  • 27 Nov 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 examines trends and analyses emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives. Through comparative evidence, it informs policy makers of regulatory practices and policy options to help maximise the potential of the digital economy as a driver for innovation and inclusive growth.

This third edition of the OECD Digital Economy Outlook provides a holistic overview of converging trends, policy developments and data on both the supply and demand sides of the digital economy. It illustrates how the digital transformation is affecting economies and societies. Finally, it provides a special focus on how the COVID-19 pandemic is amplifying opportunities and challenges from the digital transformation.

  • 16 Nov 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 308

What does teaching look like? What practices are most impactful? By directly observing teaching in the classroom, this study trialled new research methods to shed light on these key questions for raising student outcomes around the world. This report provides a detailed account of classroom management, social and emotional support, and instructional practices in the classrooms of eight countries and economies, drawing upon the observation of lesson videos and instructional materials, the analysis of teacher and student questionnaires, and the measurement of students’ cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes.

  • 26 Oct 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

A Caminho da Era Digital no Brasil analisa os desenvolvimentos recentes na economia digital brasileira, revisa políticas relacionadas à digitalização e faz recomendações para aumentar a coerência das políticas nessa área.

O relatório examina a disponibilidade e a qualidade das redes e serviços de comunicação no Brasil, bem como políticas e regulamentos relacionados. A Revisão também analisa as tendências no uso da tecnologia digital entre indivíduos, empresas e o governo, e examina políticas para promover sua difusão. Ela discute os esforços para aumentar a confiança na economia digital, com foco na segurança digital, privacidade e proteção do consumidor. Ela também analisa políticas para promover a inovação digital e examina as implicações políticas dos modelos de negócios emergentes em setores-chave.

O relatório reconsidera essas políticas em relação à sua coerência entre diferentes domínios, e fornece recomendações para promover sinergias entre ministérios, níveis e instituições do governo, com base no Marco de Políticas Integradas “A Caminho da Era Digital” da OCDE.

Esta publicação é a tradução de Going Digital in Brazil, parte da série OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation, publicada apenas em inglês.


Connectivity is the backbone of the digital transformation, and as such, policies and regulatory measures that foster access to high-quality communication services at competitive prices are key. This review provides a comprehensive examination of Brazil’s communication and broadcasting sectors, highlighting areas for regulatory and policy reform that can help ensure a successful and inclusive digital transformation. It analyses market performance of the communication and broadcasting sectors, as well as underlying policies and regulations. Based on its findings, the report recommends actions in five key areas: improving the policy and regulatory framework; overhauling the taxation, fees and tariff framework; improving market conditions; fostering competition in communication and broadcasting markets; and strengthening national policies and evidence-based policy making. These areas should be addressed simultaneously, in order to ensure a holistic approach to reform.


A conectividade é a espinha dorsal da transformação digital e, como tal, são fundamentais políticas e medidas regulatórias que promovam o acesso a serviços de comunicação de alta qualidade a preços competitivos. Esta avaliação fornece um exame abrangente dos setores de comunicações e radiodifusão do Brasil, destacando áreas para reforma regulatória e de política pública com vistas a garantir uma transformação digital bem-sucedida e inclusiva no país. Analisa-se também o desempenho dos mercados de comunicação e radiodifusão, assim como suas políticas e regulamentações subjacentes. Com base nesta avaliação, são apresentadas recomendações em cinco áreas-chave: melhorar os arcabouços legal e regulatório; reformar a estrutura de tributos e taxas; melhorar as condições de mercado; promover a concorrência nos mercados da comunicação e da radiodifusão; e fortalecer as políticas públicas e sua elaboração baseada em evidências empíricas. Essas áreas devem ser tratadas simultaneamente para uma abordagem integrada da reforma.

  • 26 Oct 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

Going Digital in Brazil analyses recent developments in Brazil’s digital economy, reviews policies related to digitalisation and makes recommendations to increase policy coherence in this area.

The report examines the availability and quality of communication networks and services in Brazil, as well as related policies and regulations. It also reviews trends in digital technology usage among individuals, businesses and the government, and examines policies to foster diffusion. It discusses efforts to enhance trust in the digital economy, focusing on digital security, privacy and consumer protection. It also reviews policies to promote digital innovation and examines the policy implications of emerging business models in key sectors.

The report reconsiders these policies in relation to their coherence across different domains and provides recommendations to foster synergies across government ministries, levels and institutions, based on the OECD Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework.

  • 16 Jul 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 179

1950 stellte Alan Turing erstmals die Frage, ob Maschinen denken können. Seitdem wurden im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) gewaltige Fortschritte erzielt. Heute verändert KI Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. KI ermöglicht Produktivitätssteigerungen, kann die Lebensqualität erhöhen und sogar bei der Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit und Gesundheitskrisen helfen. Mit der weltweiten Einführung von KI-Anwendungen wachsen aber auch die Bedenken, die ihre Nutzung aufwirft, u. a. in Bezug auf menschliche Werte und Fragen wie Fairness, menschliche Entscheidungsfreiheit, Datenschutz, Sicherheit und Haftung. Dieser Bericht soll helfen, ein gemeinsames Verständnis von künstlicher Intelligenz aktuell und für die nahe Zukunft zu entwickeln. Dazu beschreibt er technische, wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen, geht auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle ein und befasst sich mit grundlegenden Fragen der Politikgestaltung. Zudem soll er für mehr Kohärenz in den Diskussionen sorgen, die in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Foren zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz geführt werden.

Korean, French, English

Digitalisation is transforming the world of work and societies, and creating opportunities to learn and develop skills in new ways, times and places. The adoption and use of digital technologies can help Latin American countries close the skills gap with more advanced economies. Making the Most of Technology for Learning and Training in Latin America demonstrates how Latin American countries can realise the potential of new technologies for skills development in schools and all stages of life. It identifies barriers to accessing ICT infrastructure and connectivity limitations in Latin America, and provides recommendations on how they can be overcome to ensure that all students and citizens can benefit from new technologies for learning. The report explores the relationship between technology use in initial education and students’ performance in Latin America, and how policies can best support teachers as digital tools enter their classrooms. Digitalisation provides new opportunities for lifelong learning and this report examines the potential of open education and MOOCs in reaching those adults who are most in need of training in Latin American countries.

  • 24 Jun 2020
  • Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Carlos González-Sancho, Mathias Bouckaert, Federico de Luca, Meritxell Fernández-Barrerra, Gwénaël Jacotin, Joaquin Urgel, Quentin Vidal
  • Pages: 402

La créativité et l’esprit critique sont des compétences essentielles dans des sociétés et des économies complexes, mondialisées et de plus en plus numériques. Si les enseignants et les dirigeants politiques considèrent la créativité et l’esprit critique comme des objectifs importants de l’enseignements, beaucoup éprouvent des difficultés à concevoir comment développer ces compétences dans le cadre scolaire. Afin de rendre les choses plus visibles et tangibles pour les professionnels, l’OCDE a travaillé avec des réseaux d’écoles et d’enseignants dans 11 pays pour développer et tester un ensemble de ressources pédagogiques qui illustrent l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et la progression de la créativité et de l’esprit critique dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire. Grâce à un portfolio de référentiels de compétences et d’exemples de plans de cours, les enseignants sur le terrain ont fait part de leur retour d’expérience, mis en place les stratégies d’enseignement proposées et rendu compte de leur travail. Des instruments de suivi de l’efficacité de l’expérience pour une étude de validation ont aussi été testés, y compris un retour qualitatif sur le terrain fourni par les coordinateurs d’équipe.

Quels sont les composantes principales de la créativité et de l’esprit critique ? Quelles stratégies et approches pédagogiques peuvent adopter les enseignants pour les développer ? Comment les chefs d’établissement peuvent-ils soutenir la formation professionnelle des enseignants ? Dans quelle mesure les enseignants ayant participé au projet ont-ils changé leurs méthodes d’enseignement ? Comment peut-on savoir si cela fonctionne et pour qui ? Ce sont certaines des questions abordées dans cet ouvrage, qui présente les résultats et les leçons de ce projet international.


L'OCDE s'efforce de trouver des solutions fondées sur des données probantes à toute une série de défis sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, en promouvant "Des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure". La propagation mondiale du coronavirus en 2020 a rendu l'engagement au service de cet objectif d'autant plus pertinent. Cette édition du Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE aux ministres présente les principales réalisations de l'OCDE en 2019. Elle décrit les travaux de l'OCDE sur l'économie, l'emploi, l'éducation, la santé, les inégalités, l'environnement, la fiscalité et bien d’autres domaines, dans le contexte d’un monde en rapide évolution. Ce rapport présente également les activités du Secrétaire général et de son bureau, ainsi que celles des directions, agences, entités spéciales et comités consultatifs de l'OCDE.

L’OCDE constitue au niveau mondial l’une des sources les plus importantes et les plus fiables de recherche et de données statistiques comparables. C’est aussi un forum et un pôle de connaissances sans équivalent pour l’échange d’expériences, le partage de bonnes pratiques et la formulation de conseils sur les politiques publiques et l’élaboration de normes de référence au niveau mondial. Cette année marquera le 60e anniversaire de l’Organisation : ce sera l'occasion de nous retourner sur le passé et d’élaborer une vision pour l'avenir. Plus que jamais, nous avons besoin de politiques fondées sur des données probantes pour construire des sociétés et des économies qui soient plus résilientes, plus inclusives et plus durables.

  • 23 Jun 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The OECD works on finding evidence-based solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges, promoting “Better Policies for Better Lives”. The global spread of coronavirus in 2020 has made the commitment to this motto all the more relevant. This edition of the OECD Secretary-General's Report to Ministers outlines the main achievements of the OECD in 2019. It describes the OECD’s work on economics, employment, education, health, inequalities, the environment, tax and many other fields in the context of a rapidly changing world. It includes the activities of the Secretary-General and his office, as well as those of OECD directorates, agencies, special entities and advisory committees.

The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most trusted sources of comparable statistical data and research. It is also a unique forum and knowledge hub for exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and global standard-setting. This year will mark the 60th anniversary of the Organisation, and this will be the opportunity to reflect on the past, and develop a vision for the future. More than ever, we need evidence-based policies geared towards building societies and economies that are more resilient, inclusive and sustainable.


Digitale Technologien und Daten verändern unser Lebensumfeld. Menschen, Unternehmen und staatliche Stellen agieren, kommunizieren und operieren heute anders als in der Vergangenheit – und diese Veränderungen beschleunigen sich zusehends. Wie können wir das gewaltige Potenzial ausschöpfen, das digitale Technologien und Daten zur Steigerung von Wachstum und Lebensqualität in einer sich rasch wandelnden Welt bieten? Dieser Bericht soll Antworten auf diese Frage liefern. Er geht auf sieben Aspekte ein, bei denen die Regierungen – zusammen mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, Unternehmen und anderen betroffenen Akteuren – ansetzen können, um den digitalen Wandel zu gestalten und das Leben zu verbessern. In jedem dieser Bereiche zeigt der Bericht Chancen, Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen auf. Außerdem liefert er neue Erkenntnisse, Daten und Analysen sowie Empfehlungen für eine bessere Politik im digitalen Zeitalter.

English, French

In increasingly knowledge-based societies and economies, data are a key resource. Enhanced access to publicly funded data enables research and innovation, and has far-reaching effects on resource efficiency, productivity and competitiveness, creating benefits for society at large. Yet these benefits must also be balanced against associated risks to privacy, intellectual property, national security and the public interest.

This report presents current policy practice to promote access to publicly funded data for science, technology and innovation, as well as policy challenges for the future. It examines national policies and international initiatives, and identifies seven issues that require policy attention.

  • 27 Apr 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 250

This publication presents the findings of the OECD review of SME and entrepreneurship policy in Brazil. SMEs play an important role for economic growth and social inclusion in Brazil, accounting for 62% of total employment and 50% of national value added. However, productivity gaps between SMEs and large companies are wider in Brazil than in the OECD area, which is also the result of low innovation and export propensity among Brazilian SMEs. Business ownership and business creation are common, but growth-oriented entrepreneurship is much less widespread.

Brazil’s SME policy is enshrined in the 1988 Federal Constitution, which grants to micro and small enterprises a preferential treatment in different policy areas (e.g. tax and labour law). Brazilian SME policies are, therefore, mostly aimed at this constituency, whereas mid-sized firms are largely missing in the national policy debate. Simples Nacional, a preferential tax and regulatory regime, is the main federal SME policy, but Brazil also operates a large number of targeted programmes for SMEs. This report provides policy recommendations to enhance Brazil’s SME and entrepreneurship performance, covering, among others, innovation policy, export support, access to finance, and women’s entrepreneurship.

  • 02 Mar 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Les gouvernements du XXIe siècle doivent suivre l'évolution des attentes de leurs citoyens et tenir les promesses de l'ère numérique. Les approches basées sur les données sont particulièrement efficaces pour répondre à ces attentes et repenser la manière dont les gouvernements et les citoyens interagissent. Ce rapport souligne le rôle important que les données peuvent jouer dans la création de conditions améliorant les services publics, augmentant l'efficacité des dépenses publiques et éclairant les considérations éthiques et de confidentialité. Il présente un cadre du secteur public fondé sur les données pouvant aider les pays ou les organisations à évaluer les éléments nécessaires à l'utilisation des données afin de prendre des décisions mieux informées dans tous les secteurs publics.

  • 27 Feb 2020
  • OECD, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
  • Pages: 173

We live in a period of profound systemic change, and as in similar periods in the past, there is bound to be considerable instability and uncertainty before the new society and economy take shape. We have to identify actions that will shape change for the better, and help to build resilience to the inevitable shocks inherent in, and generated by, the complex system of systems constituted by the economy, society and the environment. These challenges require updating the way policies are devised and implemented, and developing more realistic tools and techniques to design those policies on the basis of appropriate data. In Systemic Thinking for Policy Making world experts from the OECD and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) pool their expertise and experience to propose new approaches to analysing the interconnected trends and issues shaping today’s and tomorrow’s world. The authors argue that to tackle planetary emergencies linked to the environment, the economy and socio-political systems, we have to understand their systemic properties, such as tipping points, interconnectedness and resilience. They give the reader a precise introduction to the tools and techniques needed to do so, and offer hope that we can overcome the challenges the world is facing.

This report examines digitalisation’s effects on science, technology and innovation and the associated consequences for policy. In varied and far-reaching ways, digital technologies are changing how scientists work, collaborate and publish. While examining these developments, this book also assesses the effects of digitalisation on longstanding policy themes, from access to publicly funded research data, to the diffusion of technology and its absorption by firms. New and emerging topics are also explored. These include the roles of artificial intelligence and blockchain in science and production, using digital technology to draw on the collective intelligence of the scientific community, advances in the digitalisation of biotechnology, and possible "dark sides" of digitalisation.

Digital Government in Mexico discusses and assesses the efforts of the Mexican Government to build a stronger system of digital government under the Coordination of the National Digital Strategy of the Office of the President. It presents the key policy actions, achievements and co-ordination challenges, and looks at how policy objectives are implemented. The study examines the main initiatives for promoting digital inclusion, reinforcing public sector capacity, and achieving efficient public service design and delivery. This report also assesses the state of data governance, open government data and its strategic use, and the sharing of public sector data both within and beyond the public sector.

Qu'est-ce que l'innovation et comment s'y prendre pour la mesurer ? Comprendre l'échelle des activités d'innovation, les caractéristiques des entreprises innovantes, ainsi que les facteurs internes et systémiques en jeu est une condition préalable essentielle à la mise en œuvre et l'analyse des politiques destinées à stimuler l'innovation. Paru pour la première fois en 1992, le Manuel d'Oslo s'est imposé comme une référence internationale pour la collecte et l'utilisation des données sur l'innovation. Pour cette quatrième édition, le manuel a été étoffé afin de couvrir un éventail plus large de phénomènes liés à l'innovation et de tenir compte de l'expérience acquise au fil des cycles récents des enquêtes connexes réalisées dans les pays de l'OCDE, dans les économies partenaires et par d'autres organisations.

Lithuanian, German, English

Cette édition 2019 de la publication Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie présente les dépenses de R-D ventilés par secteur secondaire et tertiaire. Les statistiques sont libellées en dollars des É-U courants et constants et portent sur 31 pays de l’OCDE et quatre économies non membres. La couverture d'ANBERD inclut plusieurs secteurs, couvrant notamment de nombreux secteurs de services. Les données sont déclarées selon la classification CITI révision 4. Cette publication est une source unique de données détaillées sur la R-D industrielle comparables au niveau international, ce qui en fait un outil irremplaçable pour l'analyse et la recherche économiques.

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