape, the roadmap strategically integrates existing policy initiatives, fostering synergies across sectors, measures and actors involved in this transformation. Highlighting three key areas where circular economy policies can have a significant impact in Albania – economic instruments, circular business models for SMEs and targeted solutions for plastics, with a focus on marine litter – the roadmap unveils 35 policy recommendations. These recommendations, supported by a monitoring framework, should serve as a cornerstone for propelling Albania towards a more sustainable and circular future.

  • 15 mars 2024
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 182

This roadmap is designed to aid North Macedonia’s government in establishing a solid policy foundation for a successful transition to a circular economy.

As an EU candidate country, North Macedonia has pledged to align with European climate objectives, endorsing the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, with a particular focus on the circular economy transition. Acknowledging the pivotal role of this transition in national and regional development and actively addressing challenges posed by climate change, reliance on imported raw materials and increased waste, North Macedonia is ready for a strategic framework and concrete actions to initiate this transformative process.

Derived from a comprehensive diagnostic of North Macedonia’s circular economy landscape, the roadmap strategically integrates existing policy initiatives, fostering synergies across sectors, measures and involved actors. It emphasises five key areas – circular business models for SMEs, construction, biomass and food, textile industry and mining and metallurgy – revealing over 40 policy recommendations. These recommendations, supported by a monitoring framework, are poised to be a cornerstone for propelling North Macedonia towards a more sustainable and circular future.

  • 03 juil. 2013
  • Pauline Musset, Simone Bloem, Mihály Fazekas, Simon Field
  • Pages : 91

This report examines vocational education and training programmes in Austria, covering how they are changing, how they are funded, how they are linked to academic and university programmes and how employers and unions are engaged.

  • 29 juin 2015
  • José-Luis Álvarez-Galván
  • Pages : 92

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of changing economies? How should the programmes be funded? How should they be linked to academic and university programmes? How can employers and unions be engaged? The country reports in this series look at these and other questions. They form part of Skills beyond School, the OECD policy review of postsecondary vocational education and training. This report reviews vocational education and training systems in Costa Rica.

  • 04 sept. 2012
  • Simon Field, José-Luis Álvarez-Galván, Fabrice Hénard, Viktoria Kis, Małgorzata Kuczera, Pauline Musset
  • Pages : 89

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. What type of training is needed to meet the needs of  changing economies? How should the programmes be funded?  How should they be linked to academic and university programmes?  How can employers and unions be engaged?   This country report on Denmark looks at these and other questions, and is part of the Skills beyond School series, OECD policy reviews of postsecondary vocational education and training. 

  • 02 févr. 2015
  • José-Luis Álvarez-Galván
  • Pages : 92

Higher level vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. This report on Egypt examines what type of training is needed to meet the needs of a changing economy,  how programmes should be funded,  how theyshould be linked to academic and university programmes and how employers and unions can be engaged.  The country reports in this series look at these and other questions. They form part of Skills beyond School, the OECD policy review of postsecondary vocational education and training.

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