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Title Index

Year Index

  • 11 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 158
The OECD Data and Metadata Reporting and Presentation Handbook contains guidelines and recommended best practice for the presentation of statistical data and metadata disseminated by national agencies and international organisations in various dissemination media. The Handbook brings together in one publication relevant presentation guidelines embodied in existing international statistical standards where they exist. The Handbook also presents for the first time a standard set of terminologies and guidelines for the presentation of growth rates, indices and seasonally adjusted data developed by the OECD Short-term Economic Statistics Working Party. 
  • 29 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 90

„Die OECD in Zahlen, Ausgabe 2006“ enthält Schlüsseldaten zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt in den OECD-Ländern. Die Publikation bietet Vergleichstabellen zum gesamten Arbeitsspektrum der Organisation – von Volkseinkommen und Industrie über Beschäftigung und Forschung bis hin zu Bankwesen und öffentliche Finanzen.

English, French, Spanish

In vivo rodent models remain the only reliable way for experimental investigation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans, however, the rodent carcinogenicity assay is expensive and time-consuming. Several in vitro alternatives to animal-based methods have been developed. Among these methods, cell transformation assays (CTA), which mimic some stages of in vivo multistep carcinogenesis, have been proposed for predicting carcinogenic potential of chemicals. This document focuses on the three main in vitro CTAs, the SHE, the BALB/c 3T3 and the C3H10T1/2 assays. The SHE assay uses karyotypically normal cells and is believed to detect early steps of carcinogenesis. The other two assays are based on immortalized aneuploid cell lines which measure later stages of carcinogenesis.

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) cooperan en el derecho de la competencia y la política para promover el aumento del crecimiento económico, empleo y eficiencia económica, y un nivel de vida medio más elevado en el mediano y largo plazo. Hay un creciente consenso que las leyes de competencia y política sólidas son esenciales para alcanzar estos objetivos.

La cooperación del BID y la OCDE en el derecho de la competencia y la política se centra en reuniones anuales del Foro Latinoamericano de Competencia (FLC). Las reuniones del  FLC incluyen substancialmente discusiones en mesas redondas y revisiones por pares de las leyes nacionales y las instituciones. La OCDE y el BID están satisfechos de participar en este trabajo como parte de sus esfuerzos para promover un mejor ambiente de negocios para la inversión en los países de América Latina y del Caribe.

  • 26 Nov 2007
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 167

This book captures the legal and practical challenges of mutual legal assistance and extradition, as well as solutions for improvement, discussed during a March 2006 training seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Experts from 26 Asia-Pacific countries and countries party to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention attended this ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific seminar on “Enhancing Asia-Pacific Cooperation on Mutual Legal Assistance, Extradition, and the Recovery and Return of the Proceeds of Corruption”.

La Meta de Desarrollo del Milenio 7 convoca a asegurar la sostenibilidad ambiental mediante la integración de los principios del desarrollo sostenible en las políticas y los programas de los países. La Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica (EAE) es una de las principales herramientas disponibles para lograr esta integración. La Declaración de París sobre la Efectividad de la Ayuda al Desarrollo, acordada y suscrita por más de 100 donantes y países en desarrollo en marzo de 2005, compromete conjuntamente a los donantes y los países socios a "desarrollar y aplicar enfoques comunes para la evaluación estratégica ambiental a nivel de sector y nación".

Esta Guía explica los beneficios de usar la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica en la cooperación para el desarrollo, y presenta los pasos clave para su aplicación, basándose en experiencias recientes. El documento identifica 12 diferentes puntos de ingreso para la aplicación práctica de la EAE en la cooperación para el desarrollo. Para cada punto de ingreso, ofrece una nota guía, una lista de control de preguntas y estudios de caso prácticos. La Guía también aborda la evaluación y el desarrollo de capacidades para los procesos de la EAE.

Aunque la publicación de esta Guía va dirigida ante todo a los profesionales que trabajan en las agencias de desarrollo y los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo, también resultará valiosa para otros analistas de políticas y planificadores.

La Guía contiene un prólogo realizado por Rt, Hon. Hillary Benn, Secretario de Estado para el Desarrollo Internacional del Reino Unido; Kemal Dervis, Administrador, PNUD, y Richard Manning, Presidente del Comité de Asistencia para el Desarrollo (CAD).

El Equipo de Trabajo sobre la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica, responsable de la preparación de esta Guía, recibió el Institutional Award de la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación de Impactos (IAIA, por sus siglas en inglés).

French, Portuguese, English
  • 01 Feb 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 155
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 
  • 04 Feb 2008
  • Richard Manning
  • Pages: 238

The OECD Development Assistance Committee's annual report on international aid.  This year's edition includes an overview by the DAC Chairman reviewing recent trends in aid volume, allocation, and effectiveness.  Special chapters on Effective Aid Management and Aid Effectiveness examine DAC experience in these areas. Individual chapters for each donor country summarise key features of each country's programme including data on total flows, breakdowns by income group, geographical region and sector, and listing of the top ten recipients. Country chapters also include commentary on the donor's commitment to the MDGs, aid effectiveness, and policy coherence. The comprehensive statistical annex provides graphs and tables showing the evolution of aid flows.

German, French
  • 11 Apr 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 558

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups.  It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually.  It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2008. 

  • 25 Jul 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 162

The principal purpose of this Detailed Review Paper (DRP) is to define the basis, objectives and conduct of fish life-cycle tests for the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The main focus is on four species of fish (fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), zebrafish (Danio rerio) and sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus)) because relatively little life-cycle testing has been conducted to date with other species. The DRP also briefly reviews the use of fish life-cycle tests for substances other than EDCs. The paper concludes that although fish full life-cycle tests are generally more sensitive to EDCs than partial life-cycle reproduction tests, it has not yet been demonstrated that two-generation or multi-generation tests with fish offer any further advance in sensitivity (to either EDCs or non-EDCs). The early life-stage test including sexual differentiation is not included in this review as it was identified as a screening tool rather than a definitive test, and is therefore described in the DRP on Fish Screening Assays for Endocrine Active Substance. Furthermore, mechanistic endpoints diagnostic of endocrine action need only be included optionally in life-cycle test protocols, because the primary purpose of these tests is to measure definitive apical (i.e. population-relevant) endpoints for use in risk assessment.

  • 29 Sept 2008
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 639

Deploying Renewables: Principles for Effective Policies examines the key factors that will determine the success of renewable energy policies and how current policies can be improved to encourage greater deployment of renewables. Responding to the Gleneagles G8 call for a clean and secure energy future, it highlights key policy tools to fast-track renewables into the mainstream. This analysis illustrates good practices by applying the combined metrics of effectiveness and efficiency to renewable energy policies in the electricity, heating and transport sectors. It highlights significant barriers to accelerating renewables penetration, and argues that the great potential of renewables can be exploited much more rapidly and to a much larger extent if good practices are adopted.

  • 24 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 290
Ziel des Projekts zur Untersuchung von Ausmaß und Folgen der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie ist es, mehr konkrete Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wie groß das Problem ist. Welche Auswirkungen haben Verletzungen geistiger Eigentumsrechte auf Staat, Unternehmen und Verbraucher in OECD-Ländern wie auch Nicht-OECD-Volkswirtschaften?

Im Rahmen dieser Studie wird eine rigorose Methodik entwickelt und angewendet, um die Inzidenz gefälschter und unerlaubt kopierter Produkte im Welthandel zu schätzen. Diese Methodik kann künftig dazu genutzt werden, die Untersuchung anhand qualitativ und quantitativ besserer Daten zu vertiefen. Die Studie liefert zudem eine Analyse des Markts für gefälschte und unerlaubt kopierte Produkte sowie der Effekte auf verschiedene hiervon betroffene Parteien, angefangen von den Inhabern geistiger Eigentumsrechte bis hin zu Verbrauchern und Staat. Ferner enthält sie eine Reihe detaillierter Momentaufnahmen unterschiedlicher Wirtschaftsbereiche, die aufzeigen, in welcher Art und Weise diese Sektoren von der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie betroffen sind und wie sie hierauf reagieren.

  • 30 Oct 2008
  • OECD, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pages: 57

La primera ley de competencia de El Salvador entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2006. La ley, con algunas enmiendas importantes de 2007, es sólida en la mayoría de los aspectos. Emplea estándares de aplicación que son coherentes con las mejores prácticas en la comunidad de competencia mundial. Provee la nueva agencia de competencia, la Superintendencia de Competencia, con las facultades que necesita para aplicar la ley de forma efectiva. En menos de tres años El Salvador ha tenido un buen, mejor dicho, excelente comienzo. Su experiencia puede servir, de alguna forma al menos, como ejemplo de una manera efectiva de comenzar a implementar una política de competencia...

  • 18 Dec 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156
Development Aid at a Glance is a dynamic and comprehensive publication from the OECD focused on the various aspects of foreign aid. For each continent, it provides 40 tables and graphs covering subjects such as trends in aid by donors and recipients and distribution of aid by sector, accompanied by short texts presenting the main aspects of development aid for each region. It also focuses on efforts in the domains of education, health and water, which relate closely to the Millennium Development Goals.  For each table, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format. 

O conluio entre concorrentes é uma prática ilegal em todos os países da OCDE e pode ser investigada e punida ao abrigo das leis e regras da concorrência. As Diretrizes da OCDE fornecem uma estratégia para a elaboração de propostas para impedir a fraude em licitações e para a detecção de fraude em licitações durante o processo de licitação.

German, Indonesian, Turkish, Spanish, Malay, All
  • 11 Feb 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

Willkommen zu „Die OECD in Zahlen, Ausgabe 2008“, der originellen, einfach zu nutzenden Datenquelle in Taschenbuchformat, die in diesem Jahr zum 20. Mal erscheint. Wie immer enthält auch die diesjährige Ausgabe Schlüsseldaten zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Umwelt in den OECD-Ländern. Die Publikation bietet Vergleichstabellen zum gesamten Arbeitsspektrum der Organisation, von Volkseinkommen und Industrie über Beschäftigung und Forschung bis hin zu Bankwesen und öffentliche Finanzen. Der übliche Abschnitt „OECD in Abbildungen“ erscheint diesmal in der besonderen Form eines Jubiläumsrückblicks auf einige der wichtigsten Trends, die die vergangenen zwanzig Jahre geprägt haben, wie Klimawandel, Migration und Mobilfunkkommunikation.

Die OECD in Zahlen ist eine grundlegende statistische Quelle. Wie alle Daten der OECD wurden auch diese von unseren Experten zusammengestellt und geprüft, so dass die Entscheidungsträger in Politik, Forschung und Wirtschaft wissen, dass sie sich darauf verlassen können.

Spanish, French, English
  • 18 Feb 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 256

This edition of OECD's annual Development Co-operation Report provides key statistics and analysis on the latest trends in international aid. Eckhard Deutscher, who recently took over as Chairman of the Development Assistance Committee, reports back on the Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and the need to step up our efforts to make aid work better for developing countries in this time of economic crisis. The report also addresses fragmentation, a major problem when aid comes in too many small slices from too many directions and - drawing on case studies from number of countries - offers five lessons on how the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness can be used to make the link between development policy and human rights, environmental sustainability and gender equality.


The title of the Development Co-operation Report has traditionally carried the date of the year preceding its publication. We would like to alert readers to the fact that, as of this issue, the title will reflect the actual year of publication. This issue will, therefore, be entitled Development Co-operation Report 2009. Please note that this Report incorporates data submitted to the OECD up to 15 November 2008; these data correspond to flows in 2007.

French, German
This publication, produced every two years, reports on trends in the steelmaking capacity in economies that are not members of the OECD. It examines the current steelmaking capacity of these economies and likely changes projected up to the year 2010.

Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies includes an Appendix containing detailed information by economy, on an economy-by-economy, plant or project basis, as well as on existing capacity and equipment, the starting date of planned projects, works ownership and the information sources used. It also briefly describes the progress of projects, recent changes at existing works, and, where known, the financing of projects.

  • 12 Mar 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 548

This directory provides official information on the mandates, dates of creation and durations of current mandates, composition of member countries and observers, and chairmanship of the OECD Council and its related committees, sub-committees, working groups, expert groups, and ad hoc groups. It includes coverage of the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and is updated annually. It is, in effect, a guide to country participation in the many activities of the OECD for the year 2009. 

  • 23 Jul 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 281

Induced chromosomal and gene mutations cause genetic diseases, birth defects and other disease conditions and play a role in carcinogenesis. While it is widely accepted that in vivo mutation assays are more relevant to the human condition than in vitro assays, our ability to evaluate mutagenesis in vivo in a broad range of tissues has historically been quite limited. The development of transgenic rodent (TGR) mutation models has given us the ability to detect, quantify and sequence mutations in a range of somatic and germ cells. This document provides a comprehensive review of the TGR mutation assay literature and assesses the potential use of these assays in a regulatory context.

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