SIGMA Papers

SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) is a joint initiative of the OECD and the EU, principally financed by the EU. SIGMA Papers is a series of specialised reports that are focused on particular issues in governance and management, such as expenditure control, administrative oversight, interministerial co-ordination, public procurement and public service management.

Available in French (see link below) and other languages.

English Also available in: French

Effective Communications Between the Public Service and the Media

Citizens have a right to know the policies and activities of their government. In a well-functioning democracy, the government provides reliable and timely information to the public. Effective communications between the government and the public is especially important in countries in transition, where major changes in state institutions - indeed in all aspects of life - have left the citizenry uncertain about the new roles of the government and public administration, and how to convey their views to representatives of the state. This publication comprises six papers presented at the seminar by five experts in communications, three working in public administrations in Western Europe and Canada, and two journalists based in Budapest. A background issues paper which sets the stage for seminar discussions precedes these other papers. The annexes comprise sample codes of ethics for journalists and government communicators.

English Also available in: French

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