Open and Connected Government Review of Thailand

image of Open and Connected Government Review of Thailand

This Open and Connected Government Review of Thailand, the first of its kind, assesses Thailand’s efforts to build a government that is closer and more responsive to its citizens by using digitalisation, data and stakeholder participation to drive national development. In line with OECD good practices, the Recommendations of the Council on Digital Government Strategies (2014) and on Open Government (2017), and the OECD Digital Government Policy Framework, the review looks at institutional and legal governance, digital talent and skills, public service provision and the strategic use of technologies and data in the Thai government. The review provides policy recommendations to help the government of Thailand fully benefit from openness and digitalisation to build an inclusive, responsive, citizen- and data-driven public administration.


Enabling a data-driven public sector

Chapter 6 presents and analyses the efforts of the government of Thailand to enable and govern a data-driven public sector. It reviews its data governance arrangements as a structural foundation and considers Thailand’s current experience in leveraging data availability, access and sharing to unlock greater value in its service design and delivery. Finally, it explores how better data governance from the perspective of ethics, privacy, transparency and security could help in reinforcing citizens’ trust in relation to the use of data by the government.


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