OECD Integrity Review of Argentina

Achieving Systemic and Sustained Change

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The OECD Integrity Review of Argentina assesses recent efforts to transform Argentina’s integrity framework from isolated initiatives into a  coherent whole-of-society integrity system. The Review presents concrete actions for developing an integrity strategy to sustain current reforms. The Review also provides insights into how to operationalise a risk management approach to corruption and upgrade the internal audit function within government. Finally, the Review assesses the government decision-making process and provides options for increasing its transparency and integrity for more accountable and equitable policies.

English Also available in: Spanish

Ensuring transparency and integrity in Argentina’s public decision-making processes and political financing

This chapter looks at the resilience of Argentina’s public decision-making processes with respect to the risk of capture of public policies by special interests. In this sense, Argentina could promote integrity and transparency in lobbying activities by extending the scope of its framework to other branches of government, improve the negative perception of lobbying through stakeholder participation and ensure that all actors involved are held to account. In turn, to enable elected representatives’ accountability the high degree of informality in political financing needs to be reduced, along with an increase in the effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement. In addition, efforts need to be made to expand political finance regulations to the provincial level in order to make the financing system more coherent. The achievement of all these goals also requires strengthening and implementing Argentina’s new Access to Public Information Law and the existing mechanisms to promote stakeholder engagement in the legislative and the executive branches.

English Also available in: Spanish

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